could anyone suggest an easy way to produce a random number in the
range 0 - 7 (total of 8 choices). In the manual the Random function
works with variable of a byte or a word. Doing this, I can get
a "randomized" result of 0 255 and then will have to reduce that
down to 0 - 7 range.
Also, the manual talks about pseudo random. How would I make my
number a realy random number of 0 - 7
range 0 - 7 (total of 8 choices). In the manual the Random function
works with variable of a byte or a word. Doing this, I can get
a "randomized" result of 0 255 and then will have to reduce that
down to 0 - 7 range.
Also, the manual talks about pseudo random. How would I make my
number a realy random number of 0 - 7
They sampled static off a radio and converted it to byte-sized numeric
values. A bit of overkill for most Stamp stuff though.
If you want to use the Stamp and only get random numbers from 0-7, just toss
out all those that are out of range (8-255) or divide the 0-255 random
number you get by 36. 36 goes into 255 about 7 times, and since the Stamp
does integer math the result should be 0-7. You can store a value of 0-7 in
a byte and just take the lower nibble.
Original Message
> could anyone suggest an easy way to produce a random number in the
> range 0 - 7 (total of 8 choices). In the manual the Random function
> works with variable of a byte or a word. Doing this, I can get
> a "randomized" result of 0 255 and then will have to reduce that
> down to 0 - 7 range.
> Also, the manual talks about pseudo random. How would I make my
> number a realy random number of 0 - 7
due to the method of producing random numbers in the Stamp. Also,
sampling radio static adds additional hardware and complexity. A
software solution is to use long maximal length pseudorandom binary
sequences (often abbreviated PRBS or just PRS). These are produced by a
software shift register with exclusive-or feedback from particular
'taps' in the register. A good explanation is given in the often-cited
reference, Horowitz and Hill, "The Art of Electronics." Sure, these
sequences repeat (hence pseudorandom) after shifting the register a
given number of times (actually 2^n -1, where n is the length of the
sequence), but these can be quite long. But combinations of them produce
some really long sequences, such as those exceeding the age of the
universe in seconds. They are the bases for many of the encryption
algorithms in present use, with added features of course to prevent code
As to "really random", that is quite hard to achieve, especially with
radio static. For example, sun spots (solar storms) occur in cycles and
are one source of radio static. Radioactive sources might be better,
producing a Poisson noise distribution, but again implementing these
requires added complexity and potentially hazardous waste.
For a range of only 0-7, you might consider creating a table in Stamp
memory composed of N numbers copied from a published random number
table, and then use the RAN function one or more times to determine
where to start reading 8 values from this table.
Original Message
From: Rodent [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=4g1hAfaAAo1AZJJs5J4qXCx1ZxLYFHt2hAqsBKFzTeX2nYHb806WF_LHSBO5Vc_EBiLxLmKbHsFZfjHHsg]daweasel@s...[/url
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 8:07 PM
To: basicstamps@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] random
Good article on truly random numbers in this month's Nuts & Volts
magazine. They sampled static off a radio and converted it to byte-sized
numeric values. A bit of overkill for most Stamp stuff though.
If you want to use the Stamp and only get random numbers from 0-7, just
toss out all those that are out of range (8-255) or divide the 0-255
random number you get by 36. 36 goes into 255 about 7 times, and since
the Stamp does integer math the result should be 0-7. You can store a
value of 0-7 in a byte and just take the lower nibble.
Original Message
> could anyone suggest an easy way to produce a random number in the
> range 0 - 7 (total of 8 choices). In the manual the Random function
> works with variable of a byte or a word. Doing this, I can get a
> "randomized" result of 0 255 and then will have to reduce that down to
> 0 - 7 range.
> Also, the manual talks about pseudo random. How would I make my
> number a realy random number of 0 - 7
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>range 0 - 7 (total of 8 choices). In the manual the Random function
>works with variable of a byte or a word. Doing this, I can get
>a "randomized" result of 0 255 and then will have to reduce that
>down to 0 - 7 range.
>Also, the manual talks about pseudo random. How would I make my
>number a realy random number of 0 - 7
Another way to restrict the range is with the //8 operator.
x var word
y var nib
random x
y = x//8 ' gives a pseudo random number 0--7
debug ?y
nap 5
Always use the random function on a word-size argument, for anything
like good results.
If your program involves people pressing pushbuttons, you can grab
the time it takes them to respond.
y var nib
crazy: ' loop her until in0 is low, button pressed
y=y+1//8 ' this count spins the die very fast
if in0 then crazy ' loop back so long as in0 is high
' come here with y a "random" number
Many physical measurements have noise on them that you can use to
randomize. For example, use an RC circuit on a Stamp pin:
+V --; ;--||----o---/\/\---P0
| | | 1k
' |
x var word
y var nib
high 0
RCtime 0,1,y ' about 7 milliseconds, 3500 counts, but lowest
bits are loony
y = x//7 ' pick off the lowest bits as your random number
debug ? y
goto loony
For the best, I mean, worst, looniest results, use terrible wiring.
Connect the top end of the capacitor to the unregulated voltage.
Make a big loop of wire in the connections around your Basic Stamp
(which generates lots of switching noise). The worse your wiring,
the better your random numbers!
Here is a way to randomize the built-in random function:
x var word
y var nib
high 0
RCtime 0,1,y ' about 7 milliseconds, 3500 counts, but lowest
bits are loony
random x ' next pseudo random number
x=x+y ' stir it up! no longer pseudo.
debug ? x//8
goto loonier
-- Tracy
-- like the ones suggested (Radioactive decay, RF noise).
Since computers are binary devices, they don't do
truly random. So, we have 'PseudoRandom' sequences of
numbers. PseudoRandom number generators are supposed to
'look' random, and not repeat their sequence for a long
time -- which is good enough for most purposes.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "brownstamp" <brownstamp@y...>
> could anyone suggest an easy way to produce a random number in the
> range 0 - 7 (total of 8 choices). In the manual the Random
> works with variable of a byte or a word. Doing this, I can get
> a "randomized" result of 0 255 and then will have to reduce that
> down to 0 - 7 range.
> Also, the manual talks about pseudo random. How would I make my
> number a realy random number of 0 - 7
> thanks
> y var nib
> high 0
> loony:
> RCtime 0,1,y ' about 7 milliseconds, 3500 counts, but lowest
>bits are loony
> y = x//7 ' pick off the lowest bits as your random number
> debug ? y
> goto loony
Most common bug using RCtime--forgetting to reset it. Should be
RCtime 0,1,y ' about 7 milliseconds...
HIGH 0 ' CANT forget this command to reset it
-- Tracy
Sorry for the English being so bad, but I live in de Dutch speaking part of
Belgium (Flanders)
For a "lightshow" project I wanted to generate lightning random patterns.
After playing around a bit with the RANDOM function I saw a repeating light
It seems that the random function only use a sequence of 15 'random'
numbers, so after 15 numbers the sequence starts all over again.
I know that the numbers will be different by assigning another initial value
to the random variable, but the same numers will always be repeated in a 15
stage cyclus.
Is there a "workaround" to increase the "randomability" of this function.
(creating a large DATA range myself is one possible option but this is very
memmory consuming.)
Thx in advance
Michel De Meester
Met vriendelijke groetjes,
> ************************************************
> Michel De Meester
> Biotechnisch Onderhoud
> Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
> Wilrijkstraat 10
> 2650 Edegem - B
> tel: ++32 (0)3 821 36 47
> e-mail: michel.de.meester@u...
> *************************************************
>Hello stampers,
>Sorry for the English being so bad, but I live in de Dutch speaking part of
>Belgium (Flanders)
>For a "lightshow" project I wanted to generate lightning random patterns.
>After playing around a bit with the RANDOM function I saw a repeating light
>It seems that the random function only use a sequence of 15 'random'
>numbers, so after 15 numbers the sequence starts all over again.
>I know that the numbers will be different by assigning another initial value
>to the random variable, but the same numers will always be repeated in a 15
>stage cyclus.
>Is there a "workaround" to increase the "randomability" of this function.
>(creating a large DATA range myself is one possible option but this is very
>memmory consuming.)
>Thx in advance
>Michel De Meester
Michel -
My guess is that you're using a byte sized variable instead of a word sized variable in your RANDOM statement. A word sized variable should give you a range of 0-->65535 in lieu of the present range of 0-->15.
Your English is excellent, and far better than my Dutch might be!
Bruce Bates