Stamp 2, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bought the OEM Basic Stamp 2sx last summer for a robot I was
building, and was never able to get it work. Here is my setup: I
have a 7.5 1500mah battery + to the vdd, and - to the vss. I have 2
motors onboard that i want to use for the drive system. I have the +
of one motor going to p0, and the - going to p1. I have the second
motor's + going to p2 and the - going to p3. How can I get it to
move, forwards for example. I have read how to do it, but everytime
I try to, it says "download progress" loopback yes, and echo no. It
does not list my device type. I have it setup for com 1. It just
doesnt work though. I do not know what is the problem. Could you
please help, or give me some pointers? If anyone has an AOL IM, it
would be helpfull to me to chat with you that way, mine is
zsrcracing. Thanks again!
building, and was never able to get it work. Here is my setup: I
have a 7.5 1500mah battery + to the vdd, and - to the vss. I have 2
motors onboard that i want to use for the drive system. I have the +
of one motor going to p0, and the - going to p1. I have the second
motor's + going to p2 and the - going to p3. How can I get it to
move, forwards for example. I have read how to do it, but everytime
I try to, it says "download progress" loopback yes, and echo no. It
does not list my device type. I have it setup for com 1. It just
doesnt work though. I do not know what is the problem. Could you
please help, or give me some pointers? If anyone has an AOL IM, it
would be helpfull to me to chat with you that way, mine is
zsrcracing. Thanks again!
> I bought the OEM Basic Stamp 2sx last summer for a
> robot I was
> building, and was never able to get it work. Here is
> my setup: I
> have a 7.5 1500mah battery + to the vdd, and - to
> the vss. I have 2
> motors onboard that i want to use for the drive
> system. I have the +
> of one motor going to p0, and the - going to p1. I
> have the second
> motor's + going to p2 and the - going to p3. How can
If I have read this right, then it is entirely
possible you may have damaged your BS2SX already. The
Stamp's output pins are not designed to drive motors
directly. You would need an H-Bridge or other device
to do this. I would recommend having the device
tested for functionality without the motors attached!
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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Original Message
From: "Chris Savage" <knight_designs@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Stamp 2, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> --- zmstark <zmstark@y...> wrote:
> > I bought the OEM Basic Stamp 2sx last summer for a
> > robot I was
> > building, and was never able to get it work. Here is
> > my setup: I
> > have a 7.5 1500mah battery + to the vdd, and - to
> > the vss. I have 2
> > motors onboard that i want to use for the drive
> > system. I have the +
> > of one motor going to p0, and the - going to p1. I
> > have the second
> > motor's + going to p2 and the - going to p3. How can
> If I have read this right, then it is entirely
> possible you may have damaged your BS2SX already. The
> Stamp's output pins are not designed to drive motors
> directly. You would need an H-Bridge or other device
> to do this. I would recommend having the device
> tested for functionality without the motors attached!
Wouldn't it require first that the pins be driven high before any damage
could occur? If he is not able to download to the stamp, the pins are not
high by default are they? Something does need to be done with the outputs to
buffer them if the stamp cannot drive that much current, but since he has
not been able to run a program on the stamp, thus unable to drive the pins
high, then how could there have been any damage? (If I'm missing something
forgive me, I have not used a stamp before, but I just don't see how the
motors being connected could have caused damage if the pins are not high.)
> Wouldn't it require first that the pins be driven
> high before any damage
> could occur? If he is not able to download to the
> stamp, the pins are not
> high by default are they? Something does need to be
> done with the outputs to
> buffer them if the stamp cannot drive that much
> current, but since he has
> not been able to run a program on the stamp, thus
> unable to drive the pins
> high, then how could there have been any damage? (If
> I'm missing something
> forgive me, I have not used a stamp before, but I
> just don't see how the
> motors being connected could have caused damage if
> the pins are not high.)
> CK
My apologies...He said he had never got the robot
project to work. I 'assumed' that he had previously
used the stamp. I thought it stopped working once he
got to the motor section of it...Perhaps the person
who posted the original message could clarify and save
us all from making assumptions?
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.
suggestions? I am willing to send it to someone, if they think they
can get it working.
--- In, Chris Savage
<knight_designs@y...> wrote:
> --- Joshua Simmons - CK <simmonsj2000@h...>
> wrote:
> > Wouldn't it require first that the pins be driven
> > high before any damage
> > could occur? If he is not able to download to the
> > stamp, the pins are not
> > high by default are they? Something does need to be
> > done with the outputs to
> > buffer them if the stamp cannot drive that much
> > current, but since he has
> > not been able to run a program on the stamp, thus
> > unable to drive the pins
> > high, then how could there have been any damage? (If
> > I'm missing something
> > forgive me, I have not used a stamp before, but I
> > just don't see how the
> > motors being connected could have caused damage if
> > the pins are not high.)
> > CK
> My apologies...He said he had never got the robot
> project to work. I 'assumed' that he had previously
> used the stamp. I thought it stopped working once he
> got to the motor section of it...Perhaps the person
> who posted the original message could clarify and save
> us all from making assumptions?
> =====
> Chris Savage
> Knight Designs
> 324 West Main Street
> Montour Falls, NY 14865
> (607) 535-6777
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.
> I bought the OEM Basic Stamp 2sx last summer for a robot I was
> building, and was never able to get it work. Here is my setup: I
> have a 7.5 1500mah battery + to the vdd, and - to the vss. I have 2
> motors onboard that i want to use for the drive system. I have the
> of one motor going to p0, and the - going to p1. I have the second
> motor's + going to p2 and the - going to p3. How can I get it to
> move, forwards for example. I have read how to do it, but everytime
> I try to, it says "download progress" loopback yes, and echo no. It
> does not list my device type. I have it setup for com 1. It just
> doesnt work though. I do not know what is the problem. Could you
> please help, or give me some pointers? If anyone has an AOL IM, it
> would be helpfull to me to chat with you that way, mine is
> zsrcracing. Thanks again!
You say you connected your +7.5V (from the battery) to Vdd - which is
incorrect, you should connect it to Vin. Vdd is meant for regulated
5.0V supply only, Vin is the input to the onboard voltage regulator
which converts your 7.5V to 5.0V.
However, the onboard regulator may be insufficient to drive all of
your external circuitry, particularly if you are going to drive
I recommend you connect the battery + to Vin, remove any circuitry
from the stamp and try to find any sign of life: try downloading a
(simple) program and see how it reacts.
BTW: did you buy your OEM stamp as a kit or per-built? If you got it
as a kit, check everything again.
never worked, maybe something simple but obscure was missed. It sure helps to
have a known working configuration to drop the part into.
zmstark <zmstark@y...> wrote:I have never got it to work, and still can not
get it to work. Any
suggestions? I am willing to send it to someone, if they think they
can get it working.
--- In, Chris Savage
> --- Joshua Simmons - CK
> wrote:
> > Wouldn't it require first that the pins be driven
> > high before any damage
> > could occur? If he is not able to download to the
> > stamp, the pins are not
> > high by default are they? Something does need to be
> > done with the outputs to
> > buffer them if the stamp cannot drive that much
> > current, but since he has
> > not been able to run a program on the stamp, thus
> > unable to drive the pins
> > high, then how could there have been any damage? (If
> > I'm missing something
> > forgive me, I have not used a stamp before, but I
> > just don't see how the
> > motors being connected could have caused damage if
> > the pins are not high.)
> > CK
> My apologies...He said he had never got the robot
> project to work. I 'assumed' that he had previously
> used the stamp. I thought it stopped working once he
> got to the motor section of it...Perhaps the person
> who posted the original message could clarify and save
> us all from making assumptions?
> =====
> Chris Savage
> Knight Designs
> 324 West Main Street
> Montour Falls, NY 14865
> (607) 535-6777
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> I have never got it to work, and still can not get it to work. Any
> suggestions? I am willing to send it to someone, if they think they
> can get it working.
If you have the ability to disconnect all the things it is connected
to and just leave on power and the caoomnications to the PC for
downloading that would offer a method of troubleshooting.
Since you said OEM, I assume you have the proper clock crystal and
memory chip to make it work.
I would review the core processor and make sure you are connecting
the OEM pins per the OEM schematic as it is NOT similar to the Stamp
I would recomend you connect only power, ground, serial and one
output to one LED (with resistor)
and run a simple program to blink the LED.
Since you never got it to work, I'd take baby steps and just get
anything to work, verify installation and soldering and so on.