X-10 Module program
Anyone know if there are any sample programs for the X-10 Module controller on
the parallax web site at:
Leroy Hall
the parallax web site at:
Leroy Hall
the parallax web site at:
I am specifically looking for use with a lamp dimming module.
Leroy Hall
> Anyone know if there are any sample programs for the
> X-10 Module controller on
> the parallax web site at:
> http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=27940
> ?
> I am specifically looking for use with a lamp
> dimming module.
> thanks,
> Leroy Hall
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> {$STAMP BS2}
' Program: X10_DEMO.BS2 (Demonstration of X-10 control
using Xout)
' This program--really two program
fragments--demonstrates the
' syntax and use of the new XOUT command. Basically,
the command
' works like pressing the buttons on an X-10 control
box; first you
' press one of 16 keys to identify the unit you want
to control,
' then you press the key for the action you want that
unit to
' take (turn ON, OFF, Bright, or Dim). There are also
two group-action
' keys, Lights ON and All OFF. Lights ON turns all
lamp modules on
' without affecting appliance modules. All OFF turns
off all modules,
' both lamp and appliance types.
' Using XOUT requires a 4-wire (2-I/O pin) connection
to a PL-513 or
' TW-523 X-10 module. See the application note for
zPin con 0 ' Zero-crossing-detect pin from TW523 or
mPin con 1 ' Modulation-control pin to TW523 or PL513.
' X-10 identifies modules by two codes: a House code
and a Unit code.
' By X-10 convention, House codes are A through P and
Unit codes are
' 1 through 16. For programming efficiency, the Stamp
II treats both
' of these as numbers from 0 through 15.
houseA con 0 ' House code: 0=A, 1=B... 15=P
Unit1 con 0 ' Unit code: 0=1, 1=2... 15=16
Unit2 con 1 ' Unit code 1=2.
' This first example turns a standard (appliance or
non-dimmer lamp)
' module ON, then OFF. Note that once the Unit code is
sent, it
' need not be repeated--subsequent instructions are
understood to
' be addressed to that unit.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\Unit1] ' Talk to Unit 1.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\uniton] ' Tell it to turn ON.
pause 1000 ' Wait a second.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\unitoff] ' Tell it to turn
' The next example talks to a dimmer module. Dimmers
go from full
' ON to dimmed OFF in 19 steps. Because dimming is
relative to
' the current state of the lamp, the only guaranteed
way to set a
' predefined brightness level is to turn the dimmer
fully OFF, then
' ON, then dim to the desired level. Otherwise, the
final setting of
' the module will depend on its initial brightness
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\Unit2] ' Talk to Unit 2.
' This example shows how to combine X-10 instructions
into a
' single line. We send OFF to the previously
identified unit (Unit2)
' for 2 cycles (the default for non-dimmer commands).
Then a comma
' introduces a second instruction that dims for 10
cycles. When you
' combine instructions, don't leave out the number of
cycles. The
' Stamp may accept your instruction without complaint,
but it
' won't work correctly--it may see the house code as
the number of
' cycles, the instruction as the house code, etc.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\unitoff\2,houseA\dim\10]
' Just to reinforce the idea of combining commands,
here's the
' first example again:
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\Unit1\2,houseA\uniton] ' Turn
Unit 1 ON.
pause 1000 ' Wait a second.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\Unit1\2,houseA\unitoff] ' Turn
Unit 1 OFF.
' End of program.
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> Anyone know if there are any sample programs for the
> X-10 Module controller on
> the parallax web site at:
> http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=27940
> ?
> I am specifically looking for use with a lamp
> dimming module.
> thanks,
> Leroy Hall
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> Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be
> ignored.
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> {$STAMP BS2}
' Program: X10_DEMO.BS2 (Demonstration of X-10 control
using Xout)
' This program--really two program
fragments--demonstrates the
' syntax and use of the new XOUT command. Basically,
the command
' works like pressing the buttons on an X-10 control
box; first you
' press one of 16 keys to identify the unit you want
to control,
' then you press the key for the action you want that
unit to
' take (turn ON, OFF, Bright, or Dim). There are also
two group-action
' keys, Lights ON and All OFF. Lights ON turns all
lamp modules on
' without affecting appliance modules. All OFF turns
off all modules,
' both lamp and appliance types.
' Using XOUT requires a 4-wire (2-I/O pin) connection
to a PL-513 or
' TW-523 X-10 module. See the application note for
zPin con 0 ' Zero-crossing-detect pin from TW523 or
mPin con 1 ' Modulation-control pin to TW523 or PL513.
' X-10 identifies modules by two codes: a House code
and a Unit code.
' By X-10 convention, House codes are A through P and
Unit codes are
' 1 through 16. For programming efficiency, the Stamp
II treats both
' of these as numbers from 0 through 15.
houseA con 0 ' House code: 0=A, 1=B... 15=P
Unit1 con 0 ' Unit code: 0=1, 1=2... 15=16
Unit2 con 1 ' Unit code 1=2.
' This first example turns a standard (appliance or
non-dimmer lamp)
' module ON, then OFF. Note that once the Unit code is
sent, it
' need not be repeated--subsequent instructions are
understood to
' be addressed to that unit.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\Unit1] ' Talk to Unit 1.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\uniton] ' Tell it to turn ON.
pause 1000 ' Wait a second.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\unitoff] ' Tell it to turn
' The next example talks to a dimmer module. Dimmers
go from full
' ON to dimmed OFF in 19 steps. Because dimming is
relative to
' the current state of the lamp, the only guaranteed
way to set a
' predefined brightness level is to turn the dimmer
fully OFF, then
' ON, then dim to the desired level. Otherwise, the
final setting of
' the module will depend on its initial brightness
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\Unit2] ' Talk to Unit 2.
' This example shows how to combine X-10 instructions
into a
' single line. We send OFF to the previously
identified unit (Unit2)
' for 2 cycles (the default for non-dimmer commands).
Then a comma
' introduces a second instruction that dims for 10
cycles. When you
' combine instructions, don't leave out the number of
cycles. The
' Stamp may accept your instruction without complaint,
but it
' won't work correctly--it may see the house code as
the number of
' cycles, the instruction as the house code, etc.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\unitoff\2,houseA\dim\10]
' Just to reinforce the idea of combining commands,
here's the
' first example again:
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\Unit1\2,houseA\uniton] ' Turn
Unit 1 ON.
pause 1000 ' Wait a second.
xout mPin,zPin,[noparse][[/noparse]houseA\Unit1\2,houseA\unitoff] ' Turn
Unit 1 OFF.
' End of program.
Listing 42.2
' Nuts & Volts: Stamp Applications, August 1998
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] Title
' File...... PCX10.BS2
' Purpose... PC-based X-10 Control via the Stamp II
' Author.... Jon Williams
' E-mail.... jonwms@a...
' WWW....... http://members.aol.com/jonwms
' Started... 28 JUN 1998
' Updated... 28 JUN 1998
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description
' This program X-10 commands from the pc using the
StampNet communications
' protocol. Actual X-10 control is via the XOUT
' Message structure:
' $55 header
' addr node address (must be 1 for X-10)
' msg HighNib = "F" for X-10, HowNib = house code
' pcHigh HighNib = unit code, LowNib = pc X-10
' pcLow lamp level for dimmer modules
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History
' 28 JUN 98 : Rev 1
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants
Baud96 CON 84 ' serial baud rate (to PC)
SIOPin CON 16 ' use programming port
' - couple ATN with capacitor
mPin CON 0 ' X-10 comm pin
zPin CON 1 ' X-10 zero-cross pin
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] Variables
addr VAR Byte ' node address
msg VAR Byte ' message
cmd VAR msg.Nib1
channel VAR msg.Nib0
pcData VAR Word ' data from pc
pcHigh VAR pcData.HighByte
pcLow VAR pcData.LowByte
sData VAR Word ' return data
sDHigh VAR sData.HighByte
sDLow VAR sData.LowByte
' X-10 variable mapping
hCode VAR msg.Nib0 ' X-10 house code (0-15)
uCode VAR pcHigh.HighNib ' X-10 unit code (0-15)
x10 VAR pcHigh.LowNib ' X-10 command (1 - 5)
lmpLvl VAR pcLow ' lamp level (1-19)
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] Main Code
Main: ' wait for message from PC
SERIN SIOPin, Baud96, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ($55), addr, msg, pcHigh,
' ignore bad address or non X-10
IF (addr <> 1) | (cmd <> $F) THEN Main
BRANCH x10,[noparse][[/noparse]Main, Unit1, Unit0, All1, All0, SetLvl]
' ignore if invalid x-10 command
' zero is not valid
' ----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines
' turn selected unit on
Unit1: XOUT mPin, zPin, [noparse][[/noparse]hCode\uCode\2,hCode\unitOn]
GOTO Rspnd
' turn selected unit off
Unit0: XOUT mPin, zPin, [noparse][[/noparse]hCode\uCode\2,hCode\unitOff]
GOTO Rspnd
' turn all lamps on
All1: XOUT mPin, zPin, [noparse][[/noparse]hCode\uCode\2,hCode\lightsOn]
GOTO Rspnd
' turn all units off
All0: XOUT mPin, zPin, [noparse][[/noparse]hCode\uCode\2,hCode\unitsOff]
GOTO Rspnd
' set light level
SetLvl: XOUT mPin, zPin, [noparse][[/noparse]hCode\uCode]
XOUT mPin, zPin, [noparse][[/noparse]hCode\unitOff\2,hCode\dim\lmpLvl]
GOTO Rspnd
Rspnd: ' output to PC (x-10 signature)
SEROUT SIOPin, Baud96, [noparse][[/noparse]"5501F000", 13]
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Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!
> Anyone know if there are any sample programs for the X-10 Module
controller on
> the parallax web site at:
> http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=27940
> ?
> I am specifically looking for use with a lamp dimming module.
> thanks,>
> Leroy Hall
I also found the following link. Hope this helps.
way communicaiton potential. Do any of the stamp prgrams take advantage of
that? Those modules are listed at:
has a new module for two-way).
Receiving two-way off the 523 requires listening to the zero-crossing
signal, and then getting the presence or absence of pulses --
something the Stamp does not have the speed to do.
The Basic Atom DOES have X10in commands -- BUT, you have to tell it
the house code you want to recieve codes for. My desired use was to
monitor the X10 signals to allow a controller to know what the state
of X10 commands in the house was -- and the Atom doesn't really
support this.
My research has not been exhaustive -- I'd like more input on this
subject also. AllanL.
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Leroy Hall" <leroy@f...> wrote:
> Thanks Bernard, I appreciate the feedback. SOme of the X-10
modules have two
> way communicaiton potential. Do any of the stamp prgrams take
advantage of
> that? Those modules are listed at:
> http://www.gadgethome.com/cgi-local/SoftCart.exe/scstore/p-
> szgz4531ff863786+1048545620
> thansk,
> Leroy
the PLIX http://www.micromint.com/products/chips.htm . I have never used
either of these chips, but I believe they are capable of handling the two
way communication between a PC or a microcontroller and a TW523. There are
some application notes on their site
http://www.micromint.com/app_notes/plixapp.htm .
Jack Seppelt
Original Message
From: "Leroy Hall" <leroy@f...>
To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] X-10 Module program
> Thanks Bernard, I appreciate the feedback. SOme of the X-10 modules have
> way communicaiton potential. Do any of the stamp prgrams take advantage
> that? Those modules are listed at:
> szgz4531ff863786+1048545620
> thansk,
> Leroy
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
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> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
>I've researched the X-10 two-way stuff (TW-523 module, and X10 now
>has a new module for two-way).
>Receiving two-way off the 523 requires listening to the zero-crossing
>signal, and then getting the presence or absence of pulses --
>something the Stamp does not have the speed to do.
Knowing nothing about this topic, why is this so? 0-crossing only
takes place at 120-hZ (in the 60-hZ parts of the world). Seems
slow, to me .. but then, as I say, I'm sure I'm missing something.
I'll be getting in to X10 modules soon (not Stamp controlled) for
ambient lighting control in my new -real- home theatre.
35mm film, not magnified videos. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ron Yost