My New Boe Bot
I recently purchased a new Boe Bot. I assembled it according to the
instructions and began testing and everything was going well until it
was time to center the servos. I continued to follow the instructions
on the addendum to the original instructions. I was able to center
the servos and now it was time to reassemble everything. When
everything was assembled. I could now longer get it to pass the tests.
This is what I observed:
1. the servos work when you set the pins HIGH
'{$Stamp BS2)
High 12
High 13
pulsout 12, 500 'These lines should have no effect
pulsout 13, 1000 'while the pins are high???
goto loop
'{$Stamp BS2)
Low 12
Low 13
pulsout 12, 500 'No matter what I do here, the servos are
pulsout 13, 1000 'pulse as if they were set on 750/dead center.
goto loop
My question is do I have a servo problem or a Stamp Problem.
Mike Martinez
instructions and began testing and everything was going well until it
was time to center the servos. I continued to follow the instructions
on the addendum to the original instructions. I was able to center
the servos and now it was time to reassemble everything. When
everything was assembled. I could now longer get it to pass the tests.
This is what I observed:
1. the servos work when you set the pins HIGH
'{$Stamp BS2)
High 12
High 13
pulsout 12, 500 'These lines should have no effect
pulsout 13, 1000 'while the pins are high???
goto loop
'{$Stamp BS2)
Low 12
Low 13
pulsout 12, 500 'No matter what I do here, the servos are
pulsout 13, 1000 'pulse as if they were set on 750/dead center.
goto loop
My question is do I have a servo problem or a Stamp Problem.
Mike Martinez
-- this is a common error.
What PULSOUT does is invert the state of an output pin for the specified
time. For servos (that want a high-going command pulse), we initialize
the servo lines low. Both of your programs are working, it's just that
the servos don't understand the pulse widths of first program.
Another thing ... LOOP is a PBASIC 2.5 keyword so I would suggest not
using that as a label name (we're updating all of our text books in this
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
Original Message
From: wma453 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]wma453@c...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:38 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] My New Boe Bot
I recently purchased a new Boe Bot. I assembled it according to the
instructions and began testing and everything was going well until it
was time to center the servos. I continued to follow the instructions
on the addendum to the original instructions. I was able to center
the servos and now it was time to reassemble everything. When
everything was assembled. I could now longer get it to pass the tests.
This is what I observed:
1. the servos work when you set the pins HIGH
'{$Stamp BS2)
High 12
High 13
pulsout 12, 500 'These lines should have no effect
pulsout 13, 1000 'while the pins are high???
goto loop
'{$Stamp BS2)
Low 12
Low 13
pulsout 12, 500 'No matter what I do here, the servos are
pulsout 13, 1000 'pulse as if they were set on 750/dead center.
goto loop
My question is do I have a servo problem or a Stamp Problem.
Mike Martinez
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