Converting 3 bit ASCII to a decimal (Byte) num
Here's another way to approach the problem that may work for you.
If the values you are reading actually represent 0-255, and you know
you're going to get three ASCII digits each reading, why not read
the data directly into your byte variable? If "reading" is your
byte variable:
SERIN pin,baud,[noparse][[/noparse] DEC3 reading ]
That will handle the ASCII-to-numeric value conversion for you. To
then send the data in ASCII form to your PC:
SEROUT pin,baud,[noparse][[/noparse] DEC3 reading ]
That will re-create the 3-byte ASCII stream for transmission and
"reading" will retain the 0-255 value.
This approach uses some of the Stamp's built-in capabilities to do
the conversions for you, any you avoid the SPRAM and manual
conversion overhead.
Here's another way to approach the problem that may work for you.
If the values you are reading actually represent 0-255, and you know
you're going to get three ASCII digits each reading, why not read
the data directly into your byte variable? If "reading" is your
byte variable:
SERIN pin,baud,[noparse][[/noparse] DEC3 reading ]
That will handle the ASCII-to-numeric value conversion for you. To
then send the data in ASCII form to your PC:
SEROUT pin,baud,[noparse][[/noparse] DEC3 reading ]
That will re-create the 3-byte ASCII stream for transmission and
"reading" will retain the 0-255 value.
This approach uses some of the Stamp's built-in capabilities to do
the conversions for you, any you avoid the SPRAM and manual
conversion overhead.