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Jon Willaims is the man — Parallax Forums

Jon Willaims is the man

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2002-08-16 04:01 in General Discussion
Just by accident I picked up two out of date Nuts & Volts magazines yesterday
(July and August) and low and behold the was an article about "Multi-Bank
Programming" ! This article could not have been more directed to me unless the
headline actually read "To: Mike B." !!

Thanks a bunch Jon as this is EXACTLY the info I was looking for to help get
my mind around the new "P" chip I just moved up to from the BS2IC.

What a great article, complex in capability but written in clear, easy to
understand and easy to see where you are coming from style.

Any chance you will be giving Stamp Polling the same treatment anytime soon??

Mike B.

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