Unable to dump data from BoeBot/BS2
My son has programmed a BoeBot/BS2 with a collision avoidance
routine. Each experiment requires that the BoeBot be untethered
from the computer's serial port. The data from each "close
encounter" experiment is written into the EEPROM data area and he
wants to extract the data at the end of each run by connecting the
BoeBot back up to the serial port and then sending the data to
Excel. The StampDAQ application from Parallax is specifically
supposed to be able to do this but in reality the BS2 is reset each
time and the data is lost. Can anybody advise how to make this work
or suggest an alternate way to get the data into Excel? All
suggestions appreciated!
routine. Each experiment requires that the BoeBot be untethered
from the computer's serial port. The data from each "close
encounter" experiment is written into the EEPROM data area and he
wants to extract the data at the end of each run by connecting the
BoeBot back up to the serial port and then sending the data to
Excel. The StampDAQ application from Parallax is specifically
supposed to be able to do this but in reality the BS2 is reset each
time and the data is lost. Can anybody advise how to make this work
or suggest an alternate way to get the data into Excel? All
suggestions appreciated!
>routine. Each experiment requires that the BoeBot be untethered
>from the computer's serial port. The data from each "close
>encounter" experiment is written into the EEPROM data area and he
>wants to extract the data at the end of each run by connecting the
>BoeBot back up to the serial port and then sending the data to
>Excel. The StampDAQ application from Parallax is specifically
>supposed to be able to do this but in reality the BS2 is reset each
>time and the data is lost. Can anybody advise how to make this work
>or suggest an alternate way to get the data into Excel? All
>suggestions appreciated!
If the data is being written to eeprom, it is not lost. Probably
what is lost is the pointer that tells where the data begins or ends.
Just change the routine that is supposed to read out the data, so
that it starts at the beginning of the eeprom and continues until it
dumps the whole eeprom area that is used to store the data. If
necessary, you can "erase" that area to all zeros before each run, so
that you can distinguish the end of the real data.
There is more than one way to get the data into excel, but the method
you are using should work just fine once the Stamp program is fine
-- Tracy