I can''t get my LCD to initialize!
<PRE>When I say "talk" to it....I mean you have to wait several milliseconds
you initialize but defore you actually start sending data to the LCD. The LCD
will start up in 8 bit mode (default) unless you set it up otherwise. How
many pins are connected to the LCD ? You need at least 7 for 4 bit mode or 11
for 8 bit mode. Are you sharing pins with any other device (suc as a keypad)
or is the LCD the only device connected to the Stamp?
you initialize but defore you actually start sending data to the LCD. The LCD
will start up in 8 bit mode (default) unless you set it up otherwise. How
many pins are connected to the LCD ? You need at least 7 for 4 bit mode or 11
for 8 bit mode. Are you sharing pins with any other device (suc as a keypad)
or is the LCD the only device connected to the Stamp?