button help
> I am trying to use several buttons, each to start a different action ( sub
> routine). Basically I want a different sound from the speaker with each
> button pressed. Of course I am new to stamps with this simple question.
> Here is my code:
> '-**`1'
i/o definintions
> '
> spkr con 0
> '
> '
> R con 0'
> C con 33
> Cs con 35
> D con 37
> Ds CON 39
> E CON 41
> F CON 44
> Fs CON 46
> G CON 49
> Gs CON 52
> A CON 55
> As CON 58
> B CON 62
> N1 CON 500
> N2 CON N1/2
> N3 CON N1/3
> N4 CON N1/4
> N8 CON N1/8
> '
> '
> note1 VAR WORD
> note2 VAR WORD
> dur VAR WORD
> oct1 VAR NIB
> oct2 VAR NIB
> digit VAR BYTE
> clkDly VAR WORD
> btn var byte
> again:
> 'debug "pin 1--", dec in1," "
> debug "pin 2--", dec in2," "
> 'debug "pin 3--", dec in3," "
> debug "pin 4--", dec in4," "
> 'debug "pin 5--", dec in5," "
> debug "pin 6---", dec in6," "
> 'debug "pin 7---", dec in7," "
> debug "pin 8---", dec in8," ", cr
> pause 2000
> debug cls
> 'button 1,1,255,255,btn,1,test1
> button 2,2,255,255,btn,2,test2
> 'button 3,3,255,255,btn,3,test3
> button 4,4,255,255,btn,4,test4
> 'button 5,5,255,255,btn,5,test5
> button 6,6,255,255,btn,6,test6
> 'button 7,7,255,255,btn,7,test7
> button 8,8,255,255,btn,8,test8
> pause 2000
> goto again
> test1:
> debug "switch one is on",cr
> freqout spkr,2000,350,440
> goto again
> test2:
> '
camptown song
> debug "switch two is on", cr
> 'debug "pin 1--", dec in1," "
> 'debug "pin 2--", dec in2," "
> 'debug "pin 3--", dec in3," "
> 'debug "pin 4--", dec in4," ",cr
> FOR x=0 to 13
> lookup X,[noparse][[/noparse]g,g,e,g,a,g,e,r,e,d,r,e,d,r],note1
> lookup X,[noparse][[/noparse]4,4,4,4,4,4,4,1,4,4,1,4,4,1],oct1
> lookup X,[noparse][[/noparse]N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N1,N2,N2,N8],DUR
> GOSUB Play1Note
> next
> pause 1000
> '----sub
> '
> Play1Note:
> note1 = note1 << (oct1-1)
> FREQOUT spkr,dur,note1
> return
> goto again
> test3:
> debug "switch three is on", cr
> FREQOUT SPKR,2000,350,440
> goto again
> test4:
> debug "switch four is on", cr
> FREQOUT SPKR,5000,350,440
> goto again
> test5:
> debug"switch five is on",cr
> freqout spkr,500,500,500
> goto again
> test6:
> debug "switch six is on",cr
> freqout spkr, 600,600,600
> goto again
> test7:
> debug "switch seven is on", cr
> freqout spkr,700,700,700
> goto again
> test8:
> debug "switch eight is on",cr
> freqout spkr,800,800,800
Kelly Hoffman
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> I am trying to use several buttons, each to start a different action ( sub
> routine). Basically I want a different sound from the speaker with each
> button pressed. Of course I am new to stamps with this simple question.
> Here is my code:
> '-**`1'
i/o definintions
> '
> spkr con 0
> '
> '
> R con 0'
> C con 33
> Cs con 35
> D con 37
> Ds CON 39
> E CON 41
> F CON 44
> Fs CON 46
> G CON 49
> Gs CON 52
> A CON 55
> As CON 58
> B CON 62
> N1 CON 500
> N2 CON N1/2
> N3 CON N1/3
> N4 CON N1/4
> N8 CON N1/8
> '
> '
> note1 VAR WORD
> note2 VAR WORD
> dur VAR WORD
> oct1 VAR NIB
> oct2 VAR NIB
> digit VAR BYTE
> clkDly VAR WORD
> btn var byte
> again:
> 'debug "pin 1--", dec in1," "
> debug "pin 2--", dec in2," "
> 'debug "pin 3--", dec in3," "
> debug "pin 4--", dec in4," "
> 'debug "pin 5--", dec in5," "
> debug "pin 6---", dec in6," "
> 'debug "pin 7---", dec in7," "
> debug "pin 8---", dec in8," ", cr
> pause 2000
> debug cls
> 'button 1,1,255,255,btn,1,test1
> button 2,2,255,255,btn,2,test2
> 'button 3,3,255,255,btn,3,test3
> button 4,4,255,255,btn,4,test4
> 'button 5,5,255,255,btn,5,test5
> button 6,6,255,255,btn,6,test6
> 'button 7,7,255,255,btn,7,test7
> button 8,8,255,255,btn,8,test8
> pause 2000
> goto again
> test1:
> debug "switch one is on",cr
> freqout spkr,2000,350,440
> goto again
> test2:
> '
camptown song
> debug "switch two is on", cr
> 'debug "pin 1--", dec in1," "
> 'debug "pin 2--", dec in2," "
> 'debug "pin 3--", dec in3," "
> 'debug "pin 4--", dec in4," ",cr
> FOR x=0 to 13
> lookup X,[noparse][[/noparse]g,g,e,g,a,g,e,r,e,d,r,e,d,r],note1
> lookup X,[noparse][[/noparse]4,4,4,4,4,4,4,1,4,4,1,4,4,1],oct1
> lookup X,[noparse][[/noparse]N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N2,N1,N2,N2,N8],DUR
> GOSUB Play1Note
> next
> pause 1000
> '----sub
> '
> Play1Note:
> note1 = note1 << (oct1-1)
> FREQOUT spkr,dur,note1
> return
> goto again
> test3:
> debug "switch three is on", cr
> FREQOUT SPKR,2000,350,440
> goto again
> test4:
> debug "switch four is on", cr
> FREQOUT SPKR,5000,350,440
> goto again
> test5:
> debug"switch five is on",cr
> freqout spkr,500,500,500
> goto again
> test6:
> debug "switch six is on",cr
> freqout spkr, 600,600,600
> goto again
> test7:
> debug "switch seven is on", cr
> freqout spkr,700,700,700
> goto again
> test8:
> debug "switch eight is on",cr
> freqout spkr,800,800,800
Kelly Hoffman
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
a byte variable for each call, so you would need eight separate bytes to
handle eight BUTTON functions. This is not the most efficient way to handle
multiple inputs.
Here's a small subroutine that will scan and debounce eight inputs. For
convenience sake of the code, I would suggest you change your inputs from
Pin1-to-Pin8 to Pin0-to-Pin7 -- you're still using eight inputs but your
working with the natural boundaries within the Stamp; this make debounce code
very simple.
Here's the subroutine (assumes you inputs are active-low):
buttons = %11111111 ' assume all are pressed
FOR idx = 1 TO 5
buttons = buttons & ~InL ' check state, clear if not pressed
PAUSE 10 ' debounce period (scan = 50 ms)
Now, your program can call this routine and any button that was pressed will
put a "1" in the corresponding bit position of "buttons." Using PBASIC 2.5
syntax, you can then do this:
IF buttons.LowBit(0) THEN GOSUB Test_0
IF buttons.LowBit(1) THEN GOSUB Test_1
and on and on. You just need to set each "Test_x" section of code as a
subroutine (end it with RETURN).
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
In a message dated 3/4/2003 7:43:18 PM Central Standard Time,
Kellyh9mm@a... writes:
> >I am trying to use several buttons, each to start a different action ( sub
> >routine). Basically I want a different sound from the speaker with each
> >button pressed. Of course I am new to stamps with this simple question.
> >Here is my code:
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
pushing the button again and again to move the claw a little each time i want to
program it to be able to move the claw as long as my finger is on the button.
Any examples or suggestions will appreciated.
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so that we can help further. thanks.
At 07:26 PM 2/1/2004, you wrote:
>I have programmed the claw to rotate and grip with an IR remote. But
>instead of pushing the button again and again to move the claw a little
>each time i want to program it to be able to move the claw as long as my
>finger is on the button. Any examples or suggestions will appreciated.
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little by little
servopos = 0
servopos = servopos + 50 max 254
if servopos > 254 then resetbutton
Gary Denison <gdii@c...> wrote:
Are you using stepper motor or servo motor and could you post your program
so that we can help further. thanks.
At 07:26 PM 2/1/2004, you wrote:
>I have programmed the claw to rotate and grip with an IR remote. But
>instead of pushing the button again and again to move the claw a little
>each time i want to program it to be able to move the claw as long as my
>finger is on the button. Any examples or suggestions will appreciated.
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