SEROUT Command Structure
Okay... I know it sounds like a silly question, and I hate to be the
one to ask it, but what is the format for the out put of the serout
command on a BS2? I have been try to write a subroutine for a PIC
16F84 to read the serial data from a BS2 from the serout command,
and I cant figure out whether or not the serout command outputs a
startbit and/or stop bit, and if so or either, is the timing between
bits the same as whatever i set the baud to? I am inteding to use a
standard 8N 4800 baud, but i just dont know about the start and stop
bits. If someone could gimme some advice, id be very greatful.
Thanks everyone.
one to ask it, but what is the format for the out put of the serout
command on a BS2? I have been try to write a subroutine for a PIC
16F84 to read the serial data from a BS2 from the serout command,
and I cant figure out whether or not the serout command outputs a
startbit and/or stop bit, and if so or either, is the timing between
bits the same as whatever i set the baud to? I am inteding to use a
standard 8N 4800 baud, but i just dont know about the start and stop
bits. If someone could gimme some advice, id be very greatful.
Thanks everyone.
Yes the Stamp serout command transmits both a start bit and at least
one stop bit (usually more). You can find an example diagram here:
<> on this page near the top after
the baudmode table, and also information on timing specific to the
Stamp. Also look at the Parallax BASIC Stamp manual, or Jan Axelson's
book <>. There is PIC code for RS232
communications avaialble online, and in particular Scott Edwards'
code from the PIC source book is available in the public domain at:
-- Tracy
>Okay... I know it sounds like a silly question, and I hate to be the
>one to ask it, but what is the format for the out put of the serout
>command on a BS2? I have been try to write a subroutine for a PIC
>16F84 to read the serial data from a BS2 from the serout command,
>and I cant figure out whether or not the serout command outputs a
>startbit and/or stop bit, and if so or either, is the timing between
>bits the same as whatever i set the baud to? I am inteding to use a
>standard 8N 4800 baud, but i just dont know about the start and stop
>bits. If someone could gimme some advice, id be very greatful.
>Thanks everyone.