Pak VIa and keyboard help
I'm using a Pak VIa to take input from a keyboard and send it to
my BS2. Here's my problem: The circuit works just fine with a
standard-size PS/2 keyboard, but it doesn't work with the compact
keyboard that I plan to use in the final configuration. The compact
keyboard works fine when hooked up to my computer, but when I hook it
up to my circuit, the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scr Lock LEDs light up
constantly and the keyboard locks up.
AWC recommended putting 10K pull-up resistors on the clock and/or
data lines from the keyboard, but was stumped by the LEDs being stuck
on. He also thought it may be a current-draw problem, but I am
running the keyboard off the regulator that is onboard the BoE that
the BS2 is on, so I don't think that's it. I plan on trying the
resistors, but would like to know if anyone has run into this sort of
problem and what their solution was.
Doug Dixon
Orlando, FL
I'm using a Pak VIa to take input from a keyboard and send it to
my BS2. Here's my problem: The circuit works just fine with a
standard-size PS/2 keyboard, but it doesn't work with the compact
keyboard that I plan to use in the final configuration. The compact
keyboard works fine when hooked up to my computer, but when I hook it
up to my circuit, the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scr Lock LEDs light up
constantly and the keyboard locks up.
AWC recommended putting 10K pull-up resistors on the clock and/or
data lines from the keyboard, but was stumped by the LEDs being stuck
on. He also thought it may be a current-draw problem, but I am
running the keyboard off the regulator that is onboard the BoE that
the BS2 is on, so I don't think that's it. I plan on trying the
resistors, but would like to know if anyone has run into this sort of
problem and what their solution was.
Doug Dixon
Orlando, FL
with using a single keyboard to control both a UNIX workstation,
and a PC workstation via an A-B switch. It might be interesting
to note to the group that a UNIX-SUN keyboard uses a standard
8N1 1200 baud to transmit and receive at +5 and 0V levels. What
this means is that the keyboard will directly interface with a
STAMP with minimal overhead.
-Beau Schwabe
> I'm using a Pak VIa to take input from a keyboard and send it to
>my BS2. Here's my problem: The circuit works just fine with a
>standard-size PS/2 keyboard, but it doesn't work with the compact
>keyboard that I plan to use in the final configuration. The compact
>keyboard works fine when hooked up to my computer, but when I hook it
>up to my circuit, the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scr Lock LEDs light up
>constantly and the keyboard locks up.
> AWC recommended putting 10K pull-up resistors on the clock and/or
>data lines from the keyboard, but was stumped by the LEDs being stuck
>on. He also thought it may be a current-draw problem, but I am
>running the keyboard off the regulator that is onboard the BoE that
>the BS2 is on, so I don't think that's it. I plan on trying the
>resistors, but would like to know if anyone has run into this sort of
>problem and what their solution was.
>Doug Dixon
>Orlando, FL
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