Ir-led & Ir-Receiver correction
yahoo groups wouldn't let me send the attachment
send me a personal message if you wan't the attachment sent directly to you
also, i missed something the var that i called irRight var irBits.BIT0 should be
Ir Var IrBits.BIT0 which is now changed
''{$STAMP BS2}
IrOUt con9 'this goes to the + on the ir led
irIn Var 10 ' this comes out of the signal line on the irDet
irBits VAR Nib
Ir VAR irBits.BIT0
FREQOUT IrOut,1,38500 ' note 38000 may need to be used
ir =~IrIn
IF Ir = 1 THEN
' this tell the program where u wana go if you
get a signal
IF Ir = 0 THEN
' this tells the program where u wana go if you
don't get a signal
GOTO ......
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
send me a personal message if you wan't the attachment sent directly to you
also, i missed something the var that i called irRight var irBits.BIT0 should be
Ir Var IrBits.BIT0 which is now changed
''{$STAMP BS2}
IrOUt con9 'this goes to the + on the ir led
irIn Var 10 ' this comes out of the signal line on the irDet
irBits VAR Nib
Ir VAR irBits.BIT0
FREQOUT IrOut,1,38500 ' note 38000 may need to be used
ir =~IrIn
IF Ir = 1 THEN
' this tell the program where u wana go if you
get a signal
IF Ir = 0 THEN
' this tells the program where u wana go if you
don't get a signal
GOTO ......
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]