Remote Control of TV (Infrared) with BS1
How to read the signs of a remote control of TV (infrared) using
BS1. I am using the command:
pulsin 1,0,w2
However, every time that press the same button a different number
BS1. I am using the command:
pulsin 1,0,w2
However, every time that press the same button a different number
pulses are sent for each key. After we reintroduced the BS1 recently I
experimented with implenting Sony IR reception on a BS1, but could never
get reliable results. I have seen code on the Internet by people that
have, but I haven't been able to repeat their success -- and I spent a
whole day trying.
You may consider off-loading your IR reception to a device like the IR
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: mariofel2002 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mario.felisbino@a...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 3:44 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Remote Control of TV (Infrared) with BS1
How to read the signs of a remote control of TV (infrared) using
BS1. I am using the command:
pulsin 1,0,w2
However, every time that press the same button a different number
>How to read the signs of a remote control of TV (infrared) using
>BS1. I am using the command:
>pulsin 1,0,w2
>However, every time that press the same button a different number
The BS1 by itself is not fast enough. IR remotes use several different
schemes depending on the manufacturer to transmit IR information.
Basically you have a data packet consisting of several bits, could be 8,12
24, etc. and depending on which button you press, a specific sequence is
sent representing that button similar to RS232 only the packet size can vary
rather than a fixed 8 bits. To complicate things even further, some keys can
use what are called macro's which consists of several commands invoked
from a single key press. For an analogy you are trying to count the spokes
on a moving bicycle wheel with a pad of paper and a pencil... you might be
able to grab one or two, but you are missing the entire picture. This is
where a scope would be handy, so you could "see" the bit patterns for each
key or "keys of interest" and try to reproduce the signal, however I don't
think that the BS1 is fast enough to interpret or produce the necessary
codes to effectively use it for your TV equipment by way of IR.
-Beau Schwabe
article for Parallax that was published in Elektor (I think -- Jon or Ken,
is that article online?) that did read a Sony remote with a BS2. It
controlled the motion of a BOE-Bot (the kids in my robot class a few years
ago loved that).
The trick is that the remote repeats its output over and over again and that
the first sync pulse is very long. So the code basically did a large number
of PULSIN commands and looked to see if the first acquired data was a sync
pulse. If it was, great. If not then it tried again. Eventually, it will
sync up although it may take a large number of packets to get one good one.
But it is still responsive because there are a large number of packets sent.
The only problem I had was the Stamp can't process IR while running the
BOEbot's servos. So I originally wanted to make it do something like "Press
2 to go forward and 5 to stop." But that isn't workable because while you
are driving the servos you aren't listening to the IR and that makes the
thing unresponsive. Plus, while you are waiting for the PULSIN to time out,
the motors aren't running!! You press 5 briefly and it doesn't stop. Worse,
the long timeout makes the thing jerky.
The social engineering here is to make it where you press and hold 2 to go
forward. The steady stream of packets keeps things going without waiting for
a timeout and when you let go of the button the robot stops obediently.
Al Williams
*NEW: Universal PCB fits Stamps or any micro
Original Message
From: Beau Schwabe [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]bschwabe@a...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Remote Control of TV (Infrared) with BS1
At 09:44 AM 2/3/04 +0000, you wrote:
>How to read the signs of a remote control of TV (infrared) using BS1. I
>am using the command:
>pulsin 1,0,w2
>However, every time that press the same button a different number
The BS1 by itself is not fast enough. IR remotes use several different
schemes depending on the manufacturer to transmit IR information. Basically
you have a data packet consisting of several bits, could be 8,12 24, etc.
and depending on which button you press, a specific sequence is sent
representing that button similar to RS232 only the packet size can vary
rather than a fixed 8 bits. To complicate things even further, some keys
can use what are called macro's which consists of several commands invoked
from a single key press. For an analogy you are trying to count the spokes
on a moving bicycle wheel with a pad of paper and a pencil... you might be
able to grab one or two, but you are missing the entire picture. This is
where a scope would be handy, so you could "see" the bit patterns for each
key or "keys of interest" and try to reproduce the signal, however I don't
think that the BS1 is fast enough to interpret or produce the necessary
codes to effectively use it for your TV equipment by way of IR.
-Beau Schwabe
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Original Message
From: "mariofel2002" <mario.felisbino@a...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 1:44 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Remote Control of TV (Infrared) with BS1
> How to read the signs of a remote control of TV (infrared) using
> BS1. I am using the command:
> pulsin 1,0,w2
> However, every time that press the same button a different number
> comes.
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go into Pronto remotes. in there, they have actual remote databases with remote
signal in text. I have the pronto and they have codes for every brand name you
can think of that pronto will control, so they likely will have the signal to
text for yours. If you can make sense out of the text to get the basic chip to
work, let me know.
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