To Jon Williams
When your article about the Playstation September issue of N&V is
going to be published?.
The N&V's FTP library does not showed.
going to be published?.
The N&V's FTP library does not showed.
-- Jon Williams
Original Message
From: Albert Catano [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]acatano2002@y...[/url
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 9:20 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] To Jon Williams
When your article about the Playstation September issue of N&V is
going to be published?.
The N&V's FTP library does not showed.
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robot, or i got to rewite everything in java like you sugest?
suggesting Java as one possible choice for the PC side.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
Original Message
From: c62man [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]jmusic264@s...[/url
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:13 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] To Jon Williams
can i add the soft for the eb500 to my pbasic that i wrote for my
robot, or i got to rewite everything in java like you sugest?
Dear Sir,
My name is M. ALI. J. Iam a student at Lampung University, Indonesia, on S1 degree with majoring in control system at electrical engineering dept.-technic faculty. I was read PC2Stamp.vpp and StampToPC.BS2 files. It is very helpfull for me because i have project automatic data collection from basic stamp 2e to PC with visual basic software at PC side. iam sorry sir, your file of PC@S... is not working properly when i click upload button. Before that, i have filled the basic stamp with data (string or number). May i get a revise version of this file (PC2Stamp.vpp and StampToPC.BS2) with detail explanation on it.
For your information, this project in order to get graduate title from my university and also iam a new in visual basic and p-basic software. Sir, i want to record data from many basic stamps (46 basic stamps) to PC with serial communication. This serial cable is parallel between baasic stamps.
My question is how we make an identifier name for basic stamps. So, we can collect data from specify basic stamp without problem. I include the shematic diagram on attachment.
Please answer to ali1180@p.... Thank you very much.
Sincrely yours
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to Go to the
'Files' section, to AlDemo/ (or
something like that)
RS232 does NOT support multiple nodes -- it is
only point-to-point. If you want multiple nodes,
you'll need an RS485 driver/reciever. However,
it should use the same code.
The PC should act as a 'master'. It should
query each 'slave' BS2 to get its data, so no two
'slave' BS2's try to talk at the same time.
--- In, mali ok <maliok80@y...> wrote:
> To Jon Williams
> Dear Sir,
> My name is M. ALI. J. Iam a student at Lampung University,
Indonesia, on S1 degree with majoring in control system at electrical
engineering dept.-technic faculty. I was read PC2Stamp.vpp and
StampToPC.BS2 files. It is very helpfull for me because i have
project automatic data collection from basic stamp 2e to PC with
visual basic software at PC side. iam sorry sir, your file of PC@S...
is not working properly when i click upload button. Before that, i
have filled the basic stamp with data (string or number). May i get a
revise version of this file (PC2Stamp.vpp and StampToPC.BS2) with
detail explanation on it.
> For your information, this project in order to get graduate title
from my university and also iam a new in visual basic and p-basic
software. Sir, i want to record data from many basic stamps (46 basic
stamps) to PC with serial communication. This serial cable is
parallel between baasic stamps.
> My question is how we make an identifier name for basic stamps. So,
we can collect data from specify basic stamp without problem. I
include the shematic diagram on attachment.
> Please answer to ali1180@p... Thank you very much.
> Sincrely yours
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]