basicstamp + H-bridge
I am currently working with an H-bridge to try to control a turntable
motor but have been so far unsuccessful.
I am using it with the Basic Stap 2 from Parallax Inc.
everything seems to be in working order, The stamp is working fine and the
turntable motor will spin when not hooked up to the H-bridge.
I have tried two different H-bridges, thinking I may have damaged the first
one I used, but I have had no luck in getting the
H-bridge to turn the motor. the motor is 60 volt DC.
If you have any information that may help me, or know of anyone that could,
please e-mail me. I have been working on this project for several months
now for an advanced Robotics course and I can't seem to find the solution to
this problem.
Thank you for your help,
Jason Poteat
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motor but have been so far unsuccessful.
I am using it with the Basic Stap 2 from Parallax Inc.
everything seems to be in working order, The stamp is working fine and the
turntable motor will spin when not hooked up to the H-bridge.
I have tried two different H-bridges, thinking I may have damaged the first
one I used, but I have had no luck in getting the
H-bridge to turn the motor. the motor is 60 volt DC.
If you have any information that may help me, or know of anyone that could,
please e-mail me. I have been working on this project for several months
now for an advanced Robotics course and I can't seem to find the solution to
this problem.
Thank you for your help,
Jason Poteat
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What are you using to drive the legs of the H's? What kind of transistors?
Are you attempting to control the speed of the motor in both directions?
Or is it an On/Off control?
Also, if it is simply On/Off control, how quickly to you need to reverse
directions? The reason for asking is if the control is On/Off and you don't
need to rapidy chance motor rotation, the objective can be accomplished with
a double pole double throw relay. The relay coil will be driven by a
transisitor, the transistor can be easily controlled by the stamp.
Let me know in more detail what you are currently using (H) and how you want
to control. I can help with this....
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