bs2 in voice recognition experiments
im very new to basic stamps and i would like to ask if
there had been an application of basic stamps on voice
recognition hardware? i was thinking of making a
circuit using bs2 for some voice DSP application,
similar to that of 'Richie Rich's movie.
thank you very much and have a great day.
marc pascual
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im very new to basic stamps and i would like to ask if
there had been an application of basic stamps on voice
recognition hardware? i was thinking of making a
circuit using bs2 for some voice DSP application,
similar to that of 'Richie Rich's movie.
thank you very much and have a great day.
marc pascual
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> [noparse][[/noparse]...] an application of basic stamps on voice
> recognition hardware? i was thinking of making a
> circuit using bs2 for some voice DSP application,
Voice recognition is a very difficult process, Marc. Doing it badly takes
several million instructions per second. Doing it so-so requires a billion
or more. (No one does it very well. The job is very difficult. Very.) A
Basic Stamp provides about 12,000 instructions per second, depending on the
model. And they are not the right kind of instructions. Voice recognition
requires some very elaborate mathematical calculations, something a digital
signal processor is designed to do, but the Stamp is not.
A Basic Stamp is superbly designed to provide machine control instructions
and those jobs don't require millions of instruction per second, only
thousands. A few simple projects involving a wheeled robot, or something
similar will give you a very good feel for what the Stamps can do. They can
do a lot, but like people they have some things they are good at, and some
things that are best left to other types of computer.
Good luck,