Old School
Does anybody have a ballpark number for the amplification amount of a
phonograph preamp?
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phonograph preamp?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Don't forget the RIAA equalization curve when you design your preamp.
smartdim@a... wrote:
> Does anybody have a ballpark number for the amplification amount of a
> phonograph preamp?
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> Not sure why this is here, but to answer your question, around 60 db.
> Don't forget the RIAA equalization curve when you design your preamp.
I posted to this forum because I could not find the information I was looking
for and I knew that some you contribute to the forum would have the
information I was looking for
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ceramic cartridge input?
If you hit the library and look for some of the old Sams or Radio Shack
books you should find a schematic. Amplifier projects were very popular
back in the mid to late 70's when magnetic cartridges became popular.
> Does anybody have a ballpark number for the amplification amount of a
> phonograph preamp?
> Don't forget the RIAA equalization curve when you design your preamp.
Also, remember not to download the schematic/specifications for it or
you'll get sued! [noparse]:D[/noparse]
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