Visual basic code and stamp
Posts: 46,084
I have a question when using a stamp with visual basic and you have the code
asc(mid$( what is the asc and (mid$( I dont want to just code from example I
want to know I think I do but want some reassurance. thanks jim
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asc(mid$( what is the asc and (mid$( I dont want to just code from example I
want to know I think I do but want some reassurance. thanks jim
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The ASC command gets the ASCII code for a char. For example:
debug.print asc("A")
The above line with print 65 in the immediate debug window.
The Mid$ is like the Left$ and Right$ commands. Where left$ and
Right$ get the left and right most chars, depending on how many chars
you ask for.
Example of right$ and Left$:
a = "Test Right"
b = "test left"
Debug.Print Right$(a, 5) ' Prints "Right" (5 right most chars of the
Debug.Print Left$(b, 4) `Prints "test" (4 left most chars of the
The Mid$ is used to get the middle of the string. For example:
a = "1234567890"
`Mid$ syntax on next line
'mid$([noparse][[/noparse]String],[noparse][[/noparse]Start of string],[noparse][[/noparse]number of chars to get from the
Debug.Print Mid$(a, 1, 1) 'prints 1
Debug.Print Mid$(a, 2, 2) 'prints 23
Debug.Print Mid$(a, 3, 1) 'prints 3
Debug.Print Mid$(a, 4, 3) 'prints 456
Debug.Print Mid$(a, 5, 1) 'prints 5
You could even do something like this:
For z = 1 To Len(a)
Debug.Print Mid$(a, z, 1)
Next z
This loop with go though the entire string displaying one char at a
Hope this helps,
--- In, frog28043 <frog28043@y...> wrote:
> I have a question when using a stamp with visual basic and you have
the code asc(mid$( what is the asc and (mid$( I dont want to just
code from example I want to know I think I do but want some
reassurance. thanks jim
> Do you Yahoo!?
> SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
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