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Humidity & Temperature Sensmitter SHT11 (-75) — Parallax Forums

Humidity & Temperature Sensmitter SHT11 (-75)

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2002-08-20 22:04 in General Discussion
Is there anybody who used this new sensor
with stamp2 und have some code??
It would make it more easy to start.

Thanks Heinz Germany

[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2002-08-19 05:24

    The below worked for me.

    Mit freundlichen Gr
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2002-08-19 14:11
    it's nice to get Your quick respond

    Thanks and "liebe Gr
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2002-08-19 21:01
    Heinz and Steve,

    For the record, here is another program that services the sht11 or
    sht15. It's a little shorter than Steve's, because it ignores the
    CRC calculation, and it uses shiftout and shiftin instead of bit
    banging. So, different ways to do the same thing. By the way,
    Steve, thanks for turning me on to this Sensirion chip. It is very
    sensitive and a marvel of engineering.

    -- regards
    Tracy Allen
    electronically monitored ecosystems

    '{$STAMP BS2}
    ' (c) Tracy Allen,
    ' access the Sensirion model sht11 or sht15
    ' humidity and temperature chip
    ' temperature to xx.xx degrees Celsius, RH to xx.x %
    ' hookup sht11 or sht15 as follows for this program
    ' Stamp SHT1x
    ' Vss
    pin 1
    330 ohm isolation resistor, required
    ' p1
    pin 2 dta, data
    ' Vdd--/\/\
    ' 4.7k pullup resistor, required
    ' p0
    pin 3 sck, clock
    ' Vdd
    pin 4 +5 volts
    ' The following code does not implement the CRC checking

    sck con 0
    dta con 1 ' note, 5k-10k pullup, also 330ohm between the dta on
    stamp to dta on sht
    dtain var in1
    shtTR con 3 ' read temperature
    shtRH con 5 ' read humidity
    shtSW con 6 ' status register write
    shtSR con 7 ' status register read
    shtS0 con 30 ' restore status register defaults (then delay 11
    cmd var byte
    result var word ' raw result from sht, also used as counter
    r0 var result.byte0
    r1 var result.byte1
    degC var word ' degrees Celsius * 100
    RH var word ' %RH
    RHtc var word ' for temperature compensation of RH

    gosub shtrst ' reset communication with sht

    cmd=shtTR ' temperature command to sht
    gosub shtget16
    debug tab,dec result, tab,"degC=",dec degC/100,".",dec2 degC
    cmd=shtRH ' humidity command to sht
    gosub shtget16
    ' temperature comp (unverified--needs testing)
    debug tab, dec result,tab,"%RH=",dec RH/10,".",dec1 RH
    debug tab,"%RHtc=",dec RHtc/10,".",dec1 RHtc,cr
    pause 1000
    goto mainloop:

    shtRst: ' initializes communication with sht
    shiftout dta,sck,lsbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]$ffff\16]

    ' get 16 bits of data, enter with command in "cmd"
    gosub shtcmd ' send the command "cmd"
    gosub shtwait ' wait for command to finish
    shiftin dta,sck,msbpre,[noparse][[/noparse]r1] ' msbyte
    low dta ' acknowledge
    pulsout sck,10
    input dta
    shiftin dta,sck,msbpre,[noparse][[/noparse]r0] ' lsbyte
    input dta ' terminate communication
    pulsout sck,10

    ' send start sequence and command
    shtStart: ' send the start sequence
    ' dta: ~~~~~|_____|~~~~~~
    ' sck: ___|~~~|_|~~~~|____
    ' while dta is low, clock goes low and then high
    input dta ' pullup high
    high sck
    low dta
    low sck
    high sck
    input dta
    low sck
    shtcmd1: ' send the command
    shiftout dta,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]cmd]
    input dta ' allow acknowledge
    pulsout sck,10

    ' wait for sht to pull data pin low
    ' wait 50-220ms for command to finish
    ' or time out
    if dtain & result.bit9 then shtwait2
    if result>512 then donewait
    debug 7 ' bell signals timeout error
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2002-08-20 22:04
    Thanks Tracy and Steve
    Your response is quicker then I am able to start

    Heinz Germany

    Original Message
    From: "Tracy Allen" <tracy@e...>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 10:01 PM
    Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Humidity & Temperature Sensmitter SHT11 (-75)

    > Heinz and Steve,
    > For the record, here is another program that services the sht11 or
    > sht15. It's a little shorter than Steve's, because it ignores the
    > CRC calculation, and it uses shiftout and shiftin instead of bit
    > banging. So, different ways to do the same thing. By the way,
    > Steve, thanks for turning me on to this Sensirion chip. It is very
    > sensitive and a marvel of engineering.
    > -- regards
    > Tracy Allen
    > electronically monitored ecosystems
    > mailto:tracy@e...
    > '{$STAMP BS2}
    > ' (c) Tracy Allen,
    > ' access the Sensirion model sht11 or sht15
    > ' humidity and temperature chip
    > ' temperature to xx.xx degrees Celsius, RH to xx.x %
    > ' hookup sht11 or sht15 as follows for this program
    > ' Stamp SHT1x
    > ' Vss
    pin 1
    > 330 ohm isolation resistor, required
    > ' p1
    pin 2 dta, data
    > ' Vdd--/\/\
    > ' 4.7k pullup resistor, required
    > ' p0
    pin 3 sck, clock
    > ' Vdd
    pin 4 +5 volts
    > '
    > ' The following code does not implement the CRC checking
    > sck con 0
    > dta con 1 ' note, 5k-10k pullup, also 330ohm between the dta on
    > stamp to dta on sht
    > dtain var in1
    > shtTR con 3 ' read temperature
    > shtRH con 5 ' read humidity
    > shtSW con 6 ' status register write
    > shtSR con 7 ' status register read
    > shtS0 con 30 ' restore status register defaults (then delay 11
    > milliseconds)
    > cmd var byte
    > result var word ' raw result from sht, also used as counter
    > r0 var result.byte0
    > r1 var result.byte1
    > degC var word ' degrees Celsius * 100
    > RH var word ' %RH
    > RHtc var word ' for temperature compensation of RH
    > initialize:
    > outs=0
    > dirs=%1111111111111101
    > gosub shtrst ' reset communication with sht
    > mainloop:
    > getTemperature:
    > cmd=shtTR ' temperature command to sht
    > gosub shtget16
    > degC=result-4000
    > debug tab,dec result, tab,"degC=",dec degC/100,".",dec2 degC
    > getHumidity:
    > cmd=shtRH ' humidity command to sht
    > gosub shtget16
    > RH=(26542-(2**result))**result-40
    > ' temperature comp (unverified--needs testing)
    > RHtc=52**result+6554
    > RHtc=(RHtc**(degC/100+248))-(RHtc**248)+RH
    > debug tab, dec result,tab,"%RH=",dec RH/10,".",dec1 RH
    > debug tab,"%RHtc=",dec RHtc/10,".",dec1 RHtc,cr
    > pause 1000
    > goto mainloop:
    > shtRst: ' initializes communication with sht
    > shiftout dta,sck,lsbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]$ffff\16]
    > return
    > ' get 16 bits of data, enter with command in "cmd"
    > shtget16:
    > gosub shtcmd ' send the command "cmd"
    > gosub shtwait ' wait for command to finish
    > shiftin dta,sck,msbpre,[noparse][[/noparse]r1] ' msbyte
    > low dta ' acknowledge
    > pulsout sck,10
    > input dta
    > shiftin dta,sck,msbpre,[noparse][[/noparse]r0] ' lsbyte
    > input dta ' terminate communication
    > pulsout sck,10
    > return
    > ' send start sequence and command
    > shtcmd:
    > shtStart: ' send the start sequence
    > ' dta: ~~~~~|_____|~~~~~~
    > ' sck: ___|~~~|_|~~~~|____
    > ' while dta is low, clock goes low and then high
    > input dta ' pullup high
    > high sck
    > low dta
    > low sck
    > high sck
    > input dta
    > low sck
    > shtcmd1: ' send the command
    > shiftout dta,sck,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]cmd]
    > input dta ' allow acknowledge
    > pulsout sck,10
    > return
    > shtWait:
    > ' wait for sht to pull data pin low
    > ' wait 50-220ms for command to finish
    > ' or time out
    > result=1024
    > shtwait2:
    > result=result-1
    > if dtain & result.bit9 then shtwait2
    > if result>512 then donewait
    > debug 7 ' bell signals timeout error
    > donewait:
    > return
    > To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
    > from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body
    of the
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