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a little assistance — Parallax Forums

a little assistance

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2003-07-20 18:26 in General Discussion
Hi all!

Here is a program that I have running on my bot for collision avoidance.
The problenm I have with it is that the halls in the school where I
will be using this are bad to echo. The three sonars ping sequentially
about 150ms apart and from what I can tell, the sonars are picking up
the echoes from each other and getting false triggering. This makes the
bot erratic when traversing the halls.

scenario 1
left sonar fires and gets satisfied (recieves an echo)

center sonar fires and gets an echo but it may be the ping from the left
sonar that was echoing down the hall so it thinks there is an obstacle
in close range. Bot puts on the brakes. . .

scenario 2
center sonar fires and determines there is nothing in the way so the
right sonar fires and recieves an echo which may be the echo from center
echoing back from down the hall and it thinks there is a wall or
obstacle on the right so it veers left. There was no obstacle on the right.

Following is the entire code for the program.
Anyone who can assist or help me write it to be more stable, or just
give suggestions, I would appreciate it!


Doug Simpson

Code follows. . .

'Triple Sonar, Dual Motor Robot Vision and Guidance System

'For Basic Stamp 2sx only.

'Forward motor control only at this time. Strictly collision avoidance.

'No other functions at this time

'declaration of constants

pingl con 15 'Sets ping output left on pin 15

pingc con 14 'Sets ping output center on pin 14

pingr con 13 'Sets ping output right on pin13

retl con 10 'Sets echo input left on pin 10

retc con 9 'Sets echo input center on pin 9

retr con 8 'Sets echo input right on pin 8

ena con 11 'Sets output to enable (power to sonars) on 11

serv con 12 'Sets servo output on pin 12

ir con 7 'Sets infrared detect input on pin 7

timel var word 'variable for the rctime on left sonar

timec var word 'variable for the rctime on center sonar

timer var word 'variable for the rctime on right sonar

inchesl var byte 'variable for inches left

inchesc var byte 'variable for inches canter

inchesr var byte 'variable for inches right

inchl var byte 'variable for inches left for direction sensing

inchr var byte 'variable for inches right for direction sensing

vector var word 'variable for the location of the sonar servo

check var byte 'variable for

vcheck var byte 'variable for

stiml var word 'variable for directional determination

stimr var word 'variable for directional determination

stimc var word 'variable for collision avoidance

inchc var byte 'converted inches for collision avoidance

rot var word 'rotational variable

rot = 500 'sets duration of rotation - 500 is roughly 1/2 second

vector = 1800 'sets the servo to center DO NOT CHANGE


output ena

output pingl

output pingc

output pingr

output serv

input retl

input retc

input retr

input ir

low pingl 'turn pingl off

low pingc 'turn pingc off

low pingr 'turn pingr off

high ena 'high turns off power to the sonar modules

gosub center 'jump to servo center routine


low ena 'turn power on

pause 5 'wait a tad

high pingl 'execute a ping

pulsout 0,1500 'wait 1.2ms (dummy line)

rctime retl,0,timel 'now, wait for echo pulse

timel = timel*2

inchesl = timel/375+11 'convert time in microseconds to inches

'could be done just on the timel, timec and timer data but

'easier to set the distances in inches than miliseconds

low pingl 'turn ping off

pause 50

high pingc 'same as above only on center sonar

pulsout 0,1500 'starts the rctime timer in the Stamp

rctime retc,0,timec 'to get the time in microseconds

timec = timec*2

inchesc = timec/375+11 'do some math to determine inches (approximate)

low pingc 'turn ping off

pause 50

high pingr 'same as above only on right sonar

pulsout 0,1500

rctime retr,0,timer

timer = timer*2

inchesr = timer/375+11

low pingr

high ena 'turn power off

pause 150 'wait a bit 'sonars must be powered off between pings and

'this delay assures ample time to discharge the

'filters on the sonar modules


if inchesc <60 then sonar 'if inches on center are less than 60 then jump to
label sonar

if inchesc >60 then free 'if inches on center are greater than 60 then jump to
label free


low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'stop motors

pause 2000

vector = 2700 'sets servo vector for directional determination DO NOT CHANGE

gosub seek 'jump to label seek


'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",dec inchesc, " inches center ",dec inchesr,
" inches right ",cr

if inchesl >50 and inchesr >50 then forward 'no errors

if inchesl <50 and inchesr >50 then veerr 'something close on left - veer right

if inchesl >50 and inchesr <50 then veerl 'something close on right - veer left

if inchesl <50 and inchesr <50 then sonar 'something close on both - examine
with servo seek

'goto tping 'ping again (unneeded line - left for revision history)

seek: 'routine to determine direction of least obstacles

low ena 'extra ping to make sure the <40 on center is actually an inanimate

pause 5 'and not a person or other moving object

high pingc

pulsout 0,1500

rctime retc,0,stimc

stimc = stimc*2

inchc = stimc/375+11

low pingc

high ena

''debug dec inchesc, " inches ",cr

pause 200

if inchc >60 then tping 'if center obstacle is cleared, continue on forward -
if not, determine

'path of least obstacles

vector = 2700 'servo vector right to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE

for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE

pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE

pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE


low ena 'ping for obstacle

pause 5

high pingc

pulsout 0,1500

rctime retc,0,stimr

stimr = stimr*2

inchr = stimr/375+11

low pingc

high ena

'debug dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr

pause 150

vector = 700 'servo vector left to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE

for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE

pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE

pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE


low ena 'ping for obstacle

pause 5

high pingc

pulsout 0,1500

rctime retc,0,stiml

stiml = stiml*2

inchl = stiml/375+11

low pingc

high ena

'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",cr

pause 150

center: 'Center servo centering routine

for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE

vector = 1650 'DO NOT CHANGE

pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE

pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE


if inchl < inchr then rotr 'if obstacle is closer on the left, then rotate right

if inchr < inchl then rotl 'if obstacle is closer on the right, then rotate left


'debug " rotate right ",cr,cr

high 1: low 2:low 3:low 4 'Turns on left motor forward to rotate right

pause rot 'sets the rotate -on- delay

goto rotf


'debug " rotate left ",cr,cr

low 1:low 2:low 3:high 4 'Turns on right motor forward to rotate left

pause rot

goto rotf


low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'turns off motors

pause 500 'wait a bit for coastdown (no braking implemented yet)


forward: 'run motors forward

high 1:high 4

'debug " forward ",cr

goto tping 'return to start of main routine

veerr: 'run left forward motor only

high 1:low 4

'debug " veerr ",cr

goto tping

veerl: 'run right forward motor only

'debug " veerl ",cr

low 1:high 4

goto tping


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2003-07-19 06:50
    I'm not too knowledgeable here but I'll give my 2 cents anyway, :-) 150
    seconds apart may be far to close together for the environment (hallway is
    an echo chamber) and the speed (slow) which a robot would normally want to
    navigate in a hallway presumably with human pedestrian traffic. You could
    get by with fewer pings with built in pauses in your code after each ping
    command. If you can't control the ping rate, would it be feasible to turn
    the sonar on and off to accomplish this? Ask the manufacturer if there is a
    resistor or cap you can place somewhere to reduce the ping rate(simple
    hardware fix unless its super miniaturized). Could you desensitize your
    "ears" with a sort of earmuff, how about giving your "ears" external sound
    absorbing tubes, giving them directional filtering?

    Original Message
    From: Doug Simpson [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]veewee77@a...[/url
    Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 1:18 AM
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] a little assistance

    Hi all!

    Here is a program that I have running on my bot for collision avoidance.
    The problenm I have with it is that the halls in the school where I
    will be using this are bad to echo. The three sonars ping sequentially
    about 150ms apart and from what I can tell, the sonars are picking up
    the echoes from each other and getting false triggering. This makes the
    bot erratic when traversing the halls.

    scenario 1
    left sonar fires and gets satisfied (recieves an echo)

    center sonar fires and gets an echo but it may be the ping from the left
    sonar that was echoing down the hall so it thinks there is an obstacle
    in close range. Bot puts on the brakes. . .

    scenario 2
    center sonar fires and determines there is nothing in the way so the
    right sonar fires and recieves an echo which may be the echo from center
    echoing back from down the hall and it thinks there is a wall or
    obstacle on the right so it veers left. There was no obstacle on the right.

    Following is the entire code for the program.
    Anyone who can assist or help me write it to be more stable, or just
    give suggestions, I would appreciate it!


    Doug Simpson

    Code follows. . .

    'Triple Sonar, Dual Motor Robot Vision and Guidance System

    'For Basic Stamp 2sx only.

    'Forward motor control only at this time. Strictly collision avoidance.

    'No other functions at this time

    'declaration of constants

    pingl con 15 'Sets ping output left on pin 15

    pingc con 14 'Sets ping output center on pin 14

    pingr con 13 'Sets ping output right on pin13

    retl con 10 'Sets echo input left on pin 10

    retc con 9 'Sets echo input center on pin 9

    retr con 8 'Sets echo input right on pin 8

    ena con 11 'Sets output to enable (power to sonars) on 11

    serv con 12 'Sets servo output on pin 12

    ir con 7 'Sets infrared detect input on pin 7

    timel var word 'variable for the rctime on left sonar

    timec var word 'variable for the rctime on center sonar

    timer var word 'variable for the rctime on right sonar

    inchesl var byte 'variable for inches left

    inchesc var byte 'variable for inches canter

    inchesr var byte 'variable for inches right

    inchl var byte 'variable for inches left for direction sensing

    inchr var byte 'variable for inches right for direction sensing

    vector var word 'variable for the location of the sonar servo

    check var byte 'variable for

    vcheck var byte 'variable for

    stiml var word 'variable for directional determination

    stimr var word 'variable for directional determination

    stimc var word 'variable for collision avoidance

    inchc var byte 'converted inches for collision avoidance

    rot var word 'rotational variable

    rot = 500 'sets duration of rotation - 500 is roughly 1/2 second

    vector = 1800 'sets the servo to center DO NOT CHANGE


    output ena

    output pingl

    output pingc

    output pingr

    output serv

    input retl

    input retc

    input retr

    input ir

    low pingl 'turn pingl off

    low pingc 'turn pingc off

    low pingr 'turn pingr off

    high ena 'high turns off power to the sonar modules

    gosub center 'jump to servo center routine


    low ena 'turn power on

    pause 5 'wait a tad

    high pingl 'execute a ping

    pulsout 0,1500 'wait 1.2ms (dummy line)

    rctime retl,0,timel 'now, wait for echo pulse

    timel = timel*2

    inchesl = timel/375+11 'convert time in microseconds to inches

    'could be done just on the timel, timec and timer data but

    'easier to set the distances in inches than miliseconds

    low pingl 'turn ping off

    pause 50

    high pingc 'same as above only on center sonar

    pulsout 0,1500 'starts the rctime timer in the Stamp

    rctime retc,0,timec 'to get the time in microseconds

    timec = timec*2

    inchesc = timec/375+11 'do some math to determine inches (approximate)

    low pingc 'turn ping off

    pause 50

    high pingr 'same as above only on right sonar

    pulsout 0,1500

    rctime retr,0,timer

    timer = timer*2

    inchesr = timer/375+11

    low pingr

    high ena 'turn power off

    pause 150 'wait a bit 'sonars must be powered off between pings and

    'this delay assures ample time to discharge the

    'filters on the sonar modules


    if inchesc <60 then sonar 'if inches on center are less than 60 then jump to
    label sonar

    if inchesc >60 then free 'if inches on center are greater than 60 then jump
    to label free


    low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'stop motors

    pause 2000

    vector = 2700 'sets servo vector for directional determination DO NOT

    gosub seek 'jump to label seek


    'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",dec inchesc, " inches center ",dec
    inchesr, " inches right ",cr

    if inchesl >50 and inchesr >50 then forward 'no errors

    if inchesl <50 and inchesr >50 then veerr 'something close on left - veer

    if inchesl >50 and inchesr <50 then veerl 'something close on right - veer

    if inchesl <50 and inchesr <50 then sonar 'something close on both -
    examine with servo seek

    'goto tping 'ping again (unneeded line - left for revision history)

    seek: 'routine to determine direction of least obstacles

    low ena 'extra ping to make sure the <40 on center is actually an
    inanimate object

    pause 5 'and not a person or other moving object

    high pingc

    pulsout 0,1500

    rctime retc,0,stimc

    stimc = stimc*2

    inchc = stimc/375+11

    low pingc

    high ena

    ''debug dec inchesc, " inches ",cr

    pause 200

    if inchc >60 then tping 'if center obstacle is cleared, continue on
    forward - if not, determine

    'path of least obstacles

    vector = 2700 'servo vector right to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE

    for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE

    pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE

    pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE

    next 'DO NOT CHANGE

    low ena 'ping for obstacle

    pause 5

    high pingc

    pulsout 0,1500

    rctime retc,0,stimr

    stimr = stimr*2

    inchr = stimr/375+11

    low pingc

    high ena

    'debug dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr

    pause 150

    vector = 700 'servo vector left to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE

    for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE

    pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE

    pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE

    next 'DO NOT CHANGE

    low ena 'ping for obstacle

    pause 5

    high pingc

    pulsout 0,1500

    rctime retc,0,stiml

    stiml = stiml*2

    inchl = stiml/375+11

    low pingc

    high ena

    'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",cr

    pause 150

    center: 'Center servo centering routine

    for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE

    vector = 1650 'DO NOT CHANGE

    pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE

    pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE

    next 'DO NOT CHANGE

    if inchl < inchr then rotr 'if obstacle is closer on the left, then rotate

    if inchr < inchl then rotl 'if obstacle is closer on the right, then rotate


    'debug " rotate right ",cr,cr

    high 1: low 2:low 3:low 4 'Turns on left motor forward to rotate right

    pause rot 'sets the rotate -on- delay

    goto rotf


    'debug " rotate left ",cr,cr

    low 1:low 2:low 3:high 4 'Turns on right motor forward to rotate left

    pause rot

    goto rotf


    low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'turns off motors

    pause 500 'wait a bit for coastdown (no braking implemented yet)


    forward: 'run motors forward

    high 1:high 4

    'debug " forward ",cr

    goto tping 'return to start of main routine

    veerr: 'run left forward motor only

    high 1:low 4

    'debug " veerr ",cr

    goto tping

    veerl: 'run right forward motor only

    'debug " veerl ",cr

    low 1:high 4

    goto tping

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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2003-07-19 13:43
    An obvious solution: delay more than 50 mSec between
    different 'ping's. Clearly the echo-ness of your
    hallway means you need more time to let the
    echo's die. Try 100 mSec, or 200 mSec and
    see what happens.

    --- In, Doug Simpson <veewee77@a...>
    > Hi all!
    > Here is a program that I have running on my bot for collision
    > The problenm I have with it is that the halls in the school where
    > will be using this are bad to echo. The three sonars ping
    > about 150ms apart and from what I can tell, the sonars are picking
    > the echoes from each other and getting false triggering. This
    makes the
    > bot erratic when traversing the halls.
    > Example:
    > scenario 1
    > left sonar fires and gets satisfied (recieves an echo)
    > center sonar fires and gets an echo but it may be the ping from the
    > sonar that was echoing down the hall so it thinks there is an
    > in close range. Bot puts on the brakes. . .
    > scenario 2
    > center sonar fires and determines there is nothing in the way so
    > right sonar fires and recieves an echo which may be the echo from
    > echoing back from down the hall and it thinks there is a wall or
    > obstacle on the right so it veers left. There was no obstacle on
    the right.
    > Following is the entire code for the program.
    > Anyone who can assist or help me write it to be more stable, or
    > give suggestions, I would appreciate it!
    > Thanks
    > Doug Simpson
    > Code follows. . .
    > *****************************************
    > 'Triple Sonar, Dual Motor Robot Vision and Guidance System
    > 'For Basic Stamp 2sx only.
    > 'Forward motor control only at this time. Strictly collision
    > 'No other functions at this time
    > 'declaration of constants
    > pingl con 15 'Sets ping output left on pin
    > pingc con 14 'Sets ping output center on
    pin 14
    > pingr con 13 'Sets ping output right on
    > retl con 10 'Sets echo input left on pin
    > retc con 9 'Sets echo input center on
    pin 9
    > retr con 8 'Sets echo input right on pin
    > ena con 11 'Sets output to enable (power
    to sonars) on 11
    > serv con 12 'Sets servo output on pin 12
    > ir con 7 'Sets infrared detect input
    on pin 7
    > timel var word 'variable for the rctime on
    left sonar
    > timec var word 'variable for the rctime on
    center sonar
    > timer var word 'variable for the rctime on
    right sonar
    > inchesl var byte 'variable for inches left
    > inchesc var byte 'variable for inches canter
    > inchesr var byte 'variable for inches right
    > inchl var byte 'variable for inches left for
    direction sensing
    > inchr var byte 'variable for inches right
    for direction sensing
    > vector var word 'variable for the location of
    the sonar servo
    > check var byte 'variable for
    > vcheck var byte 'variable for
    > stiml var word 'variable for directional
    > stimr var word 'variable for directional
    > stimc var word 'variable for collision
    > inchc var byte 'converted inches for
    collision avoidance
    > rot var word 'rotational variable
    > rot = 500 'sets duration of rotation -
    500 is roughly 1/2 second
    > vector = 1800 'sets the servo to center DO NOT
    > start:
    > output ena
    > output pingl
    > output pingc
    > output pingr
    > output serv
    > input retl
    > input retc
    > input retr
    > input ir
    > low pingl 'turn pingl off
    > low pingc 'turn pingc off
    > low pingr 'turn pingr off
    > high ena 'high turns off power to the
    sonar modules
    > gosub center 'jump to servo center routine
    > tping:
    > low ena 'turn power on
    > pause 5 'wait a tad
    > high pingl 'execute a ping
    > pulsout 0,1500 'wait 1.2ms (dummy line)
    > rctime retl,0,timel 'now, wait for echo pulse
    > timel = timel*2
    > inchesl = timel/375+11 'convert time in microseconds
    to inches
    > 'could be done just on the
    timel, timec and timer data but
    > 'easier to set the distances
    in inches than miliseconds
    > low pingl 'turn ping off
    > pause 50
    > high pingc 'same as above only on center
    > pulsout 0,1500 'starts the rctime timer in
    the Stamp
    > rctime retc,0,timec 'to get the time in microseconds
    > timec = timec*2
    > inchesc = timec/375+11 'do some math to determine
    inches (approximate)
    > low pingc 'turn ping off
    > pause 50
    > high pingr 'same as above only on right
    > pulsout 0,1500
    > rctime retr,0,timer
    > timer = timer*2
    > inchesr = timer/375+11
    > low pingr
    > high ena 'turn power off
    > pause 150 'wait a bit 'sonars must
    be powered off between pings and
    > 'this delay assures ample
    time to discharge the
    > 'filters on the sonar modules
    > display:
    > if inchesc <60 then sonar 'if inches on center are less than 60
    then jump to label sonar
    > if inchesc >60 then free 'if inches on center are greater than
    60 then jump to label free
    > sonar:
    > low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'stop motors
    > pause 2000
    > vector = 2700 'sets servo vector for directional
    determination DO NOT CHANGE
    > gosub seek 'jump to label seek
    > free:
    > 'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",dec inchesc, " inches
    center ",dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    > if inchesl >50 and inchesr >50 then forward 'no errors
    > if inchesl <50 and inchesr >50 then veerr 'something
    close on left - veer right
    > if inchesl >50 and inchesr <50 then veerl 'something
    close on right - veer left
    > if inchesl <50 and inchesr <50 then sonar 'something
    close on both - examine with servo seek
    > 'goto tping 'ping again (unneeded line -
    left for revision history)
    > seek: 'routine to determine
    direction of least obstacles
    > low ena 'extra ping to make sure the
    <40 on center is actually an inanimate object
    > pause 5 'and not a person or other
    moving object
    > high pingc
    > pulsout 0,1500
    > rctime retc,0,stimc
    > stimc = stimc*2
    > inchc = stimc/375+11
    > low pingc
    > high ena
    > ''debug dec inchesc, " inches ",cr
    > pause 200
    > if inchc >60 then tping 'if center obstacle is
    cleared, continue on forward - if not, determine
    > 'path of least obstacles
    > vector = 2700 'servo vector right to ping for
    obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    > for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > low ena 'ping for obstacle
    > pause 5
    > high pingc
    > pulsout 0,1500
    > rctime retc,0,stimr
    > stimr = stimr*2
    > inchr = stimr/375+11
    > low pingc
    > high ena
    > 'debug dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    > pause 150
    > vector = 700 'servo vector left to ping for
    obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    > for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > low ena 'ping for obstacle
    > pause 5
    > high pingc
    > pulsout 0,1500
    > rctime retc,0,stiml
    > stiml = stiml*2
    > inchl = stiml/375+11
    > low pingc
    > high ena
    > 'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",cr
    > pause 150
    > center: 'Center servo centering
    > for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > vector = 1650 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    > if inchl < inchr then rotr 'if obstacle is closer on the left,
    then rotate right
    > if inchr < inchl then rotl 'if obstacle is closer on the right,
    then rotate left
    > rotr:
    > 'debug " rotate right ",cr,cr
    > high 1: low 2:low 3:low 4 'Turns on left motor forward to
    rotate right
    > pause rot 'sets the rotate -on- delay
    > goto rotf
    > rotl:
    > 'debug " rotate left ",cr,cr
    > low 1:low 2:low 3:high 4 'Turns on right motor forward to
    rotate left
    > pause rot
    > goto rotf
    > rotf:
    > low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'turns off motors
    > pause 500 'wait a bit for coastdown (no
    braking implemented yet)
    > return
    > forward: 'run motors forward
    > high 1:high 4
    > 'debug " forward ",cr
    > goto tping 'return to start of main
    > veerr: 'run left forward motor only
    > high 1:low 4
    > 'debug " veerr ",cr
    > goto tping
    > veerl: 'run right forward motor only
    > 'debug " veerl ",cr
    > low 1:high 4
    > goto tping
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2003-07-19 23:10
    This seems like an easy solution however this bot is as big as an
    electric wheelchair and moves at a better than a fast walk pace and the
    more delay in object detection the more likely it is to run over something.

    Thanks for the input, though. . .

    Allan Lane wrote:

    >An obvious solution: delay more than 50 mSec between
    >different 'ping's. Clearly the echo-ness of your
    >hallway means you need more time to let the
    >echo's die. Try 100 mSec, or 200 mSec and
    >see what happens.
    >--- In, Doug Simpson <veewee77@a...>
    >>Hi all!
    >>Here is a program that I have running on my bot for collision
    >> The problenm I have with it is that the halls in the school where
    >>will be using this are bad to echo. The three sonars ping
    >>about 150ms apart and from what I can tell, the sonars are picking
    >>the echoes from each other and getting false triggering. This
    >makes the
    >>bot erratic when traversing the halls.
    >>scenario 1
    >>left sonar fires and gets satisfied (recieves an echo)
    >>center sonar fires and gets an echo but it may be the ping from the
    >>sonar that was echoing down the hall so it thinks there is an
    >>in close range. Bot puts on the brakes. . .
    >>scenario 2
    >>center sonar fires and determines there is nothing in the way so
    >>right sonar fires and recieves an echo which may be the echo from
    >>echoing back from down the hall and it thinks there is a wall or
    >>obstacle on the right so it veers left. There was no obstacle on
    >the right.
    >>Following is the entire code for the program.
    >>Anyone who can assist or help me write it to be more stable, or
    >>give suggestions, I would appreciate it!
    >>Doug Simpson
    >>Code follows. . .
    >>'Triple Sonar, Dual Motor Robot Vision and Guidance System
    >>'For Basic Stamp 2sx only.
    >>'Forward motor control only at this time. Strictly collision
    >>'No other functions at this time
    >>'declaration of constants
    >>pingl con 15 'Sets ping output left on pin
    >>pingc con 14 'Sets ping output center on
    >pin 14
    >>pingr con 13 'Sets ping output right on
    >>retl con 10 'Sets echo input left on pin
    >>retc con 9 'Sets echo input center on
    >pin 9
    >>retr con 8 'Sets echo input right on pin
    >>ena con 11 'Sets output to enable (power
    >to sonars) on 11
    >>serv con 12 'Sets servo output on pin 12
    >>ir con 7 'Sets infrared detect input
    >on pin 7
    >>timel var word 'variable for the rctime on
    >left sonar
    >>timec var word 'variable for the rctime on
    >center sonar
    >>timer var word 'variable for the rctime on
    >right sonar
    >>inchesl var byte 'variable for inches left
    >>inchesc var byte 'variable for inches canter
    >>inchesr var byte 'variable for inches right
    >>inchl var byte 'variable for inches left for
    >direction sensing
    >>inchr var byte 'variable for inches right
    >for direction sensing
    >>vector var word 'variable for the location of
    >the sonar servo
    >>check var byte 'variable for
    >>vcheck var byte 'variable for
    >>stiml var word 'variable for directional
    >>stimr var word 'variable for directional
    >>stimc var word 'variable for collision
    >>inchc var byte 'converted inches for
    >collision avoidance
    >>rot var word 'rotational variable
    >>rot = 500 'sets duration of rotation -
    >500 is roughly 1/2 second
    >>vector = 1800 'sets the servo to center DO NOT
    >>output ena
    >>output pingl
    >>output pingc
    >>output pingr
    >>output serv
    >>input retl
    >>input retc
    >>input retr
    >>input ir
    >>low pingl 'turn pingl off
    >>low pingc 'turn pingc off
    >>low pingr 'turn pingr off
    >>high ena 'high turns off power to the
    >sonar modules
    >>gosub center 'jump to servo center routine
    >>low ena 'turn power on
    >>pause 5 'wait a tad
    >>high pingl 'execute a ping
    >>pulsout 0,1500 'wait 1.2ms (dummy line)
    >>rctime retl,0,timel 'now, wait for echo pulse
    >>timel = timel*2
    >>inchesl = timel/375+11 'convert time in microseconds
    >to inches
    >> 'could be done just on the
    >timel, timec and timer data but
    >> 'easier to set the distances
    >in inches than miliseconds
    >>low pingl 'turn ping off
    >>pause 50
    >>high pingc 'same as above only on center
    >>pulsout 0,1500 'starts the rctime timer in
    >the Stamp
    >>rctime retc,0,timec 'to get the time in microseconds
    >>timec = timec*2
    >>inchesc = timec/375+11 'do some math to determine
    >inches (approximate)
    >>low pingc 'turn ping off
    >>pause 50
    >>high pingr 'same as above only on right
    >>pulsout 0,1500
    >>rctime retr,0,timer
    >>timer = timer*2
    >>inchesr = timer/375+11
    >>low pingr
    >>high ena 'turn power off
    >>pause 150 'wait a bit 'sonars must
    >be powered off between pings and
    >> 'this delay assures ample
    >time to discharge the
    >> 'filters on the sonar modules
    >>if inchesc <60 then sonar 'if inches on center are less than 60
    >then jump to label sonar
    >>if inchesc >60 then free 'if inches on center are greater than
    >60 then jump to label free
    >>low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'stop motors
    >>pause 2000
    >>vector = 2700 'sets servo vector for directional
    >determination DO NOT CHANGE
    >>gosub seek 'jump to label seek
    >>'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",dec inchesc, " inches
    >center ",dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    >>if inchesl >50 and inchesr >50 then forward 'no errors
    >>if inchesl <50 and inchesr >50 then veerr 'something
    >close on left - veer right
    >>if inchesl >50 and inchesr <50 then veerl 'something
    >close on right - veer left
    >>if inchesl <50 and inchesr <50 then sonar 'something
    >close on both - examine with servo seek
    >>'goto tping 'ping again (unneeded line -
    >left for revision history)
    >>seek: 'routine to determine
    >direction of least obstacles
    >>low ena 'extra ping to make sure the
    ><40 on center is actually an inanimate object
    >>pause 5 'and not a person or other
    >moving object
    >>high pingc
    >>pulsout 0,1500
    >>rctime retc,0,stimc
    >>stimc = stimc*2
    >>inchc = stimc/375+11
    >>low pingc
    >>high ena
    >>''debug dec inchesc, " inches ",cr
    >>pause 200
    >>if inchc >60 then tping 'if center obstacle is
    >cleared, continue on forward - if not, determine
    >> 'path of least obstacles
    >>vector = 2700 'servo vector right to ping for
    >obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    >>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>low ena 'ping for obstacle
    >>pause 5
    >>high pingc
    >>pulsout 0,1500
    >>rctime retc,0,stimr
    >>stimr = stimr*2
    >>inchr = stimr/375+11
    >>low pingc
    >>high ena
    >>'debug dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    >>pause 150
    >>vector = 700 'servo vector left to ping for
    >obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    >>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>low ena 'ping for obstacle
    >>pause 5
    >>high pingc
    >>pulsout 0,1500
    >>rctime retc,0,stiml
    >>stiml = stiml*2
    >>inchl = stiml/375+11
    >>low pingc
    >>high ena
    >>'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",cr
    >>pause 150
    >>center: 'Center servo centering
    >>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>vector = 1650 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>if inchl < inchr then rotr 'if obstacle is closer on the left,
    >then rotate right
    >>if inchr < inchl then rotl 'if obstacle is closer on the right,
    >then rotate left
    >>'debug " rotate right ",cr,cr
    >>high 1: low 2:low 3:low 4 'Turns on left motor forward to
    >rotate right
    >>pause rot 'sets the rotate -on- delay
    >>goto rotf
    >>'debug " rotate left ",cr,cr
    >>low 1:low 2:low 3:high 4 'Turns on right motor forward to
    >rotate left
    >>pause rot
    >>goto rotf
    >>low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'turns off motors
    >>pause 500 'wait a bit for coastdown (no
    >braking implemented yet)
    >>forward: 'run motors forward
    >>high 1:high 4
    >>'debug " forward ",cr
    >>goto tping 'return to start of main
    >>veerr: 'run left forward motor only
    >>high 1:low 4
    >>'debug " veerr ",cr
    >>goto tping
    >>veerl: 'run right forward motor only
    >>'debug " veerl ",cr
    >>low 1:high 4
    >>goto tping
    >To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
    >from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body
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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2003-07-19 23:15
    Thanks for the input.
    This must be as close to real-time detection as possible since the bot
    moves at a better than a fast walk pace. The sooner it detects
    obstacles, the sooner it will be able to decide not to run over them.

    Bill Katakis wrote:

    >I'm not too knowledgeable here but I'll give my 2 cents anyway, :-) 150
    >seconds apart may be far to close together for the environment (hallway is
    >an echo chamber) and the speed (slow) which a robot would normally want to
    >navigate in a hallway presumably with human pedestrian traffic. You could
    >get by with fewer pings with built in pauses in your code after each ping
    >command. If you can't control the ping rate, would it be feasible to turn
    >the sonar on and off to accomplish this? Ask the manufacturer if there is a
    >resistor or cap you can place somewhere to reduce the ping rate(simple
    >hardware fix unless its super miniaturized). Could you desensitize your
    >"ears" with a sort of earmuff, how about giving your "ears" external sound
    >absorbing tubes, giving them directional filtering?
    Original Message
    >From: Doug Simpson [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]veewee77@a...[/url
    >Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 1:18 AM
    >Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] a little assistance
    >Hi all!
    >Here is a program that I have running on my bot for collision avoidance.
    > The problenm I have with it is that the halls in the school where I
    >will be using this are bad to echo. The three sonars ping sequentially
    >about 150ms apart and from what I can tell, the sonars are picking up
    >the echoes from each other and getting false triggering. This makes the
    >bot erratic when traversing the halls.
    >scenario 1
    >left sonar fires and gets satisfied (recieves an echo)
    >center sonar fires and gets an echo but it may be the ping from the left
    >sonar that was echoing down the hall so it thinks there is an obstacle
    >in close range. Bot puts on the brakes. . .
    >scenario 2
    >center sonar fires and determines there is nothing in the way so the
    >right sonar fires and recieves an echo which may be the echo from center
    >echoing back from down the hall and it thinks there is a wall or
    >obstacle on the right so it veers left. There was no obstacle on the right.
    >Following is the entire code for the program.
    >Anyone who can assist or help me write it to be more stable, or just
    >give suggestions, I would appreciate it!
    >Doug Simpson
    >Code follows. . .
    >'Triple Sonar, Dual Motor Robot Vision and Guidance System
    >'For Basic Stamp 2sx only.
    >'Forward motor control only at this time. Strictly collision avoidance.
    >'No other functions at this time
    >'declaration of constants
    >pingl con 15 'Sets ping output left on pin 15
    >pingc con 14 'Sets ping output center on pin 14
    >pingr con 13 'Sets ping output right on pin13
    >retl con 10 'Sets echo input left on pin 10
    >retc con 9 'Sets echo input center on pin 9
    >retr con 8 'Sets echo input right on pin 8
    >ena con 11 'Sets output to enable (power to sonars) on 11
    >serv con 12 'Sets servo output on pin 12
    >ir con 7 'Sets infrared detect input on pin 7
    >timel var word 'variable for the rctime on left sonar
    >timec var word 'variable for the rctime on center sonar
    >timer var word 'variable for the rctime on right sonar
    >inchesl var byte 'variable for inches left
    >inchesc var byte 'variable for inches canter
    >inchesr var byte 'variable for inches right
    >inchl var byte 'variable for inches left for direction sensing
    >inchr var byte 'variable for inches right for direction sensing
    >vector var word 'variable for the location of the sonar servo
    >check var byte 'variable for
    >vcheck var byte 'variable for
    >stiml var word 'variable for directional determination
    >stimr var word 'variable for directional determination
    >stimc var word 'variable for collision avoidance
    >inchc var byte 'converted inches for collision avoidance
    >rot var word 'rotational variable
    >rot = 500 'sets duration of rotation - 500 is roughly 1/2 second
    >vector = 1800 'sets the servo to center DO NOT CHANGE
    >output ena
    >output pingl
    >output pingc
    >output pingr
    >output serv
    >input retl
    >input retc
    >input retr
    >input ir
    >low pingl 'turn pingl off
    >low pingc 'turn pingc off
    >low pingr 'turn pingr off
    >high ena 'high turns off power to the sonar modules
    >gosub center 'jump to servo center routine
    >low ena 'turn power on
    >pause 5 'wait a tad
    >high pingl 'execute a ping
    >pulsout 0,1500 'wait 1.2ms (dummy line)
    >rctime retl,0,timel 'now, wait for echo pulse
    >timel = timel*2
    >inchesl = timel/375+11 'convert time in microseconds to inches
    > 'could be done just on the timel, timec and timer data but
    > 'easier to set the distances in inches than miliseconds
    >low pingl 'turn ping off
    >pause 50
    >high pingc 'same as above only on center sonar
    >pulsout 0,1500 'starts the rctime timer in the Stamp
    >rctime retc,0,timec 'to get the time in microseconds
    >timec = timec*2
    >inchesc = timec/375+11 'do some math to determine inches (approximate)
    >low pingc 'turn ping off
    >pause 50
    >high pingr 'same as above only on right sonar
    >pulsout 0,1500
    >rctime retr,0,timer
    >timer = timer*2
    >inchesr = timer/375+11
    >low pingr
    >high ena 'turn power off
    >pause 150 'wait a bit 'sonars must be powered off between pings and
    > 'this delay assures ample time to discharge the
    > 'filters on the sonar modules
    >if inchesc <60 then sonar 'if inches on center are less than 60 then jump to
    >label sonar
    >if inchesc >60 then free 'if inches on center are greater than 60 then jump
    >to label free
    >low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'stop motors
    >pause 2000
    >vector = 2700 'sets servo vector for directional determination DO NOT
    >gosub seek 'jump to label seek
    >'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",dec inchesc, " inches center ",dec
    >inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    >if inchesl >50 and inchesr >50 then forward 'no errors
    >if inchesl <50 and inchesr >50 then veerr 'something close on left - veer
    >if inchesl >50 and inchesr <50 then veerl 'something close on right - veer
    >if inchesl <50 and inchesr <50 then sonar 'something close on both -
    >examine with servo seek
    >'goto tping 'ping again (unneeded line - left for revision history)
    >seek: 'routine to determine direction of least obstacles
    >low ena 'extra ping to make sure the <40 on center is actually an
    >inanimate object
    >pause 5 'and not a person or other moving object
    >high pingc
    >pulsout 0,1500
    >rctime retc,0,stimc
    >stimc = stimc*2
    >inchc = stimc/375+11
    >low pingc
    >high ena
    >''debug dec inchesc, " inches ",cr
    >pause 200
    >if inchc >60 then tping 'if center obstacle is cleared, continue on
    >forward - if not, determine
    > 'path of least obstacles
    >vector = 2700 'servo vector right to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    >for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >low ena 'ping for obstacle
    >pause 5
    >high pingc
    >pulsout 0,1500
    >rctime retc,0,stimr
    >stimr = stimr*2
    >inchr = stimr/375+11
    >low pingc
    >high ena
    >'debug dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    >pause 150
    >vector = 700 'servo vector left to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    >for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >low ena 'ping for obstacle
    >pause 5
    >high pingc
    >pulsout 0,1500
    >rctime retc,0,stiml
    >stiml = stiml*2
    >inchl = stiml/375+11
    >low pingc
    >high ena
    >'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",cr
    >pause 150
    >center: 'Center servo centering routine
    >for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >vector = 1650 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >if inchl < inchr then rotr 'if obstacle is closer on the left, then rotate
    >if inchr < inchl then rotl 'if obstacle is closer on the right, then rotate
    >'debug " rotate right ",cr,cr
    >high 1: low 2:low 3:low 4 'Turns on left motor forward to rotate right
    >pause rot 'sets the rotate -on- delay
    >goto rotf
    >'debug " rotate left ",cr,cr
    >low 1:low 2:low 3:high 4 'Turns on right motor forward to rotate left
    >pause rot
    >goto rotf
    >low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'turns off motors
    >pause 500 'wait a bit for coastdown (no braking implemented yet)
    >forward: 'run motors forward
    >high 1:high 4
    >'debug " forward ",cr
    >goto tping 'return to start of main routine
    >veerr: 'run left forward motor only
    >high 1:low 4
    >'debug " veerr ",cr
    >goto tping
    >veerl: 'run right forward motor only
    >'debug " veerl ",cr
    >low 1:high 4
    >goto tping
    >To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
    >from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
    >Body of the message will be ignored.
    >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
    >To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
    >from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body
    of the message will be ignored.
    >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2003-07-19 23:18
    Would it be possible to stagger the ping frequency? I don't know if you
    have the ability to change the ping *tone* to something different, i.e.

    Left sonar ping freq = 45khz
    center sonar ping freq= 55khz
    right sonar ping freq = 65khz

    Or maybe change the order of the ping polling to Right side, then left
    side then center then small pause, repeat.

    Seems the best way would be to isolate the sonar modules in some way.
    Maybe send out a different waveform with each one? (r=square c=triangle
    l=sawtooth?) I'm just "typing out loud" so to speak. [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Since I don't know as much about the environment and the hardware, it
    takes a bit of guessing. Ok, here's another idea, mount the sensors at
    different altitudes? Right side low, center high left low? Maybe
    supplement the obstical detection with some IR reflection sensors? This
    would allow you to ping the sonar, then check the IR for bounce, then
    ping the next sonar and then poll the next IR device. Maybe this would
    give the echos time to die or drop below a threshold of detection.

    Ok... I think I'm out of ideas... [noparse]:)[/noparse]


    Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
    Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
    Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network
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    Doug Simpson said:
    > Thanks for the input.
    > This must be as close to real-time detection as possible since the bot
    > moves at a better than a fast walk pace. The sooner it detects
    > obstacles, the sooner it will be able to decide not to run over them.
    > ds
    > Bill Katakis wrote:
    >>I'm not too knowledgeable here but I'll give my 2 cents anyway, :-)
    >> 150 seconds apart may be far to close together for the environment
    >> (hallway is an echo chamber) and the speed (slow) which a robot would
    >> normally want to navigate in a hallway presumably with human
    >> pedestrian traffic. You could get by with fewer pings with built in
    >> pauses in your code after each ping command. If you can't control the
    >> ping rate, would it be feasible to turn the sonar on and off to
    >> accomplish this? Ask the manufacturer if there is a resistor or cap
    >> you can place somewhere to reduce the ping rate(simple hardware fix
    >> unless its super miniaturized). Could you desensitize your "ears"
    >> with a sort of earmuff, how about giving your "ears" external sound
    >> absorbing tubes, giving them directional filtering?
    Original Message
    >>From: Doug Simpson [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]veewee77@a...[/url
    >>Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 1:18 AM
    >>Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] a little assistance
    >>Hi all!
    >>Here is a program that I have running on my bot for collision
    >> avoidance.
    >> The problenm I have with it is that the halls in the school where I
    >>will be using this are bad to echo. The three sonars ping
    >> sequentially about 150ms apart and from what I can tell, the sonars
    >> are picking up the echoes from each other and getting false
    >> triggering. This makes the bot erratic when traversing the halls.
    >>scenario 1
    >>left sonar fires and gets satisfied (recieves an echo)
    >>center sonar fires and gets an echo but it may be the ping from the
    >> left sonar that was echoing down the hall so it thinks there is an
    >> obstacle in close range. Bot puts on the brakes. . .
    >>scenario 2
    >>center sonar fires and determines there is nothing in the way so the
    >> right sonar fires and recieves an echo which may be the echo from
    >> center echoing back from down the hall and it thinks there is a wall
    >> or
    >>obstacle on the right so it veers left. There was no obstacle on the
    >> right.
    >>Following is the entire code for the program.
    >>Anyone who can assist or help me write it to be more stable, or just
    >> give suggestions, I would appreciate it!
    >>Doug Simpson
    >>Code follows. . .
    >>'Triple Sonar, Dual Motor Robot Vision and Guidance System
    >>'For Basic Stamp 2sx only.
    >>'Forward motor control only at this time. Strictly collision
    >> avoidance.
    >>'No other functions at this time
    >>'declaration of constants
    >>pingl con 15 'Sets ping output left on pin 15
    >>pingc con 14 'Sets ping output center on pin 14
    >>pingr con 13 'Sets ping output right on pin13
    >>retl con 10 'Sets echo input left on pin 10
    >>retc con 9 'Sets echo input center on pin 9
    >>retr con 8 'Sets echo input right on pin 8
    >>ena con 11 'Sets output to enable (power to sonars) on 11
    >>serv con 12 'Sets servo output on pin 12
    >>ir con 7 'Sets infrared detect input on pin 7
    >>timel var word 'variable for the rctime on left sonar
    >>timec var word 'variable for the rctime on center sonar
    >>timer var word 'variable for the rctime on right sonar
    >>inchesl var byte 'variable for inches left
    >>inchesc var byte 'variable for inches canter
    >>inchesr var byte 'variable for inches right
    >>inchl var byte 'variable for inches left for direction sensing
    >>inchr var byte 'variable for inches right for direction sensing
    >>vector var word 'variable for the location of the sonar servo
    >>check var byte 'variable for
    >>vcheck var byte 'variable for
    >>stiml var word 'variable for directional determination
    >>stimr var word 'variable for directional determination
    >>stimc var word 'variable for collision avoidance
    >>inchc var byte 'converted inches for collision avoidance
    >>rot var word 'rotational variable
    >>rot = 500 'sets duration of rotation - 500 is roughly 1/2 second
    >>vector = 1800 'sets the servo to center DO NOT CHANGE
    >>output ena
    >>output pingl
    >>output pingc
    >>output pingr
    >>output serv
    >>input retl
    >>input retc
    >>input retr
    >>input ir
    >>low pingl 'turn pingl off
    >>low pingc 'turn pingc off
    >>low pingr 'turn pingr off
    >>high ena 'high turns off power to the sonar modules
    >>gosub center 'jump to servo center routine
    >>low ena 'turn power on
    >>pause 5 'wait a tad
    >>high pingl 'execute a ping
    >>pulsout 0,1500 'wait 1.2ms (dummy line)
    >>rctime retl,0,timel 'now, wait for echo pulse
    >>timel = timel*2
    >>inchesl = timel/375+11 'convert time in microseconds to inches
    >> 'could be done just on the timel, timec and timer data but
    >> 'easier to set the distances in inches than miliseconds
    >>low pingl 'turn ping off
    >>pause 50
    >>high pingc 'same as above only on center sonar
    >>pulsout 0,1500 'starts the rctime timer in the Stamp
    >>rctime retc,0,timec 'to get the time in microseconds
    >>timec = timec*2
    >>inchesc = timec/375+11 'do some math to determine inches
    >> (approximate)
    >>low pingc 'turn ping off
    >>pause 50
    >>high pingr 'same as above only on right sonar
    >>pulsout 0,1500
    >>rctime retr,0,timer
    >>timer = timer*2
    >>inchesr = timer/375+11
    >>low pingr
    >>high ena 'turn power off
    >>pause 150 'wait a bit 'sonars must be powered off between pings and
    >> 'this delay assures ample time to discharge the
    >> 'filters on the sonar modules
    >>if inchesc <60 then sonar 'if inches on center are less than 60 then
    >> jump to label sonar
    >>if inchesc >60 then free 'if inches on center are greater than 60 then
    >> jump to label free
    >>low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'stop motors
    >>pause 2000
    >>vector = 2700 'sets servo vector for directional determination DO
    >>gosub seek 'jump to label seek
    >>'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",dec inchesc, " inches center ",dec
    >> inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    >>if inchesl >50 and inchesr >50 then forward 'no errors
    >>if inchesl <50 and inchesr >50 then veerr 'something close on left -
    >> veer right
    >>if inchesl >50 and inchesr <50 then veerl 'something close on right -
    >> veer left
    >>if inchesl <50 and inchesr <50 then sonar 'something close on both -
    >> examine with servo seek
    >>'goto tping 'ping again (unneeded line - left for revision history)
    >>seek: 'routine to determine direction of least obstacles
    >>low ena 'extra ping to make sure the <40 on center is actually an
    >> inanimate object
    >>pause 5 'and not a person or other moving object
    >>high pingc
    >>pulsout 0,1500
    >>rctime retc,0,stimc
    >>stimc = stimc*2
    >>inchc = stimc/375+11
    >>low pingc
    >>high ena
    >>''debug dec inchesc, " inches ",cr
    >>pause 200
    >>if inchc >60 then tping 'if center obstacle is cleared, continue on
    >> forward - if not, determine
    >> 'path of least obstacles
    >>vector = 2700 'servo vector right to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    >>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>low ena 'ping for obstacle
    >>pause 5
    >>high pingc
    >>pulsout 0,1500
    >>rctime retc,0,stimr
    >>stimr = stimr*2
    >>inchr = stimr/375+11
    >>low pingc
    >>high ena
    >>'debug dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    >>pause 150
    >>vector = 700 'servo vector left to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    >>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>low ena 'ping for obstacle
    >>pause 5
    >>high pingc
    >>pulsout 0,1500
    >>rctime retc,0,stiml
    >>stiml = stiml*2
    >>inchl = stiml/375+11
    >>low pingc
    >>high ena
    >>'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",cr
    >>pause 150
    >>center: 'Center servo centering routine
    >>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>vector = 1650 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>if inchl < inchr then rotr 'if obstacle is closer on the left, then
    >> rotate right
    >>if inchr < inchl then rotl 'if obstacle is closer on the right, then
    >> rotate left
    >>'debug " rotate right ",cr,cr
    >>high 1: low 2:low 3:low 4 'Turns on left motor forward to rotate right
    >>pause rot 'sets the rotate -on- delay
    >>goto rotf
    >>'debug " rotate left ",cr,cr
    >>low 1:low 2:low 3:high 4 'Turns on right motor forward to rotate left
    >>pause rot
    >>goto rotf
    >>low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'turns off motors
    >>pause 500 'wait a bit for coastdown (no braking implemented yet)
    >>forward: 'run motors forward
    >>high 1:high 4
    >>'debug " forward ",cr
    >>goto tping 'return to start of main routine
    >>veerr: 'run left forward motor only
    >>high 1:low 4
    >>'debug " veerr ",cr
    >>goto tping
    >>veerl: 'run right forward motor only
    >>'debug " veerl ",cr
    >>low 1:high 4
    >>goto tping
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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2003-07-19 23:43
    Thanks for the input. The sonars I'm using are salvaged from Polaroid
    Sun 660 cameras. I don't know how to shift the frequency or that would
    be the easiest option. Each pings at a different frequency and then
    there would be no interference. But I don't think it is changeable easily.


    Vernon Graner wrote:

    >Would it be possible to stagger the ping frequency? I don't know if you
    >have the ability to change the ping *tone* to something different, i.e.
    >Left sonar ping freq = 45khz
    >center sonar ping freq= 55khz
    >right sonar ping freq = 65khz
    >Or maybe change the order of the ping polling to Right side, then left
    >side then center then small pause, repeat.
    >Seems the best way would be to isolate the sonar modules in some way.
    >Maybe send out a different waveform with each one? (r=square c=triangle
    >l=sawtooth?) I'm just "typing out loud" so to speak. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    >Since I don't know as much about the environment and the hardware, it
    >takes a bit of guessing. Ok, here's another idea, mount the sensors at
    >different altitudes? Right side low, center high left low? Maybe
    >supplement the obstical detection with some IR reflection sensors? This
    >would allow you to ping the sonar, then check the IR for bounce, then
    >ping the next sonar and then poll the next IR device. Maybe this would
    >give the echos time to die or drop below a threshold of detection.
    >Ok... I think I'm out of ideas... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    >Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're
    >Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we
    >Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course, if the network
    >vern@t... | is up, then we obviously don't need
    >Cell 507-7851 Desk 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" VLG
    >Doug Simpson said:
    >>Thanks for the input.
    >>This must be as close to real-time detection as possible since the bot
    >>moves at a better than a fast walk pace. The sooner it detects
    >>obstacles, the sooner it will be able to decide not to run over them.
    >>Bill Katakis wrote:
    >>>I'm not too knowledgeable here but I'll give my 2 cents anyway, :-)
    >>>150 seconds apart may be far to close together for the environment
    >>>(hallway is an echo chamber) and the speed (slow) which a robot would
    >>>normally want to navigate in a hallway presumably with human
    >>>pedestrian traffic. You could get by with fewer pings with built in
    >>>pauses in your code after each ping command. If you can't control the
    >>>ping rate, would it be feasible to turn the sonar on and off to
    >>>accomplish this? Ask the manufacturer if there is a resistor or cap
    >>>you can place somewhere to reduce the ping rate(simple hardware fix
    >>>unless its super miniaturized). Could you desensitize your "ears"
    >>>with a sort of earmuff, how about giving your "ears" external sound
    >>>absorbing tubes, giving them directional filtering?
    Original Message
    >>>From: Doug Simpson [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]veewee77@a...[/url
    >>>Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 1:18 AM
    >>>Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] a little assistance
    >>>Hi all!
    >>>Here is a program that I have running on my bot for collision
    >>>The problenm I have with it is that the halls in the school where I
    >>>will be using this are bad to echo. The three sonars ping
    >>>sequentially about 150ms apart and from what I can tell, the sonars
    >>>are picking up the echoes from each other and getting false
    >>>triggering. This makes the bot erratic when traversing the halls.
    >>>scenario 1
    >>>left sonar fires and gets satisfied (recieves an echo)
    >>>center sonar fires and gets an echo but it may be the ping from the
    >>>left sonar that was echoing down the hall so it thinks there is an
    >>>obstacle in close range. Bot puts on the brakes. . .
    >>>scenario 2
    >>>center sonar fires and determines there is nothing in the way so the
    >>>right sonar fires and recieves an echo which may be the echo from
    >>>center echoing back from down the hall and it thinks there is a wall
    >>>obstacle on the right so it veers left. There was no obstacle on the
    >>>Following is the entire code for the program.
    >>>Anyone who can assist or help me write it to be more stable, or just
    >>>give suggestions, I would appreciate it!
    >>>Doug Simpson
    >>>Code follows. . .
    >>>'Triple Sonar, Dual Motor Robot Vision and Guidance System
    >>>'For Basic Stamp 2sx only.
    >>>'Forward motor control only at this time. Strictly collision
    >>>'No other functions at this time
    >>>'declaration of constants
    >>>pingl con 15 'Sets ping output left on pin 15
    >>>pingc con 14 'Sets ping output center on pin 14
    >>>pingr con 13 'Sets ping output right on pin13
    >>>retl con 10 'Sets echo input left on pin 10
    >>>retc con 9 'Sets echo input center on pin 9
    >>>retr con 8 'Sets echo input right on pin 8
    >>>ena con 11 'Sets output to enable (power to sonars) on 11
    >>>serv con 12 'Sets servo output on pin 12
    >>>ir con 7 'Sets infrared detect input on pin 7
    >>>timel var word 'variable for the rctime on left sonar
    >>>timec var word 'variable for the rctime on center sonar
    >>>timer var word 'variable for the rctime on right sonar
    >>>inchesl var byte 'variable for inches left
    >>>inchesc var byte 'variable for inches canter
    >>>inchesr var byte 'variable for inches right
    >>>inchl var byte 'variable for inches left for direction sensing
    >>>inchr var byte 'variable for inches right for direction sensing
    >>>vector var word 'variable for the location of the sonar servo
    >>>check var byte 'variable for
    >>>vcheck var byte 'variable for
    >>>stiml var word 'variable for directional determination
    >>>stimr var word 'variable for directional determination
    >>>stimc var word 'variable for collision avoidance
    >>>inchc var byte 'converted inches for collision avoidance
    >>>rot var word 'rotational variable
    >>>rot = 500 'sets duration of rotation - 500 is roughly 1/2 second
    >>>vector = 1800 'sets the servo to center DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>output ena
    >>>output pingl
    >>>output pingc
    >>>output pingr
    >>>output serv
    >>>input retl
    >>>input retc
    >>>input retr
    >>>input ir
    >>>low pingl 'turn pingl off
    >>>low pingc 'turn pingc off
    >>>low pingr 'turn pingr off
    >>>high ena 'high turns off power to the sonar modules
    >>>gosub center 'jump to servo center routine
    >>>low ena 'turn power on
    >>>pause 5 'wait a tad
    >>>high pingl 'execute a ping
    >>>pulsout 0,1500 'wait 1.2ms (dummy line)
    >>>rctime retl,0,timel 'now, wait for echo pulse
    >>>timel = timel*2
    >>>inchesl = timel/375+11 'convert time in microseconds to inches
    >>> 'could be done just on the timel, timec and timer data but
    >>> 'easier to set the distances in inches than miliseconds
    >>>low pingl 'turn ping off
    >>>pause 50
    >>>high pingc 'same as above only on center sonar
    >>>pulsout 0,1500 'starts the rctime timer in the Stamp
    >>>rctime retc,0,timec 'to get the time in microseconds
    >>>timec = timec*2
    >>>inchesc = timec/375+11 'do some math to determine inches
    >>>low pingc 'turn ping off
    >>>pause 50
    >>>high pingr 'same as above only on right sonar
    >>>pulsout 0,1500
    >>>rctime retr,0,timer
    >>>timer = timer*2
    >>>inchesr = timer/375+11
    >>>low pingr
    >>>high ena 'turn power off
    >>>pause 150 'wait a bit 'sonars must be powered off between pings and
    >>> 'this delay assures ample time to discharge the
    >>> 'filters on the sonar modules
    >>>if inchesc <60 then sonar 'if inches on center are less than 60 then
    >>>jump to label sonar
    >>>if inchesc >60 then free 'if inches on center are greater than 60 then
    >>>jump to label free
    >>>low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'stop motors
    >>>pause 2000
    >>>vector = 2700 'sets servo vector for directional determination DO
    >>>gosub seek 'jump to label seek
    >>>'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",dec inchesc, " inches center ",dec
    >>>inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    >>>if inchesl >50 and inchesr >50 then forward 'no errors
    >>>if inchesl <50 and inchesr >50 then veerr 'something close on left -
    >>>veer right
    >>>if inchesl >50 and inchesr <50 then veerl 'something close on right -
    >>>veer left
    >>>if inchesl <50 and inchesr <50 then sonar 'something close on both -
    >>>examine with servo seek
    >>>'goto tping 'ping again (unneeded line - left for revision history)
    >>>seek: 'routine to determine direction of least obstacles
    >>>low ena 'extra ping to make sure the <40 on center is actually an
    >>>inanimate object
    >>>pause 5 'and not a person or other moving object
    >>>high pingc
    >>>pulsout 0,1500
    >>>rctime retc,0,stimc
    >>>stimc = stimc*2
    >>>inchc = stimc/375+11
    >>>low pingc
    >>>high ena
    >>>''debug dec inchesc, " inches ",cr
    >>>pause 200
    >>>if inchc >60 then tping 'if center obstacle is cleared, continue on
    >>>forward - if not, determine
    >>> 'path of least obstacles
    >>>vector = 2700 'servo vector right to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>low ena 'ping for obstacle
    >>>pause 5
    >>>high pingc
    >>>pulsout 0,1500
    >>>rctime retc,0,stimr
    >>>stimr = stimr*2
    >>>inchr = stimr/375+11
    >>>low pingc
    >>>high ena
    >>>'debug dec inchesr, " inches right ",cr
    >>>pause 150
    >>>vector = 700 'servo vector left to ping for obstacle DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>low ena 'ping for obstacle
    >>>pause 5
    >>>high pingc
    >>>pulsout 0,1500
    >>>rctime retc,0,stiml
    >>>stiml = stiml*2
    >>>inchl = stiml/375+11
    >>>low pingc
    >>>high ena
    >>>'debug dec inchesl, " inches left ",cr
    >>>pause 150
    >>>center: 'Center servo centering routine
    >>>for vcheck = 1 to 50 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>vector = 1650 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>pulsout serv,vector 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>pause 20 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>next 'DO NOT CHANGE
    >>>if inchl < inchr then rotr 'if obstacle is closer on the left, then
    >>>rotate right
    >>>if inchr < inchl then rotl 'if obstacle is closer on the right, then
    >>>rotate left
    >>>'debug " rotate right ",cr,cr
    >>>high 1: low 2:low 3:low 4 'Turns on left motor forward to rotate right
    >>>pause rot 'sets the rotate -on- delay
    >>>goto rotf
    >>>'debug " rotate left ",cr,cr
    >>>low 1:low 2:low 3:high 4 'Turns on right motor forward to rotate left
    >>>pause rot
    >>>goto rotf
    >>>low 1:low 2:low 3:low 4 'turns off motors
    >>>pause 500 'wait a bit for coastdown (no braking implemented yet)
    >>>forward: 'run motors forward
    >>>high 1:high 4
    >>>'debug " forward ",cr
    >>>goto tping 'return to start of main routine
    >>>veerr: 'run left forward motor only
    >>>high 1:low 4
    >>>'debug " veerr ",cr
    >>>goto tping
    >>>veerl: 'run right forward motor only
    >>>'debug " veerl ",cr
    >>>low 1:high 4
    >>>goto tping
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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2003-07-20 18:26

    Has anyone raised the subject of beam pattern?

    This could be a big factor - from an old Polaroid handbook, I see a 30 deg
    (inclusive) front central lobe then 2 pairs of side lobes covering beyond
    100 deg. If the receiver gain can be reduced, perhaps the effect of those
    wide side lobes could be eliminated.

    David Lawrence

    Original Message
    From: Doug Simpson <veewee77@a...>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 3:43 PM
    Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] a little assistance

    > Thanks for the input. The sonars I'm using are salvaged from Polaroid
    > Sun 660 cameras. I don't know how to shift the frequency or that would
    > be the easiest option. Each pings at a different frequency and then
    > there would be no interference. But I don't think it is changeable
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