A couple BS2 basic electronic engineering questions ( i think)
I am new guy to the world of electronics. I have taken moderate
engineering in college (days ago...) and I have a CIS degree.
I am really getting into using the Basic Stamp 2 to help me learn
things and get better. I have some basic questions, I could really
use some help on - if anyone would be willing to donate a few
seconds, I would really appreciate it!
First of all, the project is control my model railroad.
1.) Is there a way to use a serial signal to control a voltage
signal of between (0-14V) by using the BS2. I have a 120VAC power
supply running through a bridge rec. and a capacitor for cleaning. I
want this variable output voltage to be able to speed up and slow
down the trains on the track and be set by the BS2. I know there are
solid state resistors, but I have not found any that seem to be able
to handle that type of load.
2.) Is there a solid-state device to create a DPDT switch. As a
compliment to question number 1, I need to be able to reverse the
polarity on the track at any given moment to change train directions.
3.) As I am new to electronics, can anyone recomend a good book with
more of an example type ephasis. I am good at math, but it seems all
the books I find deal only in math. I learn better with practical
examples and I just can't seem to find that type of (electronics for
dummys) book.
Thank you so much for your imput and for your suggestions.
engineering in college (days ago...) and I have a CIS degree.
I am really getting into using the Basic Stamp 2 to help me learn
things and get better. I have some basic questions, I could really
use some help on - if anyone would be willing to donate a few
seconds, I would really appreciate it!
First of all, the project is control my model railroad.
1.) Is there a way to use a serial signal to control a voltage
signal of between (0-14V) by using the BS2. I have a 120VAC power
supply running through a bridge rec. and a capacitor for cleaning. I
want this variable output voltage to be able to speed up and slow
down the trains on the track and be set by the BS2. I know there are
solid state resistors, but I have not found any that seem to be able
to handle that type of load.
2.) Is there a solid-state device to create a DPDT switch. As a
compliment to question number 1, I need to be able to reverse the
polarity on the track at any given moment to change train directions.
3.) As I am new to electronics, can anyone recomend a good book with
more of an example type ephasis. I am good at math, but it seems all
the books I find deal only in math. I learn better with practical
examples and I just can't seem to find that type of (electronics for
dummys) book.
Thank you so much for your imput and for your suggestions.
How many watts are you dealing with: If it is under 100 I would consider using a
BUCK CONVERTER as used in switching power supplies. MUCH information about this
switching topology can be found on the Texas Instruments web page. By
controlling the duty cycle of a pulse going into the base / gate of a transistor
you can control the output voltage. As far as solid state polarity reversal is
concerned I would construct a complimentary buck converter which outputs a
negative voltage that turns on through a user control. You would have to program
some protection logic into the basic stamp so when one of the converters is on
the other one is off. I also think going with two seperate buck converters would
be cheaper than using a solid state relay.
Good Luck!
-=Randy Knutson
trainguy1228 wrote:I am new guy to the world of electronics. I have taken
engineering in college (days ago...) and I have a CIS degree.
I am really getting into using the Basic Stamp 2 to help me learn
things and get better. I have some basic questions, I could really
use some help on - if anyone would be willing to donate a few
seconds, I would really appreciate it!
First of all, the project is control my model railroad.
1.) Is there a way to use a serial signal to control a voltage
signal of between (0-14V) by using the BS2. I have a 120VAC power
supply running through a bridge rec. and a capacitor for cleaning. I
want this variable output voltage to be able to speed up and slow
down the trains on the track and be set by the BS2. I know there are
solid state resistors, but I have not found any that seem to be able
to handle that type of load.
2.) Is there a solid-state device to create a DPDT switch. As a
compliment to question number 1, I need to be able to reverse the
polarity on the track at any given moment to change train directions.
3.) As I am new to electronics, can anyone recomend a good book with
more of an example type ephasis. I am good at math, but it seems all
the books I find deal only in math. I learn better with practical
examples and I just can't seem to find that type of (electronics for
dummys) book.
Thank you so much for your imput and for your suggestions.
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direct advice, but a quick Google search turned up some stuff that may well
be of use to you. The best link seemed to be this PDF which is a Basic Stamp
1 project doing pretty much exactly what you describe:
You may find some more links that are useful at this Google search:
I wish I could help more, but I hope that gives you some starting points.
trainguy1228 wrote:
> I am new guy to the world of electronics. I have taken moderate
> engineering in college (days ago...) and I have a CIS degree.
> I am really getting into using the Basic Stamp 2 to help me learn
> things and get better. I have some basic questions, I could really
> use some help on - if anyone would be willing to donate a few
> seconds, I would really appreciate it!
researching these leads ASAP. So much great information! Thanks!
--- In basicstamps@y..., "Cookstour" <cookie@y...> wrote:
> As I'm also pretty new to the whole world of electronics I don't
have any
> direct advice, but a quick Google search turned up some stuff that
may well
> be of use to you. The best link seemed to be this PDF which is a
Basic Stamp
> 1 project doing pretty much exactly what you describe:
> http://www.pond.ie/ftp/stamp1_apps/trains.pdf
> You may find some more links that are useful at this Google search:
> http://www.google.com/search?
> ge+control+basic+stamp
> I wish I could help more, but I hope that gives you some starting
> .steve
> http://www.cookstour.org
> trainguy1228 wrote:
> > I am new guy to the world of electronics. I have taken moderate
> > engineering in college (days ago...) and I have a CIS degree.
> >
> > I am really getting into using the Basic Stamp 2 to help me learn
> > things and get better. I have some basic questions, I could
> > use some help on - if anyone would be willing to donate a few
> > seconds, I would really appreciate it!
> >