help reg circuit
hi ,
in my project i am using taptile. it gives output in 0-5v
according to weight/force applied on tile. it has three wires one
for vdd, one for gnd and one for output. i am not from electrical i am not able to decide how to build the circuit and
how to connect the circuit to i/o pin. i read many examples in the
website but i couln't get it. i need data which says that there is
some one on the taptile so that i can send this data to a pc through
serial communication. i wondering whether i need to use a A/D
converter before connecting to basic stamps i/o pin.
so any suggestions plz.
in my project i am using taptile. it gives output in 0-5v
according to weight/force applied on tile. it has three wires one
for vdd, one for gnd and one for output. i am not from electrical i am not able to decide how to build the circuit and
how to connect the circuit to i/o pin. i read many examples in the
website but i couln't get it. i need data which says that there is
some one on the taptile so that i can send this data to a pc through
serial communication. i wondering whether i need to use a A/D
converter before connecting to basic stamps i/o pin.
so any suggestions plz.
You need to use an A/D converter, or the RCTIME command. The A/D is more
accurate, the RCTIME command is cheap and easy.
Original Message
From: "silpa_k3" <silpa_k3@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 4:38 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] help reg circuit
> hi ,
> in my project i am using taptile. it gives output in 0-5v
> according to weight/force applied on tile. it has three wires one
> for vdd, one for gnd and one for output. i am not from electrical
> i am not able to decide how to build the circuit and
> how to connect the circuit to i/o pin. i read many examples in the
> website but i couln't get it. i need data which says that there is
> some one on the taptile so that i can send this data to a pc through
> serial communication. i wondering whether i need to use a A/D
> converter before connecting to basic stamps i/o pin.
> so any suggestions plz.
> thanks
> silpa
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