BS2sx meets highschool robotics team
Posts: 46,084
Well, after screwing ourselves over last "season" at SME, our team
started rebuilding our robot and reprogramming using an EDURobotics
kit. After ~10 revisions, we're close to getting our "baby" to go
through a maze - but not close enough. How can I keep motors going
for a certain ammount of time without going to the mainloop?
For example, I'm trying to make our robot make a HARD left turn but
I can't since it resamples each loop and halfway through the turn,
the front sensor reads false. Can I keep the motors set to a certain
power output or set the sensor for a period of time? I can't use
PAUSE because motor output it stopped. I can post the current logic
if you want, it uses two IR sensors.
started rebuilding our robot and reprogramming using an EDURobotics
kit. After ~10 revisions, we're close to getting our "baby" to go
through a maze - but not close enough. How can I keep motors going
for a certain ammount of time without going to the mainloop?
For example, I'm trying to make our robot make a HARD left turn but
I can't since it resamples each loop and halfway through the turn,
the front sensor reads false. Can I keep the motors set to a certain
power output or set the sensor for a period of time? I can't use
PAUSE because motor output it stopped. I can post the current logic
if you want, it uses two IR sensors.
<tc_lawabider@y...> wrote:
> Well, after screwing ourselves over last "season" at SME, our team
> started rebuilding our robot and reprogramming using an EDURobotics
> kit. After ~10 revisions, we're close to getting our "baby" to go
> through a maze - but not close enough. How can I keep motors going
> for a certain ammount of time without going to the mainloop?
> For example, I'm trying to make our robot make a HARD left turn but
> I can't since it resamples each loop and halfway through the turn,
> the front sensor reads false. Can I keep the motors set to a
> power output or set the sensor for a period of time? I can't use
> PAUSE because motor output it stopped. I can post the current logic
> if you want, it uses two IR sensors.
Why not setup a counter variable. When the sensor is triggered the
motors should go into Hard Left turn mode for say 50 times through
the main loop. The idea is that the sensor puts the robot into hard
left mode, but only the conclusion of 50 (or whatever) passes through
the main loop will end the hard left.
First, your left wall sensor should not be pointed directly to the left. About
a 45 degree angle works best. We did this to anticipate the left hand turns
better. Last winter we tried to get sonar to work and gave up. Apparently, the
45 degree angle gave substantial information on the BOEBot's direction. That
is: If the BOEBot was angling toward the wall, the wall appeared closer. If the
BOEBot was angling away from the wall, the wall appeared farther away.
Second, the front sensor implementation is almost trivial compared to the side
sensor. So, get the BOEBot to run parallel to the wall without wavering in or
out. Then incorporate the left turn. Once that is working properly, then
incorporate the front sensor for right turns.
Third, you need some distance adjustment to allow for the difference in lighting
from location to location, and even time of day (critical at Rochester last
year!). We use 500 ohm trimmers to adjust the current to the IR LEDs.
We used the BS2 in 2001 and 2002 then change to the BS2SX for 2003. The BS2SX
gave much better distance sensing than the BS2. To get the break frequencies we
ran the BS2SX in a loop that tried to sense the wall ten times and recorded the
number of hits. If it saw the wall, then it got a 10. If it didn't see the
wall, then it got a zero. We did this every 25 Hertz from 32,500 to 38,750
Hertz. In BS2SX code that is "FOR F = 13000 TO 15500 STEP 10". We also did
this for every distance from 1 inch to 20 inches. StampDAQ really helped! Then
we looked for the largest differences at the various distances.
Here is the BS2SX code that still used the pulsout to run the servos (we also
converted to Pololu for 2003):
'{$STAMP BS2sx}
pc VAR Word
sc VAR Word
l_values VAR Byte
f_values VAR Byte
lvalues VAR Byte
fvalues VAR Byte
counter VAR Nib
IR_freq VAR Word
LOW 13
LOW 14
GOSUB check_sensors
' fvalues = 6
' lvalues = 1
' debug cls, "front = ", dec fvalues, " left = ", dec lvalues
IF lvalues = 0 THEN hlt
BRANCH fvalues, [noparse][[/noparse]side,ert,rt,rt,hrt,hhrt,hhhrt]
BRANCH lvalues, [noparse][[/noparse]hlt,lt,elt,straight,ert,rt,hrt]
GOTO main
IF sc <> 1 THEN left
l_values = 0
FOR counter = 0 TO 5
LOOKUP counter, [noparse][[/noparse]15310,15290,14800,14530,14240,13870], IR_freq
FREQOUT 12,1, IR_freq
l_values.LOWBIT(counter) = ~IN10
lvalues = NCD l_values
sc = 0
f_values = 0
FOR counter = 0 TO 5
LOOKUP counter, [noparse][[/noparse]15150,14670,14380,13900,13490,13060], IR_freq
FREQOUT 5,1, IR_freq
f_values.LOWBIT(counter) = ~IN7
fvalues = NCD f_values
sc = 1
hlt: '12" dia
PULSOUT 13, 2300
PULSOUT 14, 1850
GOTO main
lt: '22" dia
PULSOUT 13, 2300
PULSOUT 14, 1800
GOTO main
elt: '1' after 5'
PULSOUT 13, 2300
PULSOUT 14, 1680
GOTO main
straight: 'Straight R 2300 L 1400
PULSOUT 13, 2300
PULSOUT 14, 1400
GOTO main
ert: '1' after 5'
PULSOUT 13, 2100
PULSOUT 14, 1400
GOTO main
rt: '22" dia
PULSOUT 13, 1950
PULSOUT 14, 1400
GOTO main
hrt: '12" dia
PULSOUT 13, 1900
PULSOUT 14, 1400
GOTO main
hhrt: '8" dia
PULSOUT 13, 1850
PULSOUT 14, 1400
GOTO main
hhhrt 'Pivot
PULSOUT 13, 1800
PULSOUT 14, 1400
GOTO mail
Good luck at Marion in April.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]