Some problem with serial LCD
Hi , i am using BPI-216 serial lcd , i use the program as stated
below , after setting the baud rate to 9600 on the lcd , the lcd
give me texts thats is not readable. And before this after i apply
power to the LCD it fill the screen with the symbol which is ffound
on the lcd character table 0,0. do any one have any idea
N9600 CON $4054 ' Baudmode-9600 bps inverted. Use $40F0 for BS2-SX.
I CON 254 ' Instruction prefix value.
CLR CON 1 ' LCD clear-screen instruction.
LINE2 CON 192 ' Address of 1st char of 2nd line.
L1_C7 CON 135 ' Address of line 1, character 7.
' Now clear the screen in case there's text left from a previous
' run of the program. Note that there's a 1-second PAUSE prior to
' sending any data to the Backpack. This gives the Backpack plenty
' of time to initialize the LCD after power up.
PAUSE 1000
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,CLR] ' Clear the LCD screen.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]"Hello World!"] ' Print message.
' Positioning the cursor requires sending the instruction prefix
' 254, assigned the symbol "I") followed by an address.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,LINE2,"..line 2"] ' Move to line 2 and print.
' Now we'll simulate a common application by printing a label on the
' screen and updating some data by positioning the cursor.
PAUSE 2000 ' Wait 2 secs.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,CLR] ' Clear the LCD screen.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]"Count:"] ' Print the label.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,L1_C7] ' Move to line 1, character 7.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC B2," "] ' Print value of b2 followed by 2 spaces.
B2 = B2+1 ' Increment b2.
PAUSE 200 ' Slow the loop down.
GOTO Again ' Repeat endlessly
below , after setting the baud rate to 9600 on the lcd , the lcd
give me texts thats is not readable. And before this after i apply
power to the LCD it fill the screen with the symbol which is ffound
on the lcd character table 0,0. do any one have any idea
N9600 CON $4054 ' Baudmode-9600 bps inverted. Use $40F0 for BS2-SX.
I CON 254 ' Instruction prefix value.
CLR CON 1 ' LCD clear-screen instruction.
LINE2 CON 192 ' Address of 1st char of 2nd line.
L1_C7 CON 135 ' Address of line 1, character 7.
' Now clear the screen in case there's text left from a previous
' run of the program. Note that there's a 1-second PAUSE prior to
' sending any data to the Backpack. This gives the Backpack plenty
' of time to initialize the LCD after power up.
PAUSE 1000
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,CLR] ' Clear the LCD screen.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]"Hello World!"] ' Print message.
' Positioning the cursor requires sending the instruction prefix
' 254, assigned the symbol "I") followed by an address.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,LINE2,"..line 2"] ' Move to line 2 and print.
' Now we'll simulate a common application by printing a label on the
' screen and updating some data by positioning the cursor.
PAUSE 2000 ' Wait 2 secs.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,CLR] ' Clear the LCD screen.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]"Count:"] ' Print the label.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,L1_C7] ' Move to line 1, character 7.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC B2," "] ' Print value of b2 followed by 2 spaces.
B2 = B2+1 ' Increment b2.
PAUSE 200 ' Slow the loop down.
GOTO Again ' Repeat endlessly
particular Stamp.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
Original Message
From: SkYbOL [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]skybol1@y...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 11:36 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Some problem with serial LCD
Hi , i am using BPI-216 serial lcd , i use the program as stated
below , after setting the baud rate to 9600 on the lcd , the lcd
give me texts thats is not readable. And before this after i apply
power to the LCD it fill the screen with the symbol which is ffound
on the lcd character table 0,0. do any one have any idea
N9600 CON $4054 ' Baudmode-9600 bps inverted. Use $40F0 for BS2-SX. I
CON 254 ' Instruction prefix value. CLR CON 1 ' LCD clear-screen
instruction. LINE2 CON 192 ' Address of 1st char of 2nd line. L1_C7 CON
135 ' Address of line 1, character 7. ' Now clear the screen in case
there's text left from a previous ' run of the program. Note that
there's a 1-second PAUSE prior to ' sending any data to the Backpack.
This gives the Backpack plenty ' of time to initialize the LCD after
power up. PAUSE 1000 SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,CLR] ' Clear the LCD screen.
PAUSE 1 SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]"Hello World!"] ' Print message. ' Positioning
the cursor requires sending the instruction prefix
' 254, assigned the symbol "I") followed by an address.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,LINE2,"..line 2"] ' Move to line 2 and print. ' Now
we'll simulate a common application by printing a label on the ' screen
and updating some data by positioning the cursor. PAUSE 2000 ' Wait 2
secs. SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,CLR] ' Clear the LCD screen. PAUSE 1 SEROUT
0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]"Count:"] ' Print the label.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]I,L1_C7] ' Move to line 1, character 7.
SEROUT 0,n9600,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC B2," "] ' Print value of b2 followed by 2 spaces. B2
= B2+1 ' Increment b2. PAUSE 200 ' Slow the loop down. GOTO Again '
Repeat endlessly
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