Understanding Signals problem
I'm working on Chapter 7 Activity #2 (Reading a Remote Control with
DecodeSonyIRRemote.bs2) in Understanding Signals. Iam using the
Homework Board, the latest BS2 editor, etc. The program starts,
displays the start bit info, then it loops forever in the following
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Process IR Pulses ]
PULSIN IR_detect,active_high,IR_pulse(0)
LOOP UNTIL (IR_pulse(0) > 1400) AND (IR_pulse(0) <> 0)
I put a DEBUG statement in the loop to display IR_pulse(0), and it's
always reading between 212 and 236, it never finds one > 1400.
I'm going nuts here trying to understand this. Help!
I'm working on Chapter 7 Activity #2 (Reading a Remote Control with
DecodeSonyIRRemote.bs2) in Understanding Signals. Iam using the
Homework Board, the latest BS2 editor, etc. The program starts,
displays the start bit info, then it loops forever in the following
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Process IR Pulses ]
PULSIN IR_detect,active_high,IR_pulse(0)
LOOP UNTIL (IR_pulse(0) > 1400) AND (IR_pulse(0) <> 0)
I put a DEBUG statement in the loop to display IR_pulse(0), and it's
always reading between 212 and 236, it never finds one > 1400.
I'm going nuts here trying to understand this. Help!
It turned out the first setting on my
RadioShack remote for 'Sony' was NOT the
'Sony Protocol' needed for the lab. It was
the third 'Sony' setting. Try setting your
remote for some of the other 'Sony' settings
to find one that's closer to the numbers in
the lab.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "seas909ml" <seas909ml@c...>
> Hello,
> I'm working on Chapter 7 Activity #2 (Reading a Remote Control with
> DecodeSonyIRRemote.bs2) in Understanding Signals. Iam using the
> Homework Board, the latest BS2 editor, etc. The program starts,
> displays the start bit info, then it loops forever in the following
> code.
> '
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Process IR Pulses ]
> Process_IR_Pulses:
> DO
> PULSIN IR_detect,active_high,IR_pulse(0)
> LOOP UNTIL (IR_pulse(0) > 1400) AND (IR_pulse(0) <> 0)
> I put a DEBUG statement in the loop to display IR_pulse(0), and
> always reading between 212 and 236, it never finds one > 1400.
> I'm going nuts here trying to understand this. Help!
> Steve