PWMPAL and servos
Hi everyone - I am a new member of this newsgroup, but have been using
BasicStamps for hobby robotics for a few years now.
I just purchased a PWMPAL and was wanting to use it to control 4 servos - (my
new robot design is 4-wheel drive). The instructions from Parallax are pretty
in depth, but do not really cover servo control. Have any of you had any
experience using one of these? Are there any major benefits over just using a
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BasicStamps for hobby robotics for a few years now.
I just purchased a PWMPAL and was wanting to use it to control 4 servos - (my
new robot design is 4-wheel drive). The instructions from Parallax are pretty
in depth, but do not really cover servo control. Have any of you had any
experience using one of these? Are there any major benefits over just using a
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
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