OT Charging an NiMH in 30 Minutes?!?!!
The other day I read that charging NiMH in 60 minutes might harm the batteries.
My 1800 ma/h AA batteries do in fact get quite hot during the charging. I leave
the lid off just for cooling. The article recommended 4 hour charging when you
had the time and 60 or 90 minute chargers when you didn't [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Anyway the other day I saw a charger from Energizer that claimed to work in 30
minutes! That sounds like a ploy to destroy batteries and force the consumer to
buy more NiMH batteries or maybe even give up and go back to disposables! A
2000 ma AA would be getting around 4 amps to charge in 30 minutes....that seems
quite excessive!
I'm just a newbie here but I was wondering what you guys and gals had to say!?
My 1800 ma/h AA batteries do in fact get quite hot during the charging. I leave
the lid off just for cooling. The article recommended 4 hour charging when you
had the time and 60 or 90 minute chargers when you didn't [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Anyway the other day I saw a charger from Energizer that claimed to work in 30
minutes! That sounds like a ploy to destroy batteries and force the consumer to
buy more NiMH batteries or maybe even give up and go back to disposables! A
2000 ma AA would be getting around 4 amps to charge in 30 minutes....that seems
quite excessive!
I'm just a newbie here but I was wondering what you guys and gals had to say!?
need a good peak detecting charger that is made to charge NiMH cells to do
The Energizer cells are made to withstand this type of charge. My
understanding is that each cell has it's own built-in peak detection circuit
to handle this. These cells can not be charged in any other charger nor can
the charger built for them be used with any other NiMH cell.
Hank Hagquist
Team RCV - http://www.teamrcv.com
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Original Message
From: "Tim Hart" <tim.hart@h...>
To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 1:55 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] OT Charging an NiMH in 30 Minutes?!?!!
> The other day I read that charging NiMH in 60 minutes might harm the
batteries. My 1800 ma/h AA batteries do in fact get quite hot during the
charging. I leave the lid off just for cooling. The article recommended 4
hour charging when you had the time and 60 or 90 minute chargers when you
didn't [noparse]:)[/noparse]
> Anyway the other day I saw a charger from Energizer that claimed to work
in 30 minutes! That sounds like a ploy to destroy batteries and force the
consumer to buy more NiMH batteries or maybe even give up and go back to
disposables! A 2000 ma AA would be getting around 4 amps to charge in 30
minutes....that seems quite excessive!
> I'm just a newbie here but I was wondering what you guys and gals had to
> Thanks,
> Tim
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