sculpture project basic stamp and leds
i am a sculpture grad student and basically know very little about
electronics. what I am trying to do is have 20-40 leds turn on and
off in succession as if you were driving down a road and the
streetlamps turned on as your car approcahed and turned off as you
went away, and then the next one would turn on, off and so on. Is
there a way to do this through a basic stamp computer...or another
simple means? what should i be looking for? i need these leds to
light up for a second or two, and then turn off, and then the next
one turns a sort of timer is what i think i need. any help
would be greatly appreciated. email me at markmcleod50@h.... of the project will be emailed to anyone who
offers any advice.
electronics. what I am trying to do is have 20-40 leds turn on and
off in succession as if you were driving down a road and the
streetlamps turned on as your car approcahed and turned off as you
went away, and then the next one would turn on, off and so on. Is
there a way to do this through a basic stamp computer...or another
simple means? what should i be looking for? i need these leds to
light up for a second or two, and then turn off, and then the next
one turns a sort of timer is what i think i need. any help
would be greatly appreciated. email me at markmcleod50@h.... of the project will be emailed to anyone who
offers any advice.
leds, and 40 resistors. You should be able to to this for less than $100,
more like $75.
As you mentioned you are a beginner, the Basic Stamp is going to be the
easiest route. This group will give you ALL the help you need.
Do you already know the pattern you want for the LEDs to blink? Wiring up the
Stamp to the 74hc595s and the code will be very simple.
If you indeed want to go forward, start thinking about how you want the LEDs
to light. I (we) can give you the code to get started, and believe it or not,
you will be able to then customize the code for the LEDs to do what you want.
Once you have the base code, the concept of how to change the LED light up
pattern will be easy.
i am a sculpture grad student and basically know very little about
electronics. what I am trying to do is have 20-40 leds turn on and
off in succession as if you were driving down a road and the
streetlamps turned on as your car approcahed and turned off as you
went away, and then the next one would turn on, off and so on. Is
there a way to do this through a basic stamp computer...or another
simple means? what should i be looking for? i need these leds to
light up for a second or two, and then turn off, and then the next
one turns a sort of timer is what i think i need. any help
would be greatly appreciated. email me at markmcleod50@h.... of the project will be emailed to anyone who
offers any advice.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
internal i guess there is a way around this through code?
what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so maybe
by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
forum...thanks for your help
--- In, smartdim@a... wrote:
> Your project is easily completed with a Basic Stamp2, 5 74hc595's
and your 40
> leds, and 40 resistors. You should be able to to this for less
than $100,
> more like $75.
> As you mentioned you are a beginner, the Basic Stamp is going to
be the
> easiest route. This group will give you ALL the help you need.
> Do you already know the pattern you want for the LEDs to blink?
Wiring up the
> Stamp to the 74hc595s and the code will be very simple.
> If you indeed want to go forward, start thinking about how you
want the LEDs
> to light. I (we) can give you the code to get started, and believe
it or not,
> you will be able to then customize the code for the LEDs to do
what you want.
> Once you have the base code, the concept of how to change the LED
light up
> pattern will be easy.
> ken
> i am a sculpture grad student and basically know very little about
> electronics. what I am trying to do is have 20-40 leds turn on and
> off in succession as if you were driving down a road and the
> streetlamps turned on as your car approcahed and turned off as you
> went away, and then the next one would turn on, off and so on. Is
> there a way to do this through a basic stamp computer...or another
> simple means? what should i be looking for? i need these leds to
> light up for a second or two, and then turn off, and then the next
> one turns a sort of timer is what i think i need. any help
> would be greatly appreciated. email me at markmcleod50@h...
> of the project will be emailed to anyone who
> offers any advice.
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
what you are trying to do should be incredibly easy, and it should
still leave you room to make tweakings like to timing or other things.
--- In, "sponsitility" <markmcleod50@y...>
> i am a sculpture grad student and basically know very little about
> electronics. what I am trying to do is have 20-40 leds turn on and
> off in succession as if you were driving down a road and the
> streetlamps turned on as your car approcahed and turned off as you
> went away, and then the next one would turn on, off and so on.
acurate" but will be more than acurate enough for your application....
For example if you want to turn on an LED, then wait 5 seconds, then turn it
off, the code is as easy as this (without going into detail at this time on
how the LED is wired).
Low 8
pause 5000
High 8
Thats it, led on for 5 seconds.
Regarding the 74hc595. It is used to increase the number of Stamp output
pins. It is a called a serial shift register. You can use it with the basic
and the stamps command SEROUT (serial out) to expand the 16 output pins of the
stamp to almost any number of outputs.....
So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the 74hc595 you can
control your 40 leds.
You WILL NOT find an easeir microcontroller to program and use, and you WILL
NOT find a forum that gives better support, nor will you be able to find a
company that has documentation that is as good as Parallax.
What I am trying to say is that if you know little to nothing about
microprocessors and electronics, this is the forum and the Basic Stamp is the
for you.
I was looking at and read that the basic stamp has no
internal i guess there is a way around this through code?
what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so maybe
by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
forum...thanks for your help
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'd have to check my reasonably extensive collection of data books to
be sure, but if I remember correctly the 74HC595 is the high speed
CMOS version of the 74LS595 parallel out shift register. (And double
checking my memory with that of the TI data book for 1987 I have here,
it is.) Incidentally I normally specify TI, or Fairchild for all of my
circuits, it drives the distributors slightly crazy, but those are the
top brands.
You want that one, because it is a serial in, parallel out device,
which happens to have tri-state outputs. Perfect for the Stamp. As for
code to manage it, that's someone else's problem. I'm not fluent in
the Stamp's basic dialect. If you've got any other questions, please
don't hesitate to ask us.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."· Obi-Wan Kenobi
Original Message
> From: sponsitility [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]markmcleod50@y...[/url
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 7:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: sculpture project basic stamp and leds
> I was looking at and read that the basic stamp has no
> internal i guess there is a way around this through code?
> what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so maybe
> by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
> forum...thanks for your help
> --- In, smartdim@a... wrote:
> > Your project is easily completed with a Basic Stamp2, 5 74hc595's
> and your 40
> > leds, and 40 resistors. You should be able to to this for less
> than $100,
> > more like $75.
> >
> > As you mentioned you are a beginner, the Basic Stamp is going to
> be the
> > easiest route. This group will give you ALL the help you need.
> >
> > Do you already know the pattern you want for the LEDs to blink?
> Wiring up the
> > Stamp to the 74hc595s and the code will be very simple.
> >
> > If you indeed want to go forward, start thinking about how you
> want the LEDs
> > to light. I (we) can give you the code to get started, and believe
> it or not,
> > you will be able to then customize the code for the LEDs to do
> what you want.
> > Once you have the base code, the concept of how to change the LED
> light up
> > pattern will be easy.
> >
> > ken
> >
> >
> > i am a sculpture grad student and basically know very little about
> > electronics. what I am trying to do is have 20-40 leds turn on and
> > off in succession as if you were driving down a road and the
> > streetlamps turned on as your car approcahed and turned off as you
> > went away, and then the next one would turn on, off and so on. Is
> > there a way to do this through a basic stamp computer...or another
> > simple means? what should i be looking for? i need these leds to
> > light up for a second or two, and then turn off, and then the next
> > one turns a sort of timer is what i think i need. any help
> > would be greatly appreciated. email me at markmcleod50@h...
> > of the project will be emailed to anyone who
> > offers any advice.
Parallax web-sight. As the Parallax code and schematic implements only two
'595s, that gives you 16 outputs using three stamp pins.
Expanding to 40 outputs (using 5 '595s) is a simple matter.
As for
code to manage it, that's someone else's problem. I'm not fluent in
the Stamp's basic dialect. If you've got any other questions, please
don't hesitate to ask us.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>Well, it does have a timer of sorts......The timing it does is not "super
>acurate" but will be more than acurate enough for your application....
>For example if you want to turn on an LED, then wait 5 seconds, then turn it
>off, the code is as easy as this (without going into detail at this time on
>how the LED is wired).
>Low 8
>pause 5000
>High 8
>Thats it, led on for 5 seconds.
>Regarding the 74hc595. It is used to increase the number of Stamp output
>pins. It is a called a serial shift register. You can use it with the basic
>and the stamps command SEROUT (serial out) to expand the 16 output pins of the
>stamp to almost any number of outputs.....
>So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the 74hc595 you can
>control your 40 leds.
Make that the SHIFTOUT command for driving the 74HC595.
While there is talk of LED's and the 74c595.
When you are using the 74c594 to control led's do you still need a
On Monday, March 22, 2004, at 02:39 PM, smartdim@a... wrote:
> Well, it does have a timer of sorts......The timing it does is not
> "super
> acurate" but will be more than acurate enough for your application....
> For example if you want to turn on an LED, then wait 5 seconds, then
> turn it
> off, the code is as easy as this (without going into detail at this
> time on
> how the LED is wired).
> Low 8
> pause 5000
> High 8
> Thats it, led on for 5 seconds.
> Regarding the 74hc595. It is used to increase the number of Stamp
> output
> pins. It is a called a serial shift register. You can use it with the
> basic stamp
> and the stamps command SEROUT (serial out) to expand the 16 output
> pins of the
> stamp to almost any number of outputs.....
> So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the 74hc595
> you can
> control your 40 leds.
> You WILL NOT find an easeir microcontroller to program and use, and
> you WILL
> NOT find a forum that gives better support, nor will you be able to
> find a
> company that has documentation that is as good as Parallax.
> What I am trying to say is that if you know little to nothing about
> microprocessors and electronics, this is the forum and the Basic Stamp
> is the device
> for you.
> ken
> I was looking at and read that the basic stamp has no
> internal i guess there is a way around this through code?
> what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so maybe
> by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
> forum...thanks for your help
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject
> and Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> While there is talk of LED's and the 74c595.
>When you are using the 74c594 to control led's do you still need a
Robin -
Since the purpose of the resistor is to limit the current flow through the LED,
that requirement hasn't changed. So, yes, a resistor IS required. IF (and I
repeat IF) only one of the eight possible LEDs was EVER going to be lit, then
you could get away with just one resistor on the feed side of the circuit.
With resistors as cheap as they are, and the limitation of the usefulness of
such a scheme (above), it might almost be better to include the resistors, in
case your requirements change in the future. Since this is an art project, I'd
be tempted to always include them, due to the inherently flexible nature of
opto-kinetic art.
Just as a side-note, there are LEDs available with an integrated resistor.
Needless to say they are a bit more expensive than those without one.
Bruce Bates
>On Monday, March 22, 2004, at 02:39 PM, smartdim@a... wrote:
>> Well, it does have a timer of sorts......The timing it does is not
>> "super
>> acurate" but will be more than acurate enough for your application....
>> For example if you want to turn on an LED, then wait 5 seconds, then
>> turn it
>> off, the code is as easy as this (without going into detail at this
>> time on
>> how the LED is wired).
>> Low 8
>> pause 5000
>> High 8
>> Thats it, led on for 5 seconds.
>> Regarding the 74hc595. It is used to increase the number of Stamp
>> output
>> pins. It is a called a serial shift register. You can use it with the
>> basic stamp
>> and the stamps command SEROUT (serial out) to expand the 16 output
>> pins of the
>> stamp to almost any number of outputs.....
>> So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the 74hc595
>> you can
>> control your 40 leds.
>> You WILL NOT find an easeir microcontroller to program and use, and
>> you WILL
>> NOT find a forum that gives better support, nor will you be able to
>> find a
>> company that has documentation that is as good as Parallax.
>> What I am trying to say is that if you know little to nothing about
>> microprocessors and electronics, this is the forum and the Basic Stamp
>> is the device
>> for you.
>> ken
>> I was looking at and read that the basic stamp has no
>> internal i guess there is a way around this through code?
>> what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so maybe
>> by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
>> forum...thanks for your help
>> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
>> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject
>> and Body of the message will be ignored.
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
>from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body
of the message will be ignored.
>Yahoo! Groups Links
the 74hc595's and NOT SEROUT as I incorrectly stated.
So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the 74hc595 you can
>control your 40 leds.
Make that the SHIFTOUT command for driving the 74HC595.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Yes indeed, my bad!!! As Bruce pointed out you will use SHIFTOUT
to contol
> the 74hc595's and NOT SEROUT as I incorrectly stated.
> So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the
Better make that FIVE 74HC595's ! each can do 8 LED's
circuit -- this limits the current through
the LED so it does not burn out.
--- In, Robin Petterd <robin@o...> wrote:
> Hi,
> While there is talk of LED's and the 74c595.
> When you are using the 74c594 to control led's do you still need a
> resistor?
> Cheers
> Robin
> On Monday, March 22, 2004, at 02:39 PM, smartdim@a... wrote:
> > Well, it does have a timer of sorts......The timing it does is
> > "super
> > acurate" but will be more than acurate enough for your
> >
> > For example if you want to turn on an LED, then wait 5 seconds,
> > turn it
> > off, the code is as easy as this (without going into detail at
> > time on
> > how the LED is wired).
> >
> > Low 8
> > pause 5000
> > High 8
> >
> > Thats it, led on for 5 seconds.
> >
> > Regarding the 74hc595. It is used to increase the number of Stamp
> > output
> > pins. It is a called a serial shift register. You can use it with
> > basic stamp
> > and the stamps command SEROUT (serial out) to expand the 16
> > pins of the
> > stamp to almost any number of outputs.....
> >
> > So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the
> > you can
> > control your 40 leds.
> >
> > You WILL NOT find an easeir microcontroller to program and use,
> > you WILL
> > NOT find a forum that gives better support, nor will you be able
> > find a
> > company that has documentation that is as good as Parallax.
> >
> > What I am trying to say is that if you know little to nothing
> > microprocessors and electronics, this is the forum and the Basic
> > is the device
> > for you.
> >
> > ken
> >
> >
> > I was looking at and read that the basic stamp has no
> > internal i guess there is a way around this through
> > what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so maybe
> > by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
> > forum...thanks for your help
> >
> >
> > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> >
> > from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the
> > and Body of the message will be ignored.
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
Original Message
From: "Dave Mucha" <davemucha@j...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 3:02 PM
Subject: SV: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: sculpture project basic stamp and leds
> --- In, "Trygve Henriksen"
> <trygve.henriksen@v...> wrote:
> > Greetings!
> >
> > Why not a MAX7219?
> > (The .PDF can be found somewhere on )
> >
> > It can handle up to 64 leds, and only needs ONE resistor...
> > (I'm waiting on 3 of these beasties to experiment with myself :-)
> >
> > :-)
> > Trygve
> 2 reasons.
> $10.00 from Digi-key
> 2 week lead time from Maxim for free sample.
> 74HC595 from Digi-key is 50 cents or $2.50 for the 5, or 39 cents
> each from Glitchbuster.
> But, I like the chip and the idea of a LOT of opportunity !
> Dave
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Yes, they do. They provide small amounts of parts, in that fashion. In
fact 95% of all of my parts collection made by them came here that
way. There might be a small delay in shipping the parts to you, but
that's it. They've got an 800# that's connected to their samples desk,
call that, and ask. Although it might not work for your neck of the
woods. The website, despite the fact that it behaves strangely, will
work. The 14 day lead time, is only dependent upon where the part is
coming from. If they have it in their warehouse, more like a three to
five day lead time, allowing for shipping. If you've already
established an account with the shipping services, that will speed
things along.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."· Obi-Wan Kenobi
Original Message
> From: SB [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]steve.brady@r...[/url
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 8:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: sculpture project basic stamp and
> MAXIM gives free samples?!?!
Original Message
> From: "Dave Mucha" <davemucha@j...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 3:02 PM
> Subject: SV: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: sculpture project basic stamp and
> > --- In, "Trygve Henriksen"
> > <trygve.henriksen@v...> wrote:
> > > Greetings!
> > >
> > > Why not a MAX7219?
> > > (The .PDF can be found somewhere on )
> > >
> > > It can handle up to 64 leds, and only needs ONE resistor...
> > > (I'm waiting on 3 of these beasties to experiment with myself
> > >
> > > :-)
> > > Trygve
> >
> >
> > 2 reasons.
> >
> > $10.00 from Digi-key
> >
> > 2 week lead time from Maxim for free sample.
> >
> > 74HC595 from Digi-key is 50 cents or $2.50 for the 5, or 39 cents
> > each from Glitchbuster.
> >
> > But, I like the chip and the idea of a LOT of opportunity !
> >
> > Dave
steve.brady@r... writes:
MAXIM gives free samples?!?!
Yes, maxim gives free samples. If you go to there web sight, select a
product, if they offer samples for the product, you will be offered the option
to add
a free sample to your cart.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
actually have a class here at syracuse that teaches those types of
processor usage in the art world...and guess what else we have
laying around...a basic stamp intro kit that has never been
used...i'll get that thursday and let you guys know what problems i
run into, if any. ha.
--- In, "Gregg C Levine"
<hansolofalcon@w...> wrote:
> Hello from Gregg C Levine
> Yes, they do. They provide small amounts of parts, in that
fashion. In
> fact 95% of all of my parts collection made by them came here that
> way. There might be a small delay in shipping the parts to you, but
> that's it. They've got an 800# that's connected to their samples
> call that, and ask. Although it might not work for your neck of the
> woods. The website, despite the fact that it behaves strangely,
> work. The 14 day lead time, is only dependent upon where the part
> coming from. If they have it in their warehouse, more like a three
> five day lead time, allowing for shipping. If you've already
> established an account with the shipping services, that will speed
> things along.
> Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
> "The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
> "Use the Force, Luke."· Obi-Wan Kenobi
> >
Original Message
> > From: SB [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:steve.brady@r...]
> > Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 8:18 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: sculpture project basic stamp and
> leds
> >
> > MAXIM gives free samples?!?!
> >
> >
> >
Original Message
> > From: "Dave Mucha" <davemucha@j...>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 3:02 PM
> > Subject: SV: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: sculpture project basic stamp and
> leds
> >
> >
> > > --- In, "Trygve Henriksen"
> > > <trygve.henriksen@v...> wrote:
> > > > Greetings!
> > > >
> > > > Why not a MAX7219?
> > > > (The .PDF can be found somewhere on )
> > > >
> > > > It can handle up to 64 leds, and only needs ONE resistor...
> > > > (I'm waiting on 3 of these beasties to experiment with myself
> :-)
> > > >
> > > > :-)
> > > > Trygve
> > >
> > >
> > > 2 reasons.
> > >
> > > $10.00 from Digi-key
> > >
> > > 2 week lead time from Maxim for free sample.
> > >
> > > 74HC595 from Digi-key is 50 cents or $2.50 for the 5, or 39
> > > each from Glitchbuster.
> > >
> > > But, I like the chip and the idea of a LOT of opportunity !
> > >
> > > Dave
using the 74hc595 to expand the number of outputs. If you have trouble expanding
outputs further (for 40 LEDS) dont hesitate to write back
a basic stamp intro kit that has never been
used...i'll get that thursday and let you guys know what problems i
run into, if any. ha.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
for getting more i/o's, but in a pdf/diagram i looked up on it, it
appears as if i would have to solder the three pins to the there a way to use multiple breadboards so i don't have
to solder anything? and when i unplug the stamp from power and
serial connection to the will still keep the basic
codes i have written to it right? thanks for the help mark.
--- In, smartdim@a... wrote:
> Well, it does have a timer of sorts......The timing it does is
not "super
> acurate" but will be more than acurate enough for your
> For example if you want to turn on an LED, then wait 5 seconds,
then turn it
> off, the code is as easy as this (without going into detail at
this time on
> how the LED is wired).
> Low 8
> pause 5000
> High 8
> Thats it, led on for 5 seconds.
> Regarding the 74hc595. It is used to increase the number of Stamp
> pins. It is a called a serial shift register. You can use it with
the basic stamp
> and the stamps command SEROUT (serial out) to expand the 16 output
pins of the
> stamp to almost any number of outputs.....
> So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the
74hc595 you can
> control your 40 leds.
> You WILL NOT find an easeir microcontroller to program and use,
and you WILL
> NOT find a forum that gives better support, nor will you be able
to find a
> company that has documentation that is as good as Parallax.
> What I am trying to say is that if you know little to nothing
> microprocessors and electronics, this is the forum and the Basic
Stamp is the device
> for you.
> ken
> I was looking at and read that the basic stamp has no
> internal i guess there is a way around this through
> what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so maybe
> by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
> forum...thanks for your help
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
markmcleod50@y... writes:
in the follwing post, a 74hc595 serial shift register was suggested
for getting more i/o's, but in a pdf/diagram i looked up on it, it
appears as if i would have to solder the three pins to the there a way to use multiple breadboards so i don't have
to solder anything?
What stamp board do you have? You do not have to solder connections to the
stamp. Depending on what board your stamp is on, you can use wire jumpers to
between the stamp and the other bread boards. It might be necessary to add a 10
to 50 uF capacitor between the vdd and vss terminals of the subsequent '595s
if the distance between the stamp and the '595s is more than 1 to 2 feet. MIGHT
be needed.
and when i unplug the stamp from power and
serial connection to the will still keep the basic
codes i have written to it right? thanks for the help mark.
You are correct, once you unplug the stamp, the code you wrote is not lost.
The code will be there when you again apply power to the stamp
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
an on-module eeprom -- it holds its memory through
power-outages, and on power-up starts executing
your program again.
And yes, you can easily use multiple breadboards
so you don't have to solder.
--- In, "sponsitility"
<markmcleod50@y...> wrote:
> in the follwing post, a 74hc595 serial shift register was suggested
> for getting more i/o's, but in a pdf/diagram i looked up on it, it
> appears as if i would have to solder the three pins to the
> there a way to use multiple breadboards so i don't have
> to solder anything? and when i unplug the stamp from power and
> serial connection to the will still keep the basic
> codes i have written to it right? thanks for the help mark.
> --- In, smartdim@a... wrote:
> > Well, it does have a timer of sorts......The timing it does is
> not "super
> > acurate" but will be more than acurate enough for your
> application....
> >
> > For example if you want to turn on an LED, then wait 5 seconds,
> then turn it
> > off, the code is as easy as this (without going into detail at
> this time on
> > how the LED is wired).
> >
> > Low 8
> > pause 5000
> > High 8
> >
> > Thats it, led on for 5 seconds.
> >
> > Regarding the 74hc595. It is used to increase the number of Stamp
> output
> > pins. It is a called a serial shift register. You can use it with
> the basic stamp
> > and the stamps command SEROUT (serial out) to expand the 16
> pins of the
> > stamp to almost any number of outputs.....
> >
> > So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the
> 74hc595 you can
> > control your 40 leds.
> >
> > You WILL NOT find an easeir microcontroller to program and use,
> and you WILL
> > NOT find a forum that gives better support, nor will you be able
> to find a
> > company that has documentation that is as good as Parallax.
> >
> > What I am trying to say is that if you know little to nothing
> about
> > microprocessors and electronics, this is the forum and the Basic
> Stamp is the device
> > for you.
> >
> > ken
> >
> >
> > I was looking at and read that the basic stamp has
> > internal i guess there is a way around this through
> code?
> > what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so
> > by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
> > forum...thanks for your help
> >
> >
> > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
reguardless of power to the unit , reguardless of sustained serial
connection, so u can even disconnect power, then reconnect and it
will still be there,
as to multiple bread boards, if you dont mind a mess of jumpers from
one to the other, ANY connetion that can be soldred should be able
to be put on a breadboard, its just a matter of designing a layout
on the project board that simulates if the chip was soldered,
inreguards to position of pins connections etc,
--- In, "sponsitility"
<markmcleod50@y...> wrote:
> in the follwing post, a 74hc595 serial shift register was
> for getting more i/o's, but in a pdf/diagram i looked up on it, it
> appears as if i would have to solder the three pins to the
> there a way to use multiple breadboards so i don't have
> to solder anything? and when i unplug the stamp from power and
> serial connection to the will still keep the basic
> codes i have written to it right? thanks for the help mark.
> --- In, smartdim@a... wrote:
> > Well, it does have a timer of sorts......The timing it does is
> not "super
> > acurate" but will be more than acurate enough for your
> application....
> >
> > For example if you want to turn on an LED, then wait 5 seconds,
> then turn it
> > off, the code is as easy as this (without going into detail at
> this time on
> > how the LED is wired).
> >
> > Low 8
> > pause 5000
> > High 8
> >
> > Thats it, led on for 5 seconds.
> >
> > Regarding the 74hc595. It is used to increase the number of
> output
> > pins. It is a called a serial shift register. You can use it
> the basic stamp
> > and the stamps command SEROUT (serial out) to expand the 16
> pins of the
> > stamp to almost any number of outputs.....
> >
> > So, using just 3 stamp pins, and the SEROUT command, and the
> 74hc595 you can
> > control your 40 leds.
> >
> > You WILL NOT find an easeir microcontroller to program and use,
> and you WILL
> > NOT find a forum that gives better support, nor will you be able
> to find a
> > company that has documentation that is as good as Parallax.
> >
> > What I am trying to say is that if you know little to nothing
> about
> > microprocessors and electronics, this is the forum and the Basic
> Stamp is the device
> > for you.
> >
> > ken
> >
> >
> > I was looking at and read that the basic stamp has
> > internal i guess there is a way around this through
> code?
> > what is a 74hc595? I have about 10 books from the library so
> > by next time i will know a little more. this is an awesome
> > forum...thanks for your help
> >
> >
> > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]