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Keypad subroutine

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2002-07-01 17:47 in General Discussion
Any Ideas on how I can take the program below and put it into some type of
subroutine so that when a key is pressed my stamp will go and get the value.
Input 12 is a keystrobe so when this input goes low that means a key has been
pressed. I have a menu driven system that pretty well uses four keys unless
your entering data and I can't seem to get the value and return back to where I
was in my menu.

'{$STAMP BS2e}
'=========Define names for LCD instructions, bps=======
CLRTRM con 12 ' Clear
entire LCD screen.
star con "*" '
Backspace key
pound con "#" ' Enter
ESC con 27 '
Escape character
BAUD con $054 ' 9600
baud, BS2.
'=========Define variable(s)===========================
keyIn var byte ' Digit
entered at keypad.
numVal var word ' Numeric
value input from keys.
' =================Begin demonstration=================
pause 5000 ' Wait a
sec. ' Clear the screen and print text.
serout 10,BAUD,[noparse][[/noparse]CLRTRM,"Enter number:",cr]
numVal = 0 ' Clear
numVal to accept new value.
Now enter a loop that checks TRM keystrobe (on BS2
pin P2) for key-press indication (0).
input 12 ' Set
keystrobe input.
pause 50 '
Simulate other processing.
if in12 = 1 then again ' No key
serin 11\12,BAUD,[noparse][[/noparse]keyIn] ' Get number
if keyIn = star then backspace
if keyIn = pound then enter
if keyIn < "0" then again ' Reject
if keyIn > "9" then again
The next line multiplies numVal by 10 (shifting its
value one decimal position to the left), and adds
the value of the current key. Subtracting "0"
converts the key's ASCII code to its numeric value.
numVal = numVal * 10 + (keyIn - "0")
serout 10,BAUD,[noparse][[/noparse]keyIn]
goto again
' If
the backspace key (*) is pressed, divide accumulated

' numVal by 10 (to remove ones-place digit value) and
echo a backspace character to the display.
numVal = numVal/10
serout 10,BAUD,[noparse][[/noparse]BKSP]
goto again
' If
the enter key (#) is pressed, clear the screen and
announce the value of numVal. Then wait for a keypress
' to
resume the program from the beginning.
serout 10,BAUD,[noparse][[/noparse]CLRTRM,"You entered: ", DEC numVal,cr,cr]
serout 10,BAUD,[noparse][[/noparse]"Press any key",cr, "to continue"]
input 12 ' Set
keystrobe input.
if in12 = 1 then hold ' No key
pause 100 ' pause
to discard key input.
goto begin

[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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