Pc Interface
Im currently looking for a way to have my basic stamp communicate with my pc,
am having a hard time finding info. I would like to be able to have my basic
communicate with my computer via serial and have them be able to exchange data
(maby to have teh computer do some processing for the chip or to have a user
interface on teh comp to teh chip). Has anyone done anything like this, any
Preferably nothing to overly complicated, but ill take anything i can get. I
dont really
care what OS, or programming language is, except id REALLY rather not use visual
basic unless i have to (ive heard u can interface with vb relatively easily, id
still take a
look at how its done if anyone has any info). Any info would be greatly
Thank You
Im currently looking for a way to have my basic stamp communicate with my pc,
am having a hard time finding info. I would like to be able to have my basic
communicate with my computer via serial and have them be able to exchange data
(maby to have teh computer do some processing for the chip or to have a user
interface on teh comp to teh chip). Has anyone done anything like this, any
Preferably nothing to overly complicated, but ill take anything i can get. I
dont really
care what OS, or programming language is, except id REALLY rather not use visual
basic unless i have to (ive heard u can interface with vb relatively easily, id
still take a
look at how its done if anyone has any info). Any info would be greatly
Thank You
them all and it works. You can send data to the PC via stamp and visa versa.
Here is the link.
Im currently looking for a way to have my basic stamp communicate with my pc,
and am having a hard time finding info.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
the 'Files' section, under AlDemo, see VB_BS2Demo.zip.
This has a simple, complete example for both sides.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "ch33z3w1z" <ch33z3w1z@y...>
> Hey,
> Im currently looking for a way to have my basic stamp communicate
with my pc, and
> am having a hard time finding info. I would like to be able to have
my basic stamp
> communicate with my computer via serial and have them be able to
exchange data
> (maby to have teh computer do some processing for the chip or to
have a user
> interface on teh comp to teh chip). Has anyone done anything like
this, any examples?
> Preferably nothing to overly complicated, but ill take anything i
can get. I dont really
> care what OS, or programming language is, except id REALLY rather
not use visual
> basic unless i have to (ive heard u can interface with vb
relatively easily, id still take a
> look at how its done if anyone has any info). Any info would be
greatly appriciated.
> Thank You