220V motor control
Thanks for a greate responce to my query. Now, looking more
carefully into the web I found this site
I think this was the answer.
Any thoughts is appreciated.
carefully into the web I found this site
I think this was the answer.
Any thoughts is appreciated.
controller (i think thats it, if not just look through the kits). it
shows a dc motor control, and im pretty sure all you have to do is
change the mosfet to a higher voltage/current rating because the one
provided is only 60v/50a
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "lars505050" <ls@l...> wrote:
> Thanks for a greate responce to my query. Now, looking more
> carefully into the web I found this site
> http://www.techlib.com/electronics/power_control.htm
> I think this was the answer.
> Any thoughts is appreciated.
> Lars