shiftout - from the manual
SHIFTOUT 0, 1, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse] 250 \4 ]
Will only output the lowest 4 bits (%0000 in this case).
This is a misprint, isn't it? Taken from page 315, manual 2.0c
Isn't the lowest 4 bits of 250, %1010 ????
Still trying to figure this out, thanks.
Will only output the lowest 4 bits (%0000 in this case).
This is a misprint, isn't it? Taken from page 315, manual 2.0c
Isn't the lowest 4 bits of 250, %1010 ????
Still trying to figure this out, thanks.
lowest 4 bits of 250 is indeed %1010
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]