basic stamp programming
PBASIC is compiled to tokens, which are anagolous to Java byte-codes --
except that they are variable-length and a compression scheme is used when
they're stored (this let's us get more than 2k of code into a 2k EEPROM).
The interpreter decodes and executes the tokens. The decodeing and execution
of tokens is considered Parallax intellectual property (confidential).
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 4/5/2003 11:16:27 PM Central Standard Time,
dark_archon1@j... writes:
> Is there like a header file, class, or anything to work with the basic
> stamps serial connection? Or do they just do it themselfs with a standerd
> header file/class file? I was wanting to explore a little more in depth
> what is able to be done threw this serial port... can I get data from the
> basic stamp? I know you use it to upload the code to it... Thats another
> thing, can I program it directly? I'm competent and understand at some
> point the pbasic code is put into assembler code for the microcontroller
> (I believe it uses a PIC??)...? Is there a way to do it directly and not
> use pbasic?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
except that they are variable-length and a compression scheme is used when
they're stored (this let's us get more than 2k of code into a 2k EEPROM).
The interpreter decodes and executes the tokens. The decodeing and execution
of tokens is considered Parallax intellectual property (confidential).
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 4/5/2003 11:16:27 PM Central Standard Time,
dark_archon1@j... writes:
> Is there like a header file, class, or anything to work with the basic
> stamps serial connection? Or do they just do it themselfs with a standerd
> header file/class file? I was wanting to explore a little more in depth
> what is able to be done threw this serial port... can I get data from the
> basic stamp? I know you use it to upload the code to it... Thats another
> thing, can I program it directly? I'm competent and understand at some
> point the pbasic code is put into assembler code for the microcontroller
> (I believe it uses a PIC??)...? Is there a way to do it directly and not
> use pbasic?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
SX which is what we use to make BASIC Stamps. They're not as popular as
PICs, but are very good and we have tools for them.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 4/5/2003 11:29:11 PM Central Standard Time,
dark_archon1@j... writes:
> Oh ok so in other words the only way to program a basic stamp is with
> pbasic... Thanks!
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
stamps serial connection? Or do they just do it themselfs with a standerd
header file/class file? I was wanting to explore a little more in depth
what is able to be done threw this serial port... can I get data from the
basic stamp? I know you use it to upload the code to it... Thats another
thing, can I program it directly? I'm competent and understand at some
point the pbasic code is put into assembler code for the microcontroller
(I believe it uses a PIC??)...? Is there a way to do it directly and not
use pbasic?
pbasic... Thanks!
to do that sorta stuff. I guess I'm learning way more about it then I did
before I bought it I already knew its basically a PIC with some other
stuff on the "stamp" my school uses them for like everything my one
teacher is nutts about basic stamps we use them in this industrial class
and a lot of other ones. I don't really care for pbasic I have had some
experience with perl and C on subposix/posix operating systems... I have
also done x86 assembler... Like I said I don't really care for pbasic I
just bought it for school but eh I guess I can deal with it.
I guess pbasic is a good pick for you guys I don't know that assembler, C
and this sort of business is something a person with no programming
experience can just pick up and do. I see people that have no coding
experience understanding this pbasic stuff pretty well. So I guess it
probably does what your other costumers want. Which is grate I can grunt
and take it
worked out like that I was making the assumption that it like generated
the assembler code for the chip on the computer with that software used
to code the pbasic for it, and then it like stored it in the rom or
etc. Any suggestions about the best resource to use to learn the
microcontroller programming. I'm not a novice to electronics, but I
am new to the BASIC Stamp and would like to learn the programming
right the first time. Any Help?? Dave
> Just ordered the Parallax Summer Special $79 offer for the HWB,
> etc. Any suggestions about the best resource to use to learn the
> microcontroller programming. I'm not a novice to electronics, but I
> am new to the BASIC Stamp and would like to learn the programming
> right the first time. Any Help?? Dave
Definitely check out the Parallax website and their extensive documentation on the
stamp. The pdf manual that comes with the boe-bot robotics kit can be found at
It's a big download, but worth it. It shows all of the commands and programming
structure of the stamp, as well as how it interfaces with all of the electronics.
your way through it you will be well on your way.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: dmconner2 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]dconner@a...[/url
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2004 11:18 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] BASIC Stamp Programming
Just ordered the Parallax Summer Special $79 offer for the HWB,
etc. Any suggestions about the best resource to use to learn the
microcontroller programming. I'm not a novice to electronics, but I
am new to the BASIC Stamp and would like to learn the programming
right the first time. Any Help?? Dave
sense, do one of the sample programs, and diddle with it. The sample
programs alone are worth the effort of the book<G>.
Original Message
From: dmconner2 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]dconner@a...[/url
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2004 12:18 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] BASIC Stamp Programming
Just ordered the Parallax Summer Special $79 offer for the HWB,
etc. Any suggestions about the best resource to use to learn the
microcontroller programming. I'm not a novice to electronics, but I
am new to the BASIC Stamp and would like to learn the programming
right the first time. Any Help?? Dave
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