Two ADC0831''s only using 4 pins?
There are examples on the web that do exactly what you are
---- Original message ----
>Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 17:02:16 -0000
>From: "cozz4ever" <cozz.home@v...>
>Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Two ADC0831's only using 4 pins?
>Can I use a single clock pin, single data pin with two turn-
on pins
>for two 0831's? Both the the clock and the data will be
split between
>both 0831s. This will save me two pins. I'm just wondering
if there
>is going to be any feedback problem of any kind. I should
get a two
>channel ADC but I'm trying to work with what I have for
this project.
>If I can't save two pins then I'll get a two channel.
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Dave Evartt
American Hovercraft
---- Original message ----
>Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 17:02:16 -0000
>From: "cozz4ever" <cozz.home@v...>
>Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Two ADC0831's only using 4 pins?
>Can I use a single clock pin, single data pin with two turn-
on pins
>for two 0831's? Both the the clock and the data will be
split between
>both 0831s. This will save me two pins. I'm just wondering
if there
>is going to be any feedback problem of any kind. I should
get a two
>channel ADC but I'm trying to work with what I have for
this project.
>If I can't save two pins then I'll get a two channel.
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Dave Evartt
American Hovercraft