Is it possible to read PWM inputs in parallel
I am trying to interface two analog devices accelerometers to a BS2 to read out
the orientation of a platform in real time. I am using the PULSIN command to
read the PWM outputs of the accelerometers. I need to get the x and y-axis
(tilt and pitch) readings at the exact same time to decipher the orientation.
Is it possible to read the data in parallel to accomplish this? I am new in BS2
programming, so any response will be greatly appreciated.
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the orientation of a platform in real time. I am using the PULSIN command to
read the PWM outputs of the accelerometers. I need to get the x and y-axis
(tilt and pitch) readings at the exact same time to decipher the orientation.
Is it possible to read the data in parallel to accomplish this? I am new in BS2
programming, so any response will be greatly appreciated.
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