Javelin AtoD class extension for the LTC2543?
At 04:38 PM 2/8/04 +0000, russranshaw wrote:
>Before I write an extender to the Javelin's AtoD abstract class for
>the TLC2543 chip, I have to ask: Does anyone have such a beast?
Russ -
You'll probably get a better response if you join the Javelin Mailing List Group
on Yahoo. It's like this Stamp Group, but targeted specifically for the Javelin
Version of the Stamp. Here is a link to the Yahoo Group:
Bruce Bates
>Before I write an extender to the Javelin's AtoD abstract class for
>the TLC2543 chip, I have to ask: Does anyone have such a beast?
Russ -
You'll probably get a better response if you join the Javelin Mailing List Group
on Yahoo. It's like this Stamp Group, but targeted specifically for the Javelin
Version of the Stamp. Here is a link to the Yahoo Group:
Bruce Bates