another ls7166 question
hi guys, i want to thank the responer to my last question who
supplied some start up code. i tried the code but it didn't work, i
think it was meant as an example only, so i am know delving deeper
inot getting this chip to work. i am looking through the data sheet
for this chip and it appeares that the cs pin and the wr pin are
pulsed low for access to one of the 4 registers, my my question is
how can the stamp output from say OUTC and pulseout a pin
supplied some start up code. i tried the code but it didn't work, i
think it was meant as an example only, so i am know delving deeper
inot getting this chip to work. i am looking through the data sheet
for this chip and it appeares that the cs pin and the wr pin are
pulsed low for access to one of the 4 registers, my my question is
how can the stamp output from say OUTC and pulseout a pin
>hi guys, i want to thank the responer to my last question who
>supplied some start up code. i tried the code but it didn't work, i
>think it was meant as an example only, so i am know delving deeper
>inot getting this chip to work. i am looking through the data sheet
>for this chip and it appeares that the cs pin and the wr pin are
>pulsed low for access to one of the 4 registers, my my question is
>how can the stamp output from say OUTC and pulseout a pin
Generally speaking, it doesn't need to be simultaneously. Bring the pin LOW and
return it to HIGH if they want a "toggle", or leave it high if they want it to
last through the entire operation. Next transfer your data, then issue a LOW
to return the pin to its original state. I may have some code for this chip, and
if I do, I'll send it to you offlist.
Bruce Bates
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