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max 7219 questions

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2002-09-17 19:39 in General Discussion
Hello group,

I am using the MAX7219 and it is working well. I am using parallaxinc
supplied code. I am having some trouble using hte full function of the driver
though. Here is a picture of how I plan to use it.

I have two seperate 3 digit displays that have two different one byte data.
I am having a problem doing this though. I have tried a few things but with
no luck.
Any ideas on how to put in two seperate bytes to display on the board shown
would be appreciated.

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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2002-09-17 19:18
    Hi Group,

    I am guessing I probably did not provide enough info (I'm hoping so [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    I'm using the Stamp BS2e, although regular bs2 code is what I'm using.

    Here is the display part of my code. I decided since I had changed so many
    things in attempts to make it work reverted back to the original code so as
    to not confuse anyone. The two bytes I would like to display are RPM1 and



    rpm1 = 123
    rpm2 = 201
    gosub MaxDisplay
    debug dec dispval,cr

    goto loop

    ' ========================= SUBROUTINES ============================
    ' The MAX7219 won't accept a number like "2742" and display it on
    ' the LEDs. Instead, it expects the program to send it individual
    ' digits preceded by their position on the display. For example,
    ' "2742" on a five-digit display would be expressed as:
    ' "digit 5: blank; digit 4: 2; digit 3: 7; digit 2: 4; digit 1: 2"
    ' The routine MaxDisplay below does just that, separating a value
    ' into individual digits and sending them to the MAX7219. If the
    ' lefthand digits are zero (as in a number like "102") the
    ' routine sends blanks, not zeros until it encounters the first
    ' non-zero digit. This is called "leading-zero blanking."
    nonZ = 0 ' Clear flag for 1st non-zero digit.
    for index = 7 to 1 ' Work from digit 5 down to digit 1.
    shiftout DATA_n,CLK,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]index] ' Send digit position.
    temp = dispVal dig (index-1) ' Get decimal digit (0-4) of dispVal.
    if temp = 0 then skip1 ' If digit = 0, don't set nonZ flag.
    nonZ = 1
    if nonZ = 1 OR temp <> 0 OR index = 1 then skip2 ' If leading 0..
    temp = 15 '..write a blank to the display.
    shiftout DATA_n,CLK,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]temp] ' Send the digit.
    pulsout Load,5 ' And load the display.
    next ' Repeat for all 5 digits.
    return ' Done? Return.



    This code is grabbed straight from the Parallax datasheets.

    What I would like to do is display two seperate bytes of data on the 2
    seperate 3 digit LED displays that I have.
    I am starting to think that what I want can not be done because all of the
    info I can dig up on google regarding stamp and 7219 is limited to 5 digits,
    which is due to 16bit limit. If this is the case then I think that this has
    not been advertsied correctly by parallax, 8 digits would be nice, as long as
    you can actually display more then 16 bits. I will assume that I am just not
    figuring this out correctly at this point. I have been using 74HC595 so far
    and you have unlimited the display size (except for board space which the
    shiftregisters take up a lot of and is why I switched to max7219). I have
    already made and stuffed the board and would hate to have to throw the board
    away and start from scratch.

    If someone could please help me I would be so happy. I imagine I can't be the
    first person using a stamp to want to do something like this.

    thanx in advance,

    > Hello group,
    > I am using the MAX7219 and it is working well. I am using parallaxinc
    > supplied code. I am having some trouble using hte full function of the
    > driver
    > though. Here is a picture of how I plan to use it.
    > I have two seperate 3 digit displays that have two different one byte data.
    > I am having a problem doing this though. I have tried a few things but with
    > no luck.
    > Any ideas on how to put in two seperate bytes to display on the board shown
    > would be appreciated.

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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2002-09-17 19:39
    Here is the url for the parallax application notes.



    if that doesn't work go here and select maximum7219

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