Self Balancing BS2 based Robot (segway like)
Hi there, this is Pablo from Mexico City, I have created a robot
that will hopefully interest the Basic Stamp Community, I think it
might be the first of its kind, I have placed pictures and videos at
my webpage.
It is a self-balancing robot that resembles in some sort the working
principle of the Segway Human Transporter, it is an inverted
pendulum and it dynamically balances with the use of two motored
On the videos it is using a BS2p24, I have managed to make it work
with a BS2 but it wobbles a bit more (less stable since polling
fequency is lower).
I hope you find it interesting, hope to hear from you...
I apologize since it isn't in english yet, hope the pictures and
videos are enough to understand the functioning.
that will hopefully interest the Basic Stamp Community, I think it
might be the first of its kind, I have placed pictures and videos at
my webpage.
It is a self-balancing robot that resembles in some sort the working
principle of the Segway Human Transporter, it is an inverted
pendulum and it dynamically balances with the use of two motored
On the videos it is using a BS2p24, I have managed to make it work
with a BS2 but it wobbles a bit more (less stable since polling
fequency is lower).
I hope you find it interesting, hope to hear from you...
I apologize since it isn't in english yet, hope the pictures and
videos are enough to understand the functioning.
> I apologize since it isn't in english yet, hope the pictures and
> videos are enough to understand the functioning.
Es muy facil comprender, Pablo. El robot no se gusta Vegemite! Muy
And that robot is impressive besides having good taste<g>. Congratulations.
I am surprised that infrared sensors would let you maintain stability. Very
well done. Does it matter greatly what surface it is on?
Good job! That is very interesting!
Best wishes,
--- In, "Juan Pablo"
<juanpablocanguro@y...> wrote:
> Hi there, this is Pablo from Mexico City, I have created a robot
> that will hopefully interest the Basic Stamp Community, I think it
> might be the first of its kind, I have placed pictures and videos
> my webpage.
> It is a self-balancing robot that resembles in some sort the
> principle of the Segway Human Transporter, it is an inverted
> pendulum and it dynamically balances with the use of two motored
> wheels.
> On the videos it is using a BS2p24, I have managed to make it work
> with a BS2 but it wobbles a bit more (less stable since polling
> fequency is lower).
> I hope you find it interesting, hope to hear from you...
> I apologize since it isn't in english yet, hope the pictures and
> videos are enough to understand the functioning.
was featured on the TechTV show the Screensavers last year. Are you
using the same EOPD sensors?
Here's the link to the Legway,24330,3414548,00.html
internet and Juan's is one of the best i've seen. From watching the videos I
couldn't believe how smoothly it moved. Good Job Juan.
fab4442003 <fab4442003@y...> wrote: Your robot seems to be similar to Steve
Hassenplug's Legway that
was featured on the TechTV show the Screensavers last year. Are you
using the same EOPD sensors?
Here's the link to the Legway,24330,3414548,00.html
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vegemite was the only thing they asked me to take with me hahaha, a
friend of mine gave it to me when I left Australia (studied there
for a year).
Regarding the surface, it does matter a bit, by moving the sensors
by hand it is posible to adjust it for darker surfaces, however if
it is movin on a color changing surface it will fall down.
I tryed it on clear wood, and it works fine, probably wood reflects
infrarred more evenly than it does the rest of the colors, therefore
we can see different hues and colors, yet the robot does not.
Thanks for your compliments.
Juan Pablo
--- In, "Gary W. Sims" <simsgw@c...>
> From: "Juan Pablo" <juanpablocanguro@y...>
> > I apologize since it isn't in english yet, hope the pictures and
> > videos are enough to understand the functioning.
> >
> Es muy facil comprender, Pablo. El robot no se gusta Vegemite! Muy
> intelligente<g>.
> And that robot is impressive besides having good taste<g>.
> I am surprised that infrared sensors would let you maintain
stability. Very
> well done. Does it matter greatly what surface it is on?
> Gary
october 2003, I also saw nBot by David Anderson, and some other
balancing robots, really amazing projectos but none of them were
Basic Stamp based, thats why I think this one is the first of its
kind. I don't use EOPD sensors, I use a common IR Led and
Phototransistor along with BS2 RCTIME command.
Hope the info helps!
Juan Pablo Angulo
--- In, "fab4442003" <fab4442003@y...>
> Your robot seems to be similar to Steve Hassenplug's Legway that
> was featured on the TechTV show the Screensavers last year. Are you
> using the same EOPD sensors?
> Here's the link to the Legway
It does move very smoothly, thanks to BS2p proccessing speed... I
tryed it with a BS2 and it works well too, but it wobbles a bit more.
good luck on your robot
Juan Pablo Angulo
--- In, Kyle Cooper <crazykurby@y...>
> I'm trying to build one myself. I looked at several similar robots
on the internet and Juan's is one of the best i've seen. From
watching the videos I couldn't believe how smoothly it moved. Good
Job Juan.
> fab4442003 <fab4442003@y...> wrote: Your robot seems to be similar
to Steve Hassenplug's Legway that
> was featured on the TechTV show the Screensavers last year. Are you
> using the same EOPD sensors?
> Here's the link to the Legway
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> Hello Gary, I had just moved out of my parents house and that jar
> of vegemite was the only thing they asked me to take with me
> hahaha, a friend of mine gave it to me when I left Australia (studied
> there for a year).
Yes, I understand there is a move to get it all out of Australia<g>. We have
a running joke about Vegemite between some Australia friends and me. I sent
the link to your video to them and they are having a good time with it too.
Great choice of stopper!
> I'm trying to build one myself. I looked at several
> similar robots on the internet and Juan's is one of
> the best i've seen. From watching the videos I
> couldn't believe how smoothly it moved. Good Job
> Juan.
So far, the best 'balancing' robot I have seen is this
I have seen video clips of it going through gravel and
rock without too much trouble, as well as inclines.
It uses a gyroscope and accelerometer with filters to
provide an inertial reference sensor.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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Chris Savage <knight_designs@y...> wrote:--- Kyle Cooper wrote:
> I'm trying to build one myself. I looked at several
> similar robots on the internet and Juan's is one of
> the best i've seen. From watching the videos I
> couldn't believe how smoothly it moved. Good Job
> Juan.
So far, the best 'balancing' robot I have seen is this
I have seen video clips of it going through gravel and
rock without too much trouble, as well as inclines.
It uses a gyroscope and accelerometer with filters to
provide an inertial reference sensor.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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