A/D with basic stamp
can I use RCTIME to read an analog voltage (not a resistance) ?
I am looking for a way to do A/D conversion preferably with
minimal extra parts, and I don't mind if it is slow.
Is this possible?
I am looking for a way to do A/D conversion preferably with
minimal extra parts, and I don't mind if it is slow.
Is this possible?
>can I use RCTIME to read an analog voltage (not a resistance) ?
>I am looking for a way to do A/D conversion preferably with
>minimal extra parts, and I don't mind if it is slow.
>Is this possible?
> Try this URL:
> http://www.emesystems.com/BS2rct.htm#B_voltage
Is it possible to modify this circuit to measure 0-5v analog
levels? Perhaps I can amplify my analog source by 5 volts, and
use the circuit on the page you mention to measure 5-10v?
what would be a cheap amplifier to use? any schematics?