woo-hooo cool! we fixed it finally.... like a big idiot i didnt
have the ground from the battery pack connected to the stamps
ground. soldered up 1 wire, and bam, it works. cool. in all
reality, i didnt know that the 2 grounds needed to be connected
until you guys so graciously informed me. i did lots of research on
controlling servos from a stamp before i actually purchased my
stamp, but not on any of the websites did it say that a common
ground was needed. well, guess i learn somethin new all the time.
thanks a lot guys, i really appreciate it.
have the ground from the battery pack connected to the stamps
ground. soldered up 1 wire, and bam, it works. cool. in all
reality, i didnt know that the 2 grounds needed to be connected
until you guys so graciously informed me. i did lots of research on
controlling servos from a stamp before i actually purchased my
stamp, but not on any of the websites did it say that a common
ground was needed. well, guess i learn somethin new all the time.
thanks a lot guys, i really appreciate it.
> woo-hooo cool! we fixed it finally....
Most excellent news. Really glad to hear that. Isn't it amazing how
easily the intuitive things can be overlooked?!?! <BIG goofy grin!>
Been there. Done that. Had a soda. Bought a t-shirt and came back. :-P
For some unrelated levity, read BS1 App Note #21 (Fun With Trains).
Stephen Weller
American. Veteran. Patriot.