Basic stamp & wall wort''s
Well, of all the 'odd' posts I see on the list and the answers they
receive, I'm surprised this one made it through without so much as 1
reply. For the record, I'm going with the wall wort, wish me luck!
Original Message
From: ufi911 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]john@l...[/url
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 7:47 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Basic stamp & wall wort's
I'm about to deploy a very simple valve control module using a BS1.
Its controlling a couple of relays switching 120 vac (very low
I want to power the stamp & relays with 12 VDC. Can I use a wall
wort? My concern is if the wall wort fails, is the result going to
be the end of my stamp? I know nothing is guaranteed, but if the
wart were to fail and send say 30 VDC to the stamp, I would have to
rebuild the entire project. Now, if it were to fail and LOOSE power,
I can simply replace the power source.
Or should I buy some kind of cheap power supply?
Thanks in advance,
receive, I'm surprised this one made it through without so much as 1
reply. For the record, I'm going with the wall wort, wish me luck!
Original Message
From: ufi911 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]john@l...[/url
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 7:47 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Basic stamp & wall wort's
I'm about to deploy a very simple valve control module using a BS1.
Its controlling a couple of relays switching 120 vac (very low
I want to power the stamp & relays with 12 VDC. Can I use a wall
wort? My concern is if the wall wort fails, is the result going to
be the end of my stamp? I know nothing is guaranteed, but if the
wart were to fail and send say 30 VDC to the stamp, I would have to
rebuild the entire project. Now, if it were to fail and LOOSE power,
I can simply replace the power source.
Or should I buy some kind of cheap power supply?
Thanks in advance,