multiple embedded blue clients?
Does anyone know if an embeddedblue transceiver module is cable of
simultaneous connection with multiple embeddedblue tranciever clients? The
manual only mentions connection between two modules.
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simultaneous connection with multiple embeddedblue tranciever clients? The
manual only mentions connection between two modules.
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>> Does anyone know if an embeddedblue transceiver
>> module is cable of simultaneous connection with
>> multiple embeddedblue tranciever clients?
Currently the embeddedblue transceiver module (eb500) supports only
a single active connection. You can address an unlimited number of
devices, but you can only communicate with one of them at a time.
Depending on your timing requirements, making and breaking the link
each time for multiple clients may be fast enough for you. Your
options open up a bit more if you are communicating with a PC or
PDA, which can typically connect with up to seven eb500 modules
Talk to you soon,
Bryan Hall
A7 Engineering