Soldering perf boards
Does any one have any suggestions on how to solider to perf board.
Something really visual??
Never soldered before.
Does any one have any suggestions on how to solider to perf board.
Something really visual??
Never soldered before.
I assume you mean proto-board, which has pads on one side. Perf board is
just plastic with a bunch of holes in it.
Soldering 101:
Apply a LITTLE flux to the work.
Clean tip.
Apply tip to the work so that the tip is touching both the lead and the pad
to be soldered << Important!
Wait 'till the flux is sizzling. This doesn't take very long if the tip is
positioned properly.
Apply solder on the opposite side of the work from the iron. This makes it
flow properly.
Use as little solder as possible.
Watch for what is called "dry solder". If the solder joint is gray and dull,
redo it. It should be nice and shiny. Dry solders are caused by too low a
temperature or movement while the solder is molten. Soldering is fun and
easy, just practice on some junk parts. One of the ironies of electronics is
that beginners usually have to use cheap irons, which are harder to work
with. I have a pretty nice Weller with temp. control and so on, and boy,
does it make soldering easier!
Have fun,
Original Message
From: "crzystamp" <crzystamp@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:01 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Soldering perf boards
> Hello,
> Does any one have any suggestions on how to solider to perf board.
> Something really visual??
> Never soldered before.
> Thanks
> Dave
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magnifying glasses from a pharmacy over the counter.
I am not as young as I used to be, and visually being able to see the solder
joint at a higher magnification really helps.
A soldering vise is another really usefull tool. Something to hold the parts
as you hold the solder and soldering iron. Panavise is a well known company,
but anything will work that can hold the parts for you.
At 07:56 AM 2/27/04 -0800, you wrote:
>I assume you mean proto-board, which has pads on one side. Perf board is
>just plastic with a bunch of holes in it.
>Soldering 101:
>Apply a LITTLE flux to the work.
>Clean tip.
>Apply tip to the work so that the tip is touching both the lead and the pad
>to be soldered << Important!
>Wait 'till the flux is sizzling. This doesn't take very long if the tip is
>positioned properly.
>Apply solder on the opposite side of the work from the iron. This makes it
>flow properly.
>Use as little solder as possible.
>Watch for what is called "dry solder". If the solder joint is gray and dull,
>redo it. It should be nice and shiny. Dry solders are caused by too low a
>temperature or movement while the solder is molten. Soldering is fun and
>easy, just practice on some junk parts. One of the ironies of electronics is
>that beginners usually have to use cheap irons, which are harder to work
>with. I have a pretty nice Weller with temp. control and so on, and boy,
>does it make soldering easier!
>Have fun,
Original Message
>From: "crzystamp" <crzystamp@y...>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:01 PM
>Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Soldering perf boards
>> Hello,
>> Does any one have any suggestions on how to solider to perf board.
>> Something really visual??
>> Never soldered before.
>> Thanks
>> Dave
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>Body of the message will be ignored.
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
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Very respectfully, your obedient servant.
Brig. Gen. Johnston Pettigrew
WWW server hosting [url=Http://]Http://[/url]
Kerry Barlow
p.o. box 21
kirkwood ny
> Hello,
> Does any one have any suggestions on how to solider to perf board.
> Something really visual??
> Never soldered before.
> Thanks
> Dave
Do a web search on "basic soldering." You'll find lots of information
and illustrations, too.
Stephen Weller
American. Veteran. Patriot.
The Rosin core solders sorta take care of that for ya doesn't it?
I only use flux on large items that tend to wick away a lot of heat.
A clean iron tip will definately give you clean joints.
Before putting the iron against the pad/post be sure to put a small bit of
solder on the iron as this will help the heat transfer and seed the whole
solder thing....
Original Message
From: "Jonathan Peakall" <jpeakall@p...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Soldering perf boards
> Dave,
> I assume you mean proto-board, which has pads on one side. Perf board is
> just plastic with a bunch of holes in it.
> Soldering 101:
> Apply a LITTLE flux to the work.
> Clean tip.
> Apply tip to the work so that the tip is touching both the lead and the
> to be soldered << Important!
> Wait 'till the flux is sizzling. This doesn't take very long if the tip is
> positioned properly.
> Apply solder on the opposite side of the work from the iron. This makes it
> flow properly.
> Use as little solder as possible.
> Watch for what is called "dry solder". If the solder joint is gray and
> redo it. It should be nice and shiny. Dry solders are caused by too low a
> temperature or movement while the solder is molten. Soldering is fun and
> easy, just practice on some junk parts. One of the ironies of electronics
> that beginners usually have to use cheap irons, which are harder to work
> with. I have a pretty nice Weller with temp. control and so on, and boy,
> does it make soldering easier!
> Have fun,
> Jonathan
Original Message
> From: "crzystamp" <crzystamp@y...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:01 PM
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Soldering perf boards
> > Hello,
> >
> > Does any one have any suggestions on how to solider to perf board.
> > Something really visual??
> > Never soldered before.
> > Thanks
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> > from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject
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> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> Yahoo! Groups Links
> At 07:56 AM 2/27/04 -0800, you wrote:
>> Dave,
>> I assume you mean proto-board, which has pads on one side. Perf board is
>> just plastic with a bunch of holes in it.
>> Soldering 101:
(Snipped and bottom-posted)
NEVER use any sort of acid-cored solder. Use on Rosin-Core 60/40 for circuit
board soldering. Acid core will literally rot your connections in a matter
of hours of days.
ALWAYS use a hot enough soldering pencil. More circuits are ruined by slow
heat. Make the fires hot, as they say.
GROUNDED irons are probably a good idea. On occasion I've had the heating
element short out in a cheap iron, which can dump the full 120 Volts AC into
the circuit. Not a pretty site.
CLEAN your leads first. Solder doesn't stick to surfaces, it needs to bond
at a molecular level. Mechanical bonds will turn intermittent, especially
with changing temperatures and vibration.
HOLD STILL while the solder joint cools. It should look like a bead of
mercury when you're done. If it has a cloudy or grainy appearance, then the
joint moved and crystallized. Reheat and start over again.
Mike Sokol
" One should not increase, beyond what is necessary,
the number of entities required to explain anything"...
-William of Occam-
Original Message
From: "wun_fungi" <sweller@a...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:54 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Soldering perf boards
> --- In, "crzystamp" <crzystamp@y...> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Does any one have any suggestions on how to solider to perf board.
> > Something really visual??
> > Never soldered before.
> > Thanks
> >
> > Dave
> Do a web search on "basic soldering." You'll find lots of information
> and illustrations, too.
> Stephen Weller
> American. Veteran. Patriot.
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> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
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> Yahoo! Groups Links
Yeah, I do. Probably overkill, but then I can't remember the last bum joint
I had. I use a lot of surplus and and salvaged parts, and so they can be
less than perfectly clean/bright. I also find I can use less solder when
using flux, which makes for less solder bridges etc. It takes very little,
and then I wash the back of the board with alcohol and a toothbrush.
Original Message
From: "SB" <steve.brady@r...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Soldering perf boards
> you use flux on all your solder joints?
> The Rosin core solders sorta take care of that for ya doesn't it?
> I only use flux on large items that tend to wick away a lot of heat.
> A clean iron tip will definately give you clean joints.
> Before putting the iron against the pad/post be sure to put a small bit of
> solder on the iron as this will help the heat transfer and seed the whole
> solder thing....
> sb
I use a wet sponge to clean the tip....not sure if it's dirty water (on
well) but the tip has to be cleaned every minute it seems.
I've use many a different types of soldering irons and don't have a
preference in make...although PACE is good but $$...but I'd recommend to
ANYONE to be sure they get a variable soldering station.
I don't use 'sticks' anymore....unles I'm in the field, but then I'd use a
butane one.
Butanes are the summer without a breeze. I really have to
build a shield up here in teh winter....seems to be a pain...but oh well.
Anyhow....I only use flux on large items and use a flux cleaner afterwords.
I clean all the rosin/flus residue off the the board after I'm done.
I like using erasers on new boards before I solder too. Get that bit of
oxidation off before I get started...
Sorry guys....just woke up and I'm prone to rambling....blah blah blah!!
Original Message
From: "Jonathan Peakall" <jpeakall@p...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 2:02 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Soldering perf boards
> Sb,
> Yeah, I do. Probably overkill, but then I can't remember the last bum
> I had. I use a lot of surplus and and salvaged parts, and so they can be
> less than perfectly clean/bright. I also find I can use less solder when
> using flux, which makes for less solder bridges etc. It takes very little,
> and then I wash the back of the board with alcohol and a toothbrush.
> Jonathan
Original Message
> From: "SB" <steve.brady@r...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 4:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Soldering perf boards
> > you use flux on all your solder joints?
> >
> > The Rosin core solders sorta take care of that for ya doesn't it?
> > I only use flux on large items that tend to wick away a lot of heat.
> >
> > A clean iron tip will definately give you clean joints.
> >
> > Before putting the iron against the pad/post be sure to put a small bit
> > solder on the iron as this will help the heat transfer and seed the
> > solder thing....
> >
> > sb
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