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Temperature from a web site (using basic stamp and DS1620 temperature sensor) — Parallax Forums

Temperature from a web site (using basic stamp and DS1620 temperature sensor)

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2004-03-05 18:26 in General Discussion

I would like to see my home temperature when
I am not at home , using my web page.

I have a web page (I pay for the hosting service) .
I have a Basic stamp and temperature DS1620 sensor.
I have MicroWebServ software that I bought at

Is that possible?

Thanks in advance: Joe

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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-03-05 18:26
    Yes, it's possible. Check out the latest (March) issue of Nuts &
    Volts for an article and sample code on remote web stuff.

    Off hand I'd say that you need to write a program that reads the
    stamp or sensor into your computer and stores it in a file
    somewhere. That's simple enough. You could use the serial or
    parallel port.

    Then you can simply specify a path to the file on your web page.


    --- In, joe terk <joeterk1@y...> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I would like to see my home temperature when
    > I am not at home , using my web page.
    > I have a web page (I pay for the hosting service) .
    > I have a Basic stamp and temperature DS1620 sensor.
    > I have MicroWebServ software that I bought at
    > Parallax.
    > Is that possible?
    > Thanks in advance: Joe
    > __________________________________
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