RS232, 8-bit even parity, 2 stop bits...possib
If all you want your Stamp to do is "listen" to the serial stream
("can someone suggest a possible solution to reading the output of
this box with a Basic Stamp?"), I suspect your Stamp won't have a
problem reading the data as-is. The parity bit will arrive when your
Stamp will be expecting a stop bit. Roughly 1/2 of the time the
parity bit may be the correct logic level for a stop bit. When it
isn't, there is no option for the Stamp but to press on if you have
indicated 9600,n,8,1. The additional stop bit(s) will simply look
like an idle line to your Stamp.
It's worth a shot. Now, if you also want to write to the device
that could be a problem...
On 19 Feb 04 at 14:30, Chris Roussi wrote:
> Folks,
> We have a WS-2010-13 PC Interface to
> some wireless weather sensors. This
> box uses RS232 protocol to communicate
> with software running on a PC. It says
> in the manual, and we've written some
> Python code to verify this, that it's
> 9600 baud, 8-bit, even parity, 2 stop
> bits...
If all you want your Stamp to do is "listen" to the serial stream
("can someone suggest a possible solution to reading the output of
this box with a Basic Stamp?"), I suspect your Stamp won't have a
problem reading the data as-is. The parity bit will arrive when your
Stamp will be expecting a stop bit. Roughly 1/2 of the time the
parity bit may be the correct logic level for a stop bit. When it
isn't, there is no option for the Stamp but to press on if you have
indicated 9600,n,8,1. The additional stop bit(s) will simply look
like an idle line to your Stamp.
It's worth a shot. Now, if you also want to write to the device
that could be a problem...
On 19 Feb 04 at 14:30, Chris Roussi wrote:
> Folks,
> We have a WS-2010-13 PC Interface to
> some wireless weather sensors. This
> box uses RS232 protocol to communicate
> with software running on a PC. It says
> in the manual, and we've written some
> Python code to verify this, that it's
> 9600 baud, 8-bit, even parity, 2 stop
> bits...