Hi there!
I cannot read BASIC but JAVA, so I have this problem:
What does this command mean?
serin 10,164864,200,noecho1,[noparse][[/noparse]echo]
10 is clear to me (its the receiver pin), but the rest?
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
I cannot read BASIC but JAVA, so I have this problem:
What does this command mean?
serin 10,164864,200,noecho1,[noparse][[/noparse]echo]
10 is clear to me (its the receiver pin), but the rest?
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
> I cannot read BASIC but JAVA, so I have this problem:
> What does this command mean?
> serin 10,164864,200,noecho1,[noparse][[/noparse]echo]
10 would be the pin the SERIN statement is attached to.
164864 is the baudmode, although this is an invalid number (valid range
200 would be the timeout value (ie: if no data is received in this
noecho1 in this case is associated with the 200, if no data is received
before the timeout, the program will jump to the noecho1: subroutine
[noparse][[/noparse]echo] is the data you're looking for, and other instructions and
qualifiers for the incoming data, this would more often be something
[noparse][[/noparse]DEC, Data] <- Convert incoming data to decimal numbers and store in
Data variable
[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("TEMP:"),DEC Data] <- Wait for the string TEMP: to be received,
converts the characters that follow into decimal numbers, and store in
Data variable. Thus if it received, "TEMP:65F" you would end up with
"65" in the Data variable ("F" is not a valid number in decimal, so the
stamp would see the "F" and realize that all valid digits for this
string have been received at that point)
[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("DONE")] <- Will wait for the word "DONE" (up until timeout, or
forever if no timeout is specified) before program execution continues
[noparse][[/noparse]STR Data\8\"F"] < - Store the first 8 bytes of incoming data as a
string in variable Data (Data variable must be at least 8 bytes long ie:
"Data VAR BYTE(8)" ), *or* store incoming data in variable Data if an F
is detected before 8 bytes of data have been received (ie: "TEMP:5F" is
received, which is only 7 bytes, the stamp sees the "F" as the end
character and completes the operation, even though a full 8 bytes was
not received )
Hope that helps, it's kinda off the cuff, and I've only had 1 cup of tea
this morning, so I might've munged something slightly.
Thanks a lot!
Yeah, that was a very good explanation! Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
i have a question! i need to know if there is a way to timeout a
serin command.
Let me explain... here is my example:
I want that the "serin" command only wait for a answer of a pc or
other stamp, for 10seconds. After that it continues to the next
code ex:
serin xx,yy,yy 'if there is no answer for 10sec, timeout
is that possible???
i'm using BS1, but i'm waiting for all possibilities.
section of the latest stamp manual. But yes, it can easily be done.
Original Message
From: <jmsdweb@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 7:28 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serin
> Hi there!
> i have a question! i need to know if there is a way to timeout a
> serin command.
> Let me explain... here is my example:
> I want that the "serin" command only wait for a answer of a pc or
> other stamp, for 10seconds. After that it continues to the next
> procedure.
> code ex:
> [noparse][[/noparse]code]
> serin xx,yy,yy 'if there is no answer for 10sec, timeout
> [noparse][[/noparse]code]
> is that possible???
> i'm using BS1, but i'm waiting for all possibilities.
> thanks
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i already search in the serin section... i gona see it again.
you know... my english is not so good... i'm portuguese...
but once again, thanks
"using serial time-out feature"
is that possible for SB1 or, another way to do that?
but, you was a real help. past 10 min i haved posted my message, you
have answered. THANK YOU
not available on the BS1.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 2/10/2003 5:49:09 PM Central Standard Time,
jmsdweb@y... writes:
> yes! i found it!
> "using serial time-out feature"
> is that possible for SB1 or, another way to do that?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I am trying to implement SERIN and some if loops together with BS
1. If I put SERIN some where in the program then the other commands
are excuting only when I recieve some thing otherwise it is hanging
on SERIN. BS 2 has timeout function, but I am trying with BS 1.
Please help me in this regard if you have any ideas
advanced thanks
Krishna Palle
looks like this (ex. 25a123a45a9...) 'a' seperates the numbers
The following syntax works : SERIN 16, 240, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC x, DEC y]. The
result would be x=25, y=123.
The problem is that for strings containing many and/or varying
amount of numbers, I would need some logic. I wasn't able to embed a
for loop in the serin command - it gave me syntax errors; assuming
you know the number of numbers in the incoming string, does anyone
have any ideas on how to capture all the numbers to different
variables ?
Thanks, Arie
robert.bohlin@b... writes:
> I am wondering if there is another way for the stamp to wait for a
> command from another program like serin.
> I want to read the temperature and while doing that i want the stamp
> to wait for a command...
> if no command then read temperature
> if command then do somthing
Try this, Robert
serin pin, baud, 1000, readit, [noparse][[/noparse]"Do something"]
'Stamp will wait 1 second then jump to readit
(Read temp)
pause 100
goto start
Does this help?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I am wondering if there is another way for the stamp to wait for a
command from another program like serin.
I want to read the temperature and while doing that i want the stamp
to wait for a command...
if no command then read temperature
if command then do somthing
alert your "master" device that you're ready for a command. The article
below shows how to use flow control with an external device:
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Newzed@a... [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]Newzed@a...[/url
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:39 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serin
In a message dated 5/29/2004 5:16:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
robert.bohlin@b... writes:
> I am wondering if there is another way for the stamp to wait for a
> command from another program like serin.
> I want to read the temperature and while doing that i want the stamp
> to wait for a command...
> if no command then read temperature
> if command then do somthing
Try this, Robert
serin pin, baud, 1000, readit, [noparse][[/noparse]"Do something"]
'Stamp will wait 1 second then jump to readit
(Read temp)
pause 100
goto start
Does this help?
or from the "least significant bit" backward?
To summarize: 232 starts 'idle' high. It then sends
a 'start_bit' for one bit time LOW. It then sends the
Least Significant Bit for one bit time -- and so forth,
to the MSBit. It then holds HIGH for one bit time,
before the next start bit can be seen.
So, it sends LSB to MSB.
--- In, "Green One" <greenish_green@y...>
> does serin read bits starting from the "most significant bit"
> or from the "least significant bit" backward?
On 3 Jun 04 at 22:18, Green One wrote:
> does serin read bits starting from the "most significant bit"
> forward or from the "least significant bit" backward?