Temperature sensor usage and preferences
I've tried out a few different temperature sensors now. The AD592,
AD590 metal can, DS1620, and the LM34DZ. I need to use the Farenheit
scale and the Celcius sensors aren't working very well. Between the
non-floating point and round-down only math of the stamp I'm getting
poor granularity after conversion to degrees F. THe 1620 doesn't
really lend itself to being a probe either of course.
Thanks to parallax's Industrial Control curriculum, the LM34 is
working GREAT. A bit of drift, 0.2 degree span where it jumps around
but I think that might be because I have a 10 pF cap between Vin(+)
and ground on the ADC0831 (supposed to be 10uF). Not significant
really since I only display the whole number. I'll grab some 10uFs
today anyway.
I'm wondering though, are there any sensors that a heating
contractor/supply would carry that I could use with the stamp?
Preferrably something that wouldn't require an ice-bath to calibrate
if the sensor is changed... Any favorites people use?
AD590 metal can, DS1620, and the LM34DZ. I need to use the Farenheit
scale and the Celcius sensors aren't working very well. Between the
non-floating point and round-down only math of the stamp I'm getting
poor granularity after conversion to degrees F. THe 1620 doesn't
really lend itself to being a probe either of course.
Thanks to parallax's Industrial Control curriculum, the LM34 is
working GREAT. A bit of drift, 0.2 degree span where it jumps around
but I think that might be because I have a 10 pF cap between Vin(+)
and ground on the ADC0831 (supposed to be 10uF). Not significant
really since I only display the whole number. I'll grab some 10uFs
today anyway.
I'm wondering though, are there any sensors that a heating
contractor/supply would carry that I could use with the stamp?
Preferrably something that wouldn't require an ice-bath to calibrate
if the sensor is changed... Any favorites people use?
type thermocouple to digital converter(0 to 128 C). So far they work
great. You need to do some creative math to get the resolution you
need when you convert from C to F.
--- In basicstamps@y..., "ghidera2000" <ghidera2000@y...> wrote:
> I've tried out a few different temperature sensors now. The AD592,
> AD590 metal can, DS1620, and the LM34DZ. I need to use the
> scale and the Celcius sensors aren't working very well. Between the
> non-floating point and round-down only math of the stamp I'm
> poor granularity after conversion to degrees F. THe 1620 doesn't
> really lend itself to being a probe either of course.
> Thanks to parallax's Industrial Control curriculum, the LM34 is
> working GREAT. A bit of drift, 0.2 degree span where it jumps
> but I think that might be because I have a 10 pF cap between Vin(+)
> and ground on the ADC0831 (supposed to be 10uF). Not significant
> really since I only display the whole number. I'll grab some 10uFs
> today anyway.
> I'm wondering though, are there any sensors that a heating
> contractor/supply would carry that I could use with the stamp?
> Preferrably something that wouldn't require an ice-bath to
> if the sensor is changed... Any favorites people use?