Barometric pressure?
I'm lookin for a barometric pressure sensor to use with a BS2. Does
anybody have any experiences with anybody?
What should I use? What should I look out for?
anybody have any experiences with anybody?
What should I use? What should I look out for?
I have used the MPX4115A for this. It is easy to use, and there are several
Stamp examples using it out there on the web. HSC has them on a surplus
board really cheap, or they did last I looked, I bought several of them when
I saw them. They can be had for around $20 new.
Original Message
From: "Mikel Beck" <mikelbeck@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 6:59 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Barometric pressure?
> I'm lookin for a barometric pressure sensor to use with a BS2. Does
> anybody have any experiences with anybody?
> What should I use? What should I look out for?
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> I'm lookin for a barometric pressure sensor to use with a BS2. Does
> anybody have any experiences with anybody?
> What should I use? What should I look out for?
Mike DeMetz N9GEZ
Elkhart, IN
motorola is my favorite. it requires no additional circuitry to connect to a
microprocessor like the basic stamp(its signal conditioned, and amplified and I
think there is a 3rd benifit but I cant think of it). Im using the MPX5010dp
for my project. It also is the cheapest as far as I have been able to
ascertain. digikey sells all of them, but this is just a reference, as I have a
peav with them. Motorola has info on using theirs as a barometric sensor.
Mike DeMetz <miked@e...> wrote:Check out;
> I'm lookin for a barometric pressure sensor to use with a BS2. Does
> anybody have any experiences with anybody?
> What should I use? What should I look out for?
Mike DeMetz N9GEZ
Elkhart, IN
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[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
check SENSIRION sensors. They have a high quality range of barometric
sensors, for all the applications you can imagine.
The sensor has a clean SPI protocol output. Very stable, very easy to work.
Neednt any analogue parts or opamps around.
Just straight clean SPI.
Ive used the sensors for atmospheric terrestrial, and highaltitude baloons,
under very low temperatures, with great success!
Antonio Sergio Sena
> > I'm lookin for a barometric pressure sensor to use with a BS2. Does
> > anybody have any experiences with anybody?
> >
> > What should I use? What should I look out for?
> Mike DeMetz N9GEZ
> Elkhart, IN
> mailto:n9gez@q...
That looked like what I was looking for. I contacted the author (the
web page says that the whole paper with figures was available for
$2.50), but he said that it's no longer available.
I'm going to have a look at this guys work next:
--- In, "Jonathan Peakall"
<jpeakall@p...> wrote:
> Mikel,
> I have used the MPX4115A for this. It is easy to use, and there are
> Stamp examples using it out there on the web. HSC has them on a
> board really cheap, or they did last I looked, I bought several of
them when
> I saw them. They can be had for around $20 new.
> Jonathan
Original Message
> From: "Mikel Beck" <mikelbeck@y...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 6:59 PM
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Barometric pressure?
> > I'm lookin for a barometric pressure sensor to use with a BS2.
> > anybody have any experiences with anybody?
> >
> > What should I use? What should I look out for?
> >
> >
> >
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