I have the older QV305 evaluation board with a 33120 chip (120 seconds). The
board works like a charm from the real RS232 port but I can not get it to talk
to the Stamp 2P40. I have tried all the baudmode combinations I can think of to
no avail. The only difference between the 232 and TTL interface is a simple
jumper that removes the drive from the MAX232CPE chip.
Tha manual "hints" that a pull up or pull down may be needed for this. I have
tried both, no luck.
ANy ideas out there??
Mike B.
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board works like a charm from the real RS232 port but I can not get it to talk
to the Stamp 2P40. I have tried all the baudmode combinations I can think of to
no avail. The only difference between the 232 and TTL interface is a simple
jumper that removes the drive from the MAX232CPE chip.
Tha manual "hints" that a pull up or pull down may be needed for this. I have
tried both, no luck.
ANy ideas out there??
Mike B.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]